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17 Cards in this Set

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What do obstructive and restrictive flow-volume loops look like?
Obstructive is decreased top to bottom b/c flow rate is on the y-axis. Flow is dec in obstructive dx b/c of inc airway resistance
Restrictive is dec medial to lateral b/c the x-axis measures volume. Volume is dec in restrictive dx b/c the lungs have difficulty expanding
What measures are typically low with obstructive dx?
What type of dx is PEFR dec in? Why?
Obstructive, b/c peak exp. flow rate measures flow (speed) of expiration
Restrictive is usually normal
What measures are typically dec in restrictive dx?
FVC nd FEV1 b/c dec volume
However, FEV1/FVC is not dec b/c both are dec proportionally
How does restrictive dx influence the flow-volume loop? Spirograph?
F-V loops: Dec it horizontally
Spirograph: Dec it vertically
How does obstructive dx influence the flow-volume loop? Spirograph?
Flow-volume: Dec it vertically
Spirograph: dec steepness of slope b/c of dec flow rat
What effect will ex have on restrictive dx?
Inc RR b/c can't increase volume
This inc's dead space and energy expenditure and can cause hypocapnea
What effect will ex have on obstructive dx?
Resp mm must work harder to overcome resistance in airways
What is MVV?
Max volunary ventilation
Max amt. of air that can be inhaled and exhaled in 15 sec (multiply by 4 to get 1 min)
124.8 = predicted value
Tells you that you can inc your ventilation with ex and that this is or is not the limiting factor
What is O2 defecit and why does it occur? How do you calculate it?
It is a decrease in oxygen consumption below the average steady state consumption
It occurs b/c initially we use anaerobic glycolysis, CPh stores, and O2 already bound to myoglobin and hgb to supply fuel to our musces
Average steady state VO2 - VO2 at a particularl interval to calculate
What is EPOC?
Inc rate of oxygen consumption following ex
Due to cellular repair, replenishing energy reserves, clear lactate, replenish glycogen
How do we meet the body's energy demands prior to attaining a steady state?
Creating Phosphate
Anaerobic glycolysis
Desaturate oxygen stores
How do you calculate EPOC?
Avg resting VO2 - VO2 after ex
Why does minute ventilation inc before ex starts?
Feedforward system due proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors
VO2 formula
Q x a-vO2 difference (fick formula)
What is RER and what does it tell you?
Respirtory exchange ratio
Tells you what fuel source you are using, .7 = fat, 1.0 = CHO
What happens to FEO2 and FECO2 with ex?
FEO2 decreases b/c we extra O2 better
ECO2 increases b/c we are producing more CO2 and we need to get rid of it