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12 Cards in this Set

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When is TTE indicated when a murmur is heard?

- Systolic murmurs > grade 3/6 or late or holosystolic murmurs

- Diastolic or continuous murmurs

- Murmurs w/ accompanying symptoms

When is TEE indicated?

Assessment of leaflet involvement, particularly for patients w/ MR

For evaluation of AS, what is contractile reserve?

- An increase in transaortic stroke volume of > 20% with dobutamine infusion

- In patients w/ severe AS w/ LV dysfucntion but reserve, mean gradient will increase w/ dobutamine stress, AV area will remain below 1.0cm, these patients will benefit from AVR.

- Those w/ an increase in AVR to greater than 1cm w/ max velocity < 4 and mod AS --> medical therapy

- Contractile reserve - if not present portends to worse prognosis w/ surgery

What is paradoxi low gradient AS?

AV is reduced in setting of preserved EF but reduced SV, associated w/ small LV size and LVH

- This may cause the severity of stenosis to be understimated by echo due to low gradient

- Surgical candidate

How is AS managed?

- Exercise stress to see whose symptoamtic --> predictive of more rapid progression

- AVR is indicated in symptomatic patients, and asymptoatic patients w/ severe disease and LV dysfunction

- AVR associated w/ low mortality, valvuloplasty has a limited role, typically effect lasts a couple months

When is TAVR indicated? What are the results of the PARTNER trial?

- Higher risk patients, have similar survival to surgical replacement;

- TAVR is superior to medicla therapy in patietns thoguth not to be surgical candidates

- Not approved for patients with bicuspid valves, significant AR, or mitral valve disease

- Patients who have an STS score > 8 (surgical risk)

How is AR managed?

Acute AR

Chronic severe AR - in symptomatic patients, or in patients w/ AV dysunfction, and those undergoing CABG

- If there is an associated aortic root aneurysm, combined AVR

- Before proceeding to surgery, can mediate w/ vasodilators and inotropic agents

- Medications including ACEs, ARBs, calcium channel blockers have not been shown to delay need for surgery

How often should patients be screened for bicsupid valve?

Asymkptomatic patients w/ bicuspid AV and severe AVS require yearly echo

Those with midl stenosis - TTE every 3- 5 years

- If there is ascending aortic dilation of 4.5 or greater, should have yearly TTE --> surgery is indicated when the aortic root diameter is > 5.5cm, or if > 5 and there is a hx of dissection in the family

- First degree relatives of patients w/ a bicuspid AV is indicated

When do patients typically develop symptoms in MV stenosis?

When valve area is < 1.5cm

When is MVR indicated?

NYHA II, III or IV with severe mitral stenosis and favorable valve morphology - as evaluated by TTE, TEE (better eval of regurgitant severeity and LA thrombus), multidetector CT

- Contraindications include LA appendage or clot, or significant MR

- MV surgery is indicated in patients w/ NYHA fucntional class II/IV when valvuloplasty is unsuccessful or contrainducated, or valve morphology is unfoavrable

What is the medical management of MR?


Long acting nitrates, can improve dyspnea

- BB and NHCB can lower HR and improve filling time

What can cause MR?

- Abnormality in any of the structures of the mitral valve, including anterior and posterior leaflets, annulus, and papillary muscles, and chordae tendinae