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122 Cards in this Set

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Aschoff bodies
fibrinoid deposition
Inflammatory cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages
Seen in RHD
Cases where chordae can rupture
1. Mitral valve prolapse
2. Infective endocarditis
Setting where papillary mm. can rupture
Myocardial infarct
Mitral valve prolapse
Mid-systolic click
When would you hear a mid-systolic click?
Mitral Valve prolapse
Best estimate of afterload
Systolic blood pressure
Normal max PCWP
12 mmHg
Physical exam
Inc pulse
Dec BP
Peripheral edema
Left ventricular heave
Pallor, jaundice, cyanosis
Cheyne-stokes breathing
S3 and/or S4 (S4 more common in diastolic dysfxn)
Inc P2 intensity
Inspiratory rales
Holosystolic murmur of MR and/or TR
Edema (weight gain)
Epigastric fullness & discomfort
Best predictor of mortality in CHF
Low EF
High levels NE
Deleterious effects of sypathetic stimulation in CHF
Instigate arrythmias
Vasoconstrict - increases afterload
Venoconstrict - increases preload
Direct myocardial toxicity
Stimulate renin production
Increase myocardial hypertrophy
Role of Aldosterone in CHF
Stimulate Na retention
Stimulate fibrosis in myocardium
Arrhythmias (major cause of mortality)
Diminished endothelial funciton
Diminished arterial compliance
Diminished baroreceptor fxn
Decreased uptake of NE
Characteristic of atherosclerotic plaques
Smooth muscle cells
Foam cells
macrophages, lymphocytes
lipids: cholesterol, cholesterol esters, oxidized LDL
ECM: collagen, proteoglycans, elastic fibers
Eccentric and segmental
Cytokines interaction with fibrous cap
IL-1 and TNF lower TIMP-2
TIMP-2 promotes cap
Markers of inflammatory lesion
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
Role of Angiotension II in atherosclerotic plaque
Acts through NFKB on smooth muscle and endothelial cell
Inc CRP, fibrinogen
Inc enothelial dysfxn
Fxn of Lp(a)
Inhibits plasminogen
Fxn of ROS in atherosclerosis
Destroys NO
Interfer with smooth muscle cells
Release inflammatory mediators
Most common sites for atherosclerosis
1. Abdominal aorta
2. Proximal coronary arteries
3. Popliteal arteris
4. Desenceing thoracic aorta
5. ICA
Complications of Infarction
Heart Failure
Thrombosis & embolism
Papillary muscle dysfunction
Most common cause of death associated with aortic dissection
Cardiac tamponade
Atherosclerosis timeline
Foam cells
Fatty streak
Intermediate lesion
Fibrous plaque
Complicated lesion/rupture
Determinants of Coronary blood flow
1. Perfusion pressure (diastolic BP)
2. Coronary resistance (due to external compression and intrinsic vascular resistance)
How do you increase Oxygen delivery in times of increased demand
Must increase blood flow (oxygen extraction is already maximal)
Fxn of:
NO, prostacyclin, and EDHF --> vasodilate
endothelin --> vasoconstrict
How will subendocardial ischemia look on EKG
ST depression, ST downsloping, T wave inversion
How will transmural ischemia look on EKG?
ST elevation
RCA supplies
Post 1/3 of IV septum
AV & SA note
Post inferior LV
LAD supplies
Apical, anteroseptal, and anterior LV
Anterior 2/3 of IV spetum
LCCA supplies
Lateral wall of LV
Nitrates work by...
Venodilate --> reduce preload and wall tension
Vasodilate coronary arteries
Vasodilate periphearl arterioles --> reduce afterload
Sequence of AMI
Rupture plaque --> platelet thrombus --> AMI
Complications of AMI
Arrythmias, CHF, MVR, Myocardial rupture, pericardidtis, thromboembolism, cardiac tamponade
When not to use thrombolytics
Most common cause of death in acute MI
Ventricular arrythmias
Murmur of MR
Holosystolic murmur at apex
ECG of dilated cardiomypathy
Atrial and ventricular arrythmias
Conduction defects
Diffuse repolarization (ST sement and T wave)
Atrial and ventrigular enlargement
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Salt restriction and diuretics
Beta blockers
AII receptor blockers
ACE inhibitors
Amiodarone (antiarrythmatic drug)
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Histology of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Myocardial fibers in disarray
Symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Angina, syncope, dyspnea
Murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Crescendo-decrescendo at lower left sternal border
Inc w/ valsalva, dec w/ squatting
Opposite in Aortic stenosis

Holosystolic blowing murmur of mitral regurg at apex
ECG hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Left atrial enlargement
Q waves in the inferior and lateral leads
Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
Why would you do a myometctomy?
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Clinical Findings Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Left and right heart failure
Dec CO
Systemic venous congesion
Arrythmias (amyloid infiltrates conduction system)
Appears like constructive pericarditis
restrictive cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopahty where mural thromubs are prevelant
What is endocardial fibroelastosis?
Cause of HF in infants
Causes restrictive cardiomyopathy
Painful swollen calf
Can embolize to lung
Thorotrast can cause
Increased serum rheumatoid factor means:
Infective Endocarditis
most common organism on prosthetic heart valve IE
S. epidermidis
Most common scenerio with IE
Cystic medial necrosis & fragmentation
Aortic dissection
Risk factors for aortic dissection
Which is most impt?
HTN most impt
Iatrogenic, genetics(marfans EDS), Pregnancy
Classic clinical symptoms of aortic dissection
Retrosternal chest pain
Loss of upper extremity pulse
AV regurg
Venous pressure readings in Mitral Regurg
Increase in v wave
Changes to heart in MR
LA dilates and hypertrophies
LHF due to volume overload in LV and LA
Clinical finidngs MR
Dyspnea, inspiratory crackles, S3, holosystolic murmur over apex, arrythmias
When is PH seen in MR
Acute MR, not chronic MR
this is b/c the LA is too small/rigid to accommodate the increased blood
Most common cause of MV stenosis
Clinical manifestations of Mitral Stenosis
Dyspnea, fatigue, orthopnea, PND, weight loss, edema, ascities
Atrial fibrilation
Mitral stenosis murmur
low pitched rumbling during diastole, with pre-systolic accentuation
Common manifestation of MS
Atrial fibrillation --> conduction fibers stretched out
Predispose for thromboemboli
Hallmark of MS on pressure readings
LA and LV in diastole
Clinical manifestations of AV Stenosis
Chest pain
Exertional dyspnea and syncope
AV stenosis murmur
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur at base of heart
MVP murmur
Mid-systolic click
Histopath of MVP
Myxoid degeneration...fibrous tissue is replaced by myxoid tissue
What is an Antischokow cell
altered cardiac muscle cell
Describe Aschoff body
Aschoff giant cells
Cardiac histiocytes
Antischokw cells
fibrinoid deposition
Kussmaul's sign
increased JVD with inspiration because RV cannot handle extra VR
Constrictive pericarditis appears very similar to...
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Trisomies and their related anamolies
Downs - AV canal, VSD, ASD, TOF
Turners - CoA, AS
Edwards - VSD
Effect of Diabetes on fetus
Acts as a growth factor...hypertrophied hearts
What is Cri du chat?
Deletion of short arm on chromosome 5
cat like cry
Mental Retardation
Noonan syndrome
Short stature
dysmorphic facial appearance
chest deformites
CHD --> Pulm stenosis and RH failure
Most common CHD in adults
congenital AS usually also seen with
Portion of EKG that increases w/ HR?
QT interval
Physiological changes in pregnant woman's heart?
Inc SV, CO, HR, blood volume
What is dobutamine?
Positive inotrope
U waves tend to represent what abnormalitiy?
How to visualize R atrial enlargement on ECG?
p wave taller in lead II
How to visualize L atrial enlargement on ECG?
p wave wider and biphasic in V1
How does bundle branch block look on ECG?
wide QRS
Which closes first, mitral or tricuspid
Describe the murmur of mitral stenosis.
High pitched opening snap
Early Diastolic
Best heard between the apex and left sternal border
Murmur of mitral valve prolapse
Mid-systolic click
What is hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis?
BM duplication and smooth muscle hyperplasia
Usually in renal arterioles

Can be caused by malignant HTN
onion skin appearance
microscopic change
o 30-60 min get mitochoncdrial swelling
o 6-12 hrs get wavy fibers and contraction bands
o 24 hrs, myocytes are eosinophilic and exhibit features of coag necrosis
o 24 hrs, PMNS
o 2-3 days striations are gone and PNS are karyorrhetic
o 5-8 days PMS gone and macrophages present
 3-4 days is transition from PMNS to macrophages
o 1-3 weeks collagen inc and granulation tissue less vascular
o 1 month on, debris gone and CT less celular
How long Troponin I is there fore
apperatne in 2-4 hr
peaks 18 hr
lasts 7-10 days
Most common aneurysm in men >55 & symptoms associated

Rupture gives left flank pain, hypotension, pulsatile mass
Why does Inc HR inc demand
B/c more time in systole, and therefore less time able to extract oxygen
How to treat Prinzmetal angina?
Calcium channel blockers
Risk factors for Stable Angina
EKG of subendocardial ischemia
ST depression, downsloping, or T wave inversion
What does ischemia preconditioning mean?
Those with previous angina attacks are less likely to have die from MI
Why give someone w/ MI morphine
Dec anxiety, and therefore sympathetics and O2 demand
How treat STEMI?
Aspirin, heparin, Beta blockers, nitrates, tpa,
Cannon a wave
AV dissociation/VTach
Low vs. high pitched and which part of stethescope to use
The diaphragm is for HIGH-pitched sounds/ murmurs :
S1, S2, MR, AI

The bell: low sounds
S3/S4 or mitral stenosis
Loud S1
Mitral stenosis, but necessarily in late stage of disease
Why do we need chylomicrons?
Cholesterol and TGs are too hydrophobic to be transported freely
Mitral valve problems are more common in which sex
Aortic valve problems are more common in which sex
Austin Flynt murmur
Happens during AR
Low frequency middiastolic rumbling sound at apex

Turbulent flow across Mitral valve during diastole
Murmur of AR
Blowing murmur in early diastole along left sternal border
& Austin Flint murmur
Prone to annuloaortic ectasia
Marfan's disease
Ankylosing spondylitis
Tertiary syphyllis
Most common reason to replace Mitral valve
Histo of RHD
Aschoff bodies, which are found in the interstitum (not in muscle tissue)
Have Aschoff giant cells
Antischokow cells (which are altered cardiac muscle cells)
Cardiac histioccytes
Fibrinoid deposition
lymphoctyes, plasma cells, macropahges
Fish mouth valve seen in what pathology?
RHD mitral stenosis
Normal JVP
Most common cause of Mitral stenosis
Mitral stenosis murmur
opening snap and decrrescendo to mid diastole
Subacute BE vs. ABE
SBE: less virulent (S. viridans), underlying previous damage, Systemic sequalea are impt

IV drug users generally have issues w/ which valve
TV insufficiency
Pathogen that commonly effects prosthetic heart vavles
S. epidermidis
Most common underlying pathologies for IE
1. MVP
2. Normal
3. Degenerative
How can a VSD cause IE
Jed lesion
Where is cystic medial necrosis found?
Aortic dissection
Clinical findings of aortic dissection?
Acute retrosternal chest pain radiating to the back
Aortic valve regurg
Loss of upper extremity pulse