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66 Cards in this Set

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escape rhythm ~~
a *pacemaker cell* escaping overdrive suppression of the SA node
escape rhythm occurs when:
SA is damaged to the point of arrest

=> escape rhythm becomes failsafe to keep heart beating
automaticity =
non-pacemaker cell that gains ability to fire set the pace
treatment for UA/NSTEMI:

1. asp/nitrates

2. heparin

3. B-blockers

4. possibly ACEI's
treatment of STEMI:

1. heparin

2. PCI

3. fibrinolytics
paroxysmal =
**3 features of ventricular tachycardia:**
1. ~~ MI/CAD

2. WIDE QRS (duh)

3. ~~ *RAD*
Torsades = twsiting ribbon outline; 2 features:
1. a *ventricular* rhythm

2. brief episodes of >250 bpm
atrial flutter ~~
atrial automaticy

250-350 bpm
ventricular flutter appearance =
**sine waves**
**narrow (normal) QRS excludes:**
ventricular problem
Fibrillations ~~ _____ bpm
Always looks at lead ____ first
lead II
3 main features of A-fib:
1. no discernible P wave

2. irregularly irregular

3. >350 bpm
V-fib ~~
complete chaos

- no discernible waves of any kind
the accessory pathway of WPW is called:
the Bundle of Kent

- found in right free wall
3 features of WPW:
1. pre-excitation of ventricle

2. => delta waves

3. dec. PR interval
in a 3rd-degree block, conduction from atria to ventricles is:

=> automaticity of ventricles

=> SLOW QRS rate (20-40)

=> syncope
***to diagnose RBBB, look to leads:***
v1, v2
***to diagnose LBBB, look to leads:***
v5, v6
***a wide QRS indicates:***

1. pacemaker activity below the AV node

2. BBB
hyperkalemia ~~
tent-shaped T-waves
A-fib requires anticoagulants because:
stroke is a common consequence
both AVNRT and AVRT ~~
*narrow* QRS

- originate in the atria
aortic dissection ~~
tearing pain to the back
differential diagnosis of chest pain:


2. PE


4. aortic dissection

5. pericarditis

6. gallbladder
Digoxin is a _________________________ used to treat ____________
positive inotrope

used to treat A-fib

(as well as HF)
how does Digoxin work?
it inhibits the Na+/K+ pumps of myocytes

=> inc. in myocyte Ca2+ concentration

=> inc. phase 4

=> decreased heart rate, increased contractility
so how does Digoxin treat A-fib, a-flutter?
it increases vagal activity in the AV node

=> chills it out
apart from a long/getting longer PR, Mobitz type I also has:
a dropped QRS

- just P without QRS after it
to treat sinus tachy, treat:
the UC
just remember irregularly irregular means ________________________ and regularly irregular means that it's ______________________________________________________________________________
no pattern (A-fib);

not completely steady but there's a pattern to the unsteadiness (atrial flutter, variable conductance)
tiny box on EKG =

1 mm x 1 mm,

0.04 sec = 40 ms
how many tiny boxes is >450 ms?
between 11 and 12
what do Class IV anti-arr's (Diltiazem, Verapamil) do?
block L-type Ca2+ channels

=> don't let Ca2+ in

=> dec. conduction through SA and AV nodes,
dec. HR,
dec. contractility
dilate arteries/arteriols (for HTN)
Premature Atrial Contraction ~~

1. weird P's of different shapes

2. sometimes, no QRS => "pauses"
be careful - when first looking at an EKG, remember to differentiate between:
A-fib and

atrial flutter of variable conduction
"irregularly irregular" specifically refers to the __________________________ of A-fib
QRS activity
2 main findings of hypercalcemia =
1. shortened QT interval

2. Osborne wave (notch on the way down of QRS)

(hypocalcemia thus has longer QT interval)
P wave before each QRS + 1:1 ratio of P to QRS rules out;
ventricular problems

=> problem with AV node or above
trick to see if P waves are buried:
measure rate of QRS complexes

- find an obvious P wave

- use that rate to find next P wave

(don't ignore ventricular overdrive though)
S3 is normal in:
S4 is never present in:
benign arteriosclerosis =
adaptation in which wall thickens, with inc. in *elastin* and *collagen*
remember that ACEI's/ARB's, by combating the effects of AII, lower:
***2 major goals of treatment of ADHF = ***
1. relieve congestion (i.e. optimize preload)

2. assure adequate tissue perfusion
2 drugs with reflex tachycardia:
1. Hydralazine/Minoxidil

2. Nitroprusside
in DCM, prophylaxis is NOT indicated for:
SAM => obstruction =>

=> dec. SV => dec. CO
3 drugs that raise the curve, giving you a greater SV/CO at the same preload:
1. B-blockers

2. Inotropes

3. Hydralazine
venous dilation =>
*decreased* preload
is DCM a disease of systolic or diastolic dysfunction?

DCM ~~ SYSTOLIC dysfunction
why AI causes a decreased DP:
less blood to system = less pressure of DP
difference between Digoxin and Diltiazem/Verapamil (wrt effects on the heart):
Digoxin dec. HR but increases Contractility,

while Diltiazem/Verapamil decrease both HR *and* Contractility
normal visceral pericardium has lots of:
pericarditis ~~
yellow purulent exudate

(in excess of normal yellow adipose)
constrictive pericarditis =
heart covered in white scar

(~~ severe fibrosis)
2 most common causes of acute pericarditis =
1. viral

2. idiopathic
best treatment for acute pericarditis =
NSAIDs like ibuprofen
in constrictive pericarditis, rapid early filling =>
prominent y-wave descent

(y is the latter half of the v wave)
symptoms of constrictive pericarditis =
symptoms of RHF
Beck's Triad of cardiac tamponade:
1. JVD

2. muffled heart sounds

3. hypotension
atrial feature of cardiac tamponade:
blunted y, barely a descent
S1 is best heard at:
the apex
both S3 and S4 are considered:
splitting of S2 occurs when:

closure of A3 and P3 are not synchronized,

as in inspiration, AS, HCM, LBBB, and atrial septal defect