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48 Cards in this Set

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regurgitant murmurs are:
3 sign or rib notching
coarctation of the aorta
water bottle or water balloon
pericardial effusion
TEE is best for:
left atrial thrombi, prosthetic valve problem, vegetations, aortic dissection
Young person with syncope consider
HOCM: Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Pulsus paradoxus is seen in:
asthma and pericarditis
Pulsus bisferiens is:
2 systolic peaks
Pulsus bisferiens is seen in:
aortic stenosis
Pulsus alternans is:
Variable pulse pressure with regular rate
Pulsus alternans is seen in:
Severe left ventricle disease of any cause
Pulsus tardus is:
slow upswing of pulse
Pulsus tardus is seen in:
aortic stenosis
Pulse asymmetry is seen in:
aortic dissection
HTN + Hypokalemia + low renin =
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Most sensitive and specific maker in ACS
CKMB + Troponin I
Right sided murmurs are louder with:
Left sided murmurs are louder with:
Valve murmurs are increased with:
increased flow across the valves
Standing and Valsalva does what to murmurs?
decreases valvular murmurs, except HOCM & MVP, because decreasing flow
Squat, straight leg raise, and hand grip do what to murmurs?
Increase valvular murmurs except for HOCM & MVP which increase
To differentiate MVP from HCM, what do you do?
Hand grip increases MVP while it decreases HOCM
PDA is a _______-like murmur
A continuous roar can be a:
normal venous hum
WHolosystolic murmur can be caused by:
the #1 cause of acute posterior Wall or papillary muscle ischemia
Paradoxically split 2nd heart sounds
aortic stenosis
Boot shaped heart on x-ray
tetralogy of Fallot or restrictive cardiomypoathy
MVP has a:
midsystolic click then late systolic murmur
Most common valvular heart defect is:
bicuspid aortic valve
#1 cause of Aortic regurge and aortic stenosis is:
bicuspid aortic valve
#1 cause of mitral stenosis
Rheumatic fever
Causes of prolonged QT syndrome:
congenital (Romano-Ward), Class 1 A and 3 – antiarrhythmics, Decreased K+, decreased Ca, decreased mag, liquid diet, pentamidine, macrolides,
trimethoprim sulfa, TCA
Fixed split S2
atrial septal defect
mid diastolic opening snap =
mitral stenosis (rumbling)
Square root sign =
restrictive cardiomyopathy
Most common arrhythmia in kids
bradycardia (tx. = O2 - airway)
How to tx a TET spell?
Tetralogy of Fallot resulting in consequential acute hypoxia (tet spells), characterized by sudden cyanosis and syncope; tx with knees to chest & MSO4
Q wave post MI =
1 – 1/3 height R wave
2 – Wide > 0.03 mls
3 – Deep > 2 mv
Pericardial knock or Kussmaul's sign indicates:
constrictive pericarditis
Pansystolic murmur

Mitral regurge
Tricuspid regurge
Ventral septal defect
Precordial murmurs =
VSD & tricuspid stenosis
Pulmonic Murmurs =
Pulmonic stenosis
Innocent murmur
Atrial septal defect
Wide pulse pressure =
Aortic regurge
Aortic murmur =
Aortic stenosis
Aortic regurge
Murmurs heard best at apex =
Mitral regurge
Tricuspid regurge
Mitral stenosis
Austin flint
Tricuspid stenosis
Regurgitation =
3 blowing murmurs =
aortic regurge
mitral regurge
tricuspid regurge
Stenotic murmurs rumble except
pulmonic and aortic stenosis
diastolic murmurs =
mitral stenosis
aortic regurge
austin flint