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183 Cards in this Set

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CK-MB/CK-MM looks at
heart vs other muscle damage in cardiac contusion
heart failure with biopasy shows lymphocytic infiltrate of subendocardium
from rt sternum to inches left of left sternum at 4th intercostal
RA makes what boarder of the heart...LV
rt boarder and left border
MI which results in compete heart block and requires pacemaker
LAD which gets the anterior IV septum which is where condution through budle of his occurs
MI with sinus bradycardia and problems with posterior medial papillary muscles
RCA which gets the posterior heart and posterior IV septum where the AV and SA nodes are
MI which results in new holosytolic muruor
mitral reg...caused by rupture of the posterior medial pappilary muscle supplied by RCA
supplied inferior LV 80% of the time...what does it the other 20%
RCA...left circumflex
supplies the posterior left ventricle...
MAP equals...
2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic
pulse pressure is proportional to...
CO this is why with AR you have huge pulse pressure
decreases in contractility caused by
ACIDOSIS, hypoxia or hypercapnia
with the stavling curve (preload X CO)... what is an up or down
changes in contractility ...rememeber there is a "sweet spot" for
why dont you want to volume overload or dehyrate a patient with CHF?
they have a sweat spot which is a EDV that maximizes their CO...over or under that the CO starts to go down
normal ejection fraction
increase resistence with increase length and viscosity... what increased blood viscosity?
polycythemia, hyperprotein states like MM, hereditary spherocytosis
what is the X intercept on the venous return sterling curve
MAP (when CO is zero...whats the pressure in the system)
irrreg-irreg pulse with no A wave
a fib
giant A wave
tricsupid stenosis
giant C and V waves
tricuspid regurg
associated with increased filling pressures, dilated ventricles and is normal in woman who are preg and children
S3 (CHF and dilated CM)
left atrium must push against a stiff LV wall...LV hypertrophy
S4 "atrial kick"
dicrotic notch...
shows the elasticity of the aorta...this is ruined in marfanns and syphillis
wide splitting on both experiation and even more on inspiration...
exaggerated right side late...RBBB or pulmonic stenosis
splitting of s2 where the sounds get closer together with inspiration
this means the A is closing after the P, taking longer to close... LBBB or AS
At Carters X-ossing vehicles yield
AC (buldge with iso contraction) XV (filling)Y
whats heard at left sternal border...
the regurg of AR and PR ...hypertrophic cardio too
which two systolic heart sounds are heard at lower left sternal boarder
VSD and TR
t or f... sounds for ASD come from flow across the actual ASD
false... ASD murmor is usually pulmonic or diasolic rumble wih split S2
flash pulm edema...
a fib
difference between AS and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy when listening?
location (aortic vs left sternal boarder) ... AS louder with expiration
ejection click
AS after isometric contraction
pulses parvus et tardus with BP of 95/80
AS...where the pulses sound much weaker than the heart sounds (bicupid)
mid systolic click
MP (most common heart lesion)...due to sudden tensing of the chordae tendon
increased preload does what to mid click of MP...
moves it toward S2...patient is supine, more blood means it will take longer for the balloon to snap
decreased preload (anxiety) does what to midsystolic click of MP
moves it close to S1... if there is less blood pushing on the ballon it will take less time to click
mitral prolapse predisposed to...
infective endcarditis, sudden death...think marfans or elhers danlos
opening snap
mitral stenosis...due to tnesing of the choardae tendon
difference between mitral stenosis and aortic regurg
both are diastolic but MS is delayed because there is the iso relaaxation before the opening of the valve, whereas the AR is holo
where is PDA loudest
phase 0 upstoke in pacemaker cells (AV node)
Ca conduction...results in slow conduction velocity through the AV node for prolonged transmission from A to V
phase 4 in pacemaker
If with Na..
what determines heart rate in pacemaker
phase 4..If channels, Na conduction
Ach effects which part of pacemaker
slope of 4... decreased slope
adenosine effects which part of pacemaker AP
slope of 4...decreased slope
catecholamine effect which part of AP pacemaker
slope of 4... increase slow therefore increasing heart rate
beta blockers work on which part of pacemaker AP?
slope of phase 4 by decreasing slope they decrease heart rate and increase PR interval
where do CCB work in the pacemaker AP?
slope of phase 0... by decreasing the slope they prolong the AP and increase PR interval through the conduction AV node
which congential prolonger QT has assocated deafness?
autorecessive defect in K channel....AD not deaf but defect in either K or Na
length of normal...PR interval and QRS
200ms (one bold box), 120msec (3 small box)
where is atrial repolarization?
masked in the QRS complex
which are the fastest and which are the slowest conducting heart cells?
fastest pukinje>atrial>V>AV node
what is the sequence of pacemakers?
how does each electrolyte balence effect conduction?
increased Ca- shorter QT (vomitting)
increased Mg- longer QT, hypotension, resp distress
increase Na- nausea, twitch, delirum
drugs that can cause prolonged QT and thus torsades?
macrolides/erythromycin, cloroquine/mefloquine, haloperidol, respiriodone, methadone, protease inhibitor, class1A, class 3 K
bypass AV node with decreased PR interval and lengthening of QRS...add in a delta wave
premature ventricular excitation with WPW (preexcitation from accessory pathway)
the worry with WPW is reentrant SVT...how would you treat SVT with WPW and contraindication with SVT WPW
procainamide and amioderone...NO ADENOSINE
no P waves...often caused by too large od atrium which doesnt give enough time for 1 pacemaker to run the show (spread is too slow)
a fib (predisposes to SVT)
treat a fib
b blocker and CCB for rate control...rhythem control use sodalol and amioderone
treat for A flutter
class 1A or 1C or III (for the saw tooth)
PR is longer than one bold block...200msec
1st degree heart block
sinus rhythem then no P and wide QRS with cannon "A" wave
premature ventricular contraction
progressive lengthening of PR until a beat is dropped and no QRS is seen...usually asymptomatic
2nd degree heart block (mobitz 1 /wenkebach)
2:1 or 3:1 P for every QRS...no changes in PR length, just abrupt drop
mobitz 2 sendond degree heart block...MUST get pacemaker because this can become 3rd degress
P waves and QRS are compleltly indep of eachother... p waves have no realtion to qrs
3rd degree heart block... bust get a pacemaker
effect of ANP on the kidney
effecert constriction and afferet dilation to increase GFR
aortic arch only responds to ____ while the carotid sinus responds to both_____ and ______
hypertension....sinus both low and high
chemo receptors in the brain respond defferently to chemo receptors in the aorta and carotid...whats the difference?
brain is only CO2 and pH mediated while the peripheral chemo receptors respond to decreased PO2 when it drops below 60... (this is why you dont give O2 to a COPD pateint
what is the cushing reaction (hypertension, bradycardia, resp depression)
pressure--- hypertension, bradykardia, and respirtory depression....caused when intracranial pressure rises, the arterioles become constriced which makes the central receptors think its hypoxic so sympathetics go out causing hypertension, then reflex bradykardia
pressures in the PA and in the LA
25/10 and less than 12
autoregulation of the heart vs the skeltal muslces?
heart is adenosine, O2, NO...skeletal muscles is lactate adenosine and K
pitting vs nonpitting edema...
pitting is with decreased colloid (increased fluid without shit inside caused by fgravity) and non pitting is with increased colloid (lymph onstruction)
what increases cappilary permiability and causes ypovolemia because of loss of plasma into the intersittium...
burns, infection toxins (Kf increased)
absence of tricuspid valve with hypoplasic RV...needs ASD and VSD to survive
tricuspid atresia
eisenmangers can cause which other porblems besdies cyanosis?
clubbing, systemic sepsis, polucythemia, IE
anteriorsuperior displacement of the infundicbular septum causes
T of F
with T of F worry about...
polycythemia and infective endocarditis and spesis and cerebal abcess
what is needed for a patient with transpositon of the great vessels to stay alive?
need mixing of blood so ASD or VSD or PDA...do this with misoprostol
worry about berry anyeusm, see notching of the ribs, AORTIC REGURG, hypertension of the upper extremities with no pulse lower, claudication/calf pain, increase RAAS
post ductal coarctation of the aorta
collateral flow in coarctation...
superficial epigastric to mammry...anterior intercostal internal thoracic,...posterior intercostal to aorta
ebsteins anomaly worry about...
mechanism of hypertension is
cant get rid of Na thus increase Na causes increse Ca which causes increase TPR...number one complication is LVH
death in HTN
MI, stroke, renal dieease
effects of HTN on the system
decrease number of arterioles, thickened walls (hyaline or hyperplasic), increase TPR with RAAS
plasma proteins cross the endothelium and ECM is produced by SMC...
hylane ateriol
progression of athrosclerosis...
enothelial, macrophages with LDL, foam cells smooth musle cell across internal elastic lamina and into intima (PDGF and TGF-beta)
A corn pop car
if you have carotid then ur coronary are already gone
why is b-blocker good for aortic dissection?
decreases the RATE of rise in MAP...decreases the "hitting" of the tear
angia of ST depression and which of elevation...
elevation with prinz metal...depression with stable and unstable
coronary spasm is induced by what drug
patient which MI...autopsy shows no coronary artery athrosclerosis...
cocaine use
common cause of heart transplant... over time heart is replaces by fibrous tissue which doesn contract and leads to heart failure
chronic heart disease
number one risk factor for CAD?
age... then HDL/LDL/smoke DM...not cholestrol
patient post MI lost abaility to pump for significant time... brain shows necrosis between anterior and middle cerbal
global ischemia... purkinje cells are most sensitive... so are hippo
time of MI cell...0-4 hours
post MI 4-24 hours...
contraction bands (can still see on echo)...dark and motling
2-4 days post MI
neutorphils, hyperemia with coagulative necrosis...worry about arrhythmia
5-10 days post MI
macrophages have come in and granulation tissue is seen...looks brown and yellow in the middle with hyperemia boarder...worry about rupture (new murmor)
over 2 weeks post MI
fibrosis and scarring...this is when you worry about aneurysm... patient would half pulsating puldge in chest
what two patients dont have normal presentaions of MI?
old bitches and DM
rupture of the heart 7 days after MI can present with...
tamponade, new murmor of MR , new murmor of VSD... of there is the free wall rupture
what do you use troponin 1 vs CK MB for...
CKMB only stays around 72 hours... any longer means re infacrtion...troponin rises after 4 hours and is specific but stays
look for the LDH flip...and what is the earliest but no specific
1>2 to 2>1...myoglobin
St elevation means...depression...Q wave
elevation is tranumural along with Q wave....depression is sunendocardial
why is subendocardium vulnerable?
fewer collaterals and higher pressure
q waves seen in V4-V6
lateral LV is the circumflex
q waves in I and aVL
lateral LV is the cicumflex
q waves in II, III and aVf
posterior and inferior this is RCA
3-5 days post MI...muffled heart sounds and neck veins disteneded?
free wall rupture causing tamponade
7 days post MI and theres and new sytolic murmor...which leaflet?
medial posterior pappillary muscle... or could be a VSD
weird causes of dilated cardiomyopathy (posible genetic mysosite or mitochonrial dysfunction)...
cocaine, hemochromatis, and peripartum
S3 heart sound... with sarcomeres in series
dialted cardio
anterior leaflet of the mitral valve comes close to IV settum ...assocaited with fredrichs ataxia...caused by point mutation in beta-myosin...causes s4 heart sound with apical impluse and systolic murmor
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy...give bblocker and CCB
death from hypertrophic cardiomypthy
conduction defect because bundle of his is in the IV septum
resirictive cardiomayopathy in children and adults
child- fibroelastosis adult is amyloidosis
restricive heart disease with eosinophiic infiltrae and fibrosis
loefflers syndrome
most common cause of ISOLATED right heat failure
drugs for CHF and why?
loop- volume depletion
ACEi- decrease RAAS
spiranolactone- decrease cardiac removeling
b-blocker- decrease sympathetics
acute heart failure therapy
LMNOP...loop, morphine, nitro, ocygen, presser
complications of IE...
chordae rupture, embolism, glomerulonephritis, supperitive pericarditis...ANEMIA (dont forget gram negative HACEK)
most common heart defects in lupus...
pericarditis and liebman sac causing MR...on both sides
area of fibrinoif necrosis surrounded by necrosis and mutlinucleated giant cells... with activated histoicytes...type two hypersensitiveity to M protein
rheumatic fever
early death by myocarditis, early is MP then MS...what are the jones criterian
J(heart)NES...joints, heart (pancarditis), subcutaneous nodules, erythema rash, chrea
QRS beat to beat variation (electrical alternans), eqilibrium in all 4 heart chambers...causes?
tamponade of blood or effusion or exaggerated inspiration (copd/asthma/sleep apea)
radial pulse disappears...what can send this person into cardiogenic shock?
tamponade from collapse of atria with asthma, croup
pericardial pain, friction rub, pulus paradoxis...causes?
serous- lupus, RA, Viral, uremia
fibrinous- uremia, post MI, rhematic
hemorragic- melanoma and TB
adult heart tumor myxoma can cause what...
kushmalls sign also VEGF release and fever because it embolizes shit everywhere
treatment for raynauds...
aspirin, CCB, sildenafil (pulm htn)
mastoiditis with vasculitis
same as wegeners but with P anca
micoscopic polyangitis
capillary sized vessels with leptomeningeal angiomatosis...can cause seizures and early onset glaumcoma
sturge webber... post vein on V1
pain in the hands or claudication with vasculitis in veins artery and nerves
bueger...thrombotis obliterans
only give aspirin to children for
lesions of different ages and transmural fibrinoid necrosis...can have melana and cutaneous erruptions
polyaretitis nodosa (30% hep B)
granulomatous thinkening of aortic arch with elevated ESR..differential pulses.night sweats, eyes probelsm, and skin/muscle
large vessel TAKAYSU
poor perfusion of the scalp with trouble getting up from chair and climbing stair...opthalmic artery invovled
check ESR... temp arteritis (bracnhes of carotid)
red lesion in pregnancy or after trauma, polypoind hemangioma the ulcerates and bleeds
pyogenic granulosum
painful red/blue benign tumor arising from smooth muscles cells of...
treat for essential hypertension...
thiazide, ace, ccb, no bblock
diabetics with hypertension
get acei to protect against kindy disease
this drug uses cGMP to dilate arteries and is used in pregnant woman...usually give with b block to prevent reflex tachy
hydralazine (reflex tachy)...lupus
side effects of AV block, edema, flushing, dizzi and CONSTIPATION...five for any spams
significant tolerance owing to "monday disease", plus reflex tachy and significant headaches... must have drug free interval during the day
nitroglycerine (mononitrate is most bioavailable)
three drugs for maligant hypertension...
nitroprusside (like acei decreases both pre and after but risk CN poisen)
fenoldopam (D1 agonist which relaxes renal vascular
diazoxide (opens K channels to relax and decrease insulin secretion causing hyperglycemia)
what b blockers are contraindicated for angina...
pindolol and acebutolol because they are partial B agonists
severe HTN and hairloss... helps grow hair and decreases BP by opening K channels
lipid drugs that cause hepatitis and myositis...
statin in fibrates
lipid drugs that cause gallstones...
fibrates and cholystyraimen
best for LDL...
statins with ezetimbibe
best for TG...
fibrates because they increase LPL which increases clearence
which one slightly increase TG levels and should not be given to patients with high TG...
cholystramine (also binds c diff)
flush caused by PG can be decreased with aspirin and causes reduced VLDL secretion... acanthosis nigrcan and gout
niacin for HDL
what blocked volatge gated L-gated calcium channels...
b blockers by dephosphylation and CCB (phosphylation increases Ca)
lower extracellular Na would cause...
increased contractility because it blocked Na/Ca excahnge and makes it so calium stays in the cell longer
renally excreted, increasesintercellular calcium to increase contractitity, increases vagal parapympathetic to decrease AV conduction,
toxicity is colinergic, blurry vision, EKG changes, hyper K and bradicardia (increase PR, decrease QT, t wave inversion,
what makes digoxin toxicity worse?
renal failure, hypo K (no competetion for na/k, quinidine with decreased clearence
heart block drug causes...
if dig...cholinergic side effects
if CCD...look for constipation
if b-block- worsen COPD athma
police departmetn questioned, the little man, for pushing ecstasy
Na channel blocking class one antiarrthmics...all decrease slope of phase O and increase the threshold...all are state dependant which means they select frequently depolarized tissue
BCA is order of?
prolong or shortening of ERP
increase AP duration, increase ERP, increase QT interval...for both atrial and ventricular also SVT
quinidine (dig), procainamide (WPW), DIsco
class what has toxicity of tinnitus+heachache=cinchonism...thrombocytopenia...TORSADES DE POINTS...
quinidine causes cinchonism... PDQ can cause torades and thrombo
DECREASE AP duration (BCA)...like ischmic tissue, use for Varrythemia post MI and digitalis
1B..lido, taco, mex..

these have side effects of local anethetic, CNS, and CV depression
no effect on AP (BCA)...used with VT that progressto VF...LAST resport for last letter ...patients without sturutureal structural abnormalities
FPE...flec, encaine, propafenone
IC- Contraindicated post MI
what causes increased toxcity in all class antiarrhythmics
hyperkalemia (BCA...because ASS)
decreased cAMP and Ca...decreases slope of phase 4 in pace maker cells particularly in the AV node causing INCREASED PR interval (decreased slope of phase 4)
b-blockers (class 2)
rate control for afib, v tach, SVT with toxicity of (metoprolol) causing dyslipidemia and AV block
b blocker with esmolol being the shortest acting one...treat OD with glucagon to increase cAMP
causes torasdes, excessive bblock (brady)
K channel (clas3) blocker that causes torsades
class 3 K blocker causing new arrthmias and hypotension
dofetilide (ilide or bret)
class 3 K blocker
tox is LFTS, PFTS, TFTs...corneal deposits (eyese, blue grey skin, photodermatisit (SAT), heart block and consitpation NOT TORSADES
amioderone (alters lipid mebrane therefor can be all 4 classes)
treat for WPW
procainamide and amioderone...no adenosine
1A and 3 classes cause
torsades from porlonged QT
decrease conduction velocity, increase PR interval by selectivly acting at same node as B blockers...increase PR, increase ERP
CCB...works at phase zero of the AV node
prevention of SVT causing gingival hyperplasia, constipation, flushing, edema and AV block
CCB (verapamil and diltizam)
what is contraindicated in a CHF pateint already on B-blocker
CCB... due to bradycardia and decreased iontropic
used for diagnosis and abolishing SVT...very short acting... causes K out of cell causing HYPERPOLARIZTION and decreased Ca conduction
SVT given drug that causes flushing, hypotension, chest pain due to bronchospam...
pateint with COPD given adenosine and nothing happend...what ahppend?
theophyllin blocks the effects of adenosine
K and Mg used for arrthemia...
K-depresses ectopic pacemakers
Mg- effective in torsades and dig toxicity
patient with MI give a drug and CV gets better but eye probelms...
atropine and bblocker can cause actue glaucoma
contraindicated in digoxin toxicity...
Ca gluconate