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25 Cards in this Set

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Why are ACEI's the most efficacious of the vasodilators?
Because they counter-act the major adverse hormonal and vasoconstrictor mechanisms, relieve symptoms, diminish ventricular dilation after MI and improve exercise capacity and ejection fraction
What is positive inotropic action?
The increase of the contractile actions of the heart, causing ventricles to empty more completely
Name 5 positive inotropic drugs
Digoxin, dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine and isoproterenol
What is negative inotropic action
The weakening of the force of myocardial contraction
Name 3 negative inotropic drugs
Lidocaine, quinidine and propanolol
What is positive chronotropic action
Accelerates the heart rate by increasing the rate of impulse formation at the SA node
Name a positive chronotropic drug
What is negative chronotropic action
Slowing of the heart rate by decreasing the rate of impulse formation
Name a negative chronotropic drug
Propanolol (also negative inotropic drug)
What is positive dromotropic action
The increase in speed with which impulses from the SA node pass throught the conduction pathways
Name a positive dromotropic drug
What is negative dromotropic action
The decrease in conduction velocity
Name a negative dromotropic drug
Verapamil (a calcium channel blocker)
What type of vasodilator is recommended for patients with asymptomatic HF who have an LVEF of less than 40%
ACEI's. (If there is a prior hx of fluid overload, use in conjuntion with diuretics)
What are the advantages of using in ARB over an ACEI
Increased selectivity and specificity as well as the ability to maintain blockade of circulating and tissue renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system at the angiotensin one receptor, without the adverse effects of the ACEI's
Name 2 ARB's approved for use in HF
Valsartan and Candesartan
Which ARB is most widely stdied for use in HF
What does Losartan do for a HF patient?
Lowers BP, peripheral vascular resistance, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and heart rate. It raises cardiac output. It also decreases dyspnea on exertion and exacerbation of HF.
Why do ACEI's have an averse effect of coughing
Cough is due to the accumulation of bradykinin
What are the adverse effects of ARB's
First dose hypotension (may also occur during upward titration of drug or when clinical status of patient worsens)
What is the earliest sign of Digoxin toxicity
What are the two primary causes of Digoxin toxicity
Improper dosing and hypokalemia secondary to the concurrent administration of diuretics
What is the most common Digoxin-induced arrhythmia
Premature ventricular contractions (PVC's) Also described as "skipped beats"
Name the phosphodiasterase inhibitor used for short term management (2-3 days) of HF in patients not reponding to diuretics, digoxin or vasodilators
Therapeutic levels of Digoxin will result in what changes on an ECG
Narrowing of QRS, depression or inversion of the T wave and slowing of heart rate