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25 Cards in this Set

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loop diuretics
inhibit Na+,K+,2Cl- cotransporter in Loop of Henle

used for rapid relief of dyspnea and fluid retention
loop diuretic

SE: hypoTN, ototoxicity

hypoK, hypoMg, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, metabolic alkalosis

effective even w/ renal dysfcn
block Na+,Cl- cotransporter on distal tubule

long duration so used for mild CHF and HTN!
hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypoK, hypoMg, hypoNa, hyperCa, metabolic alkalosis
K+ sparing diuretics
inhibit Na+ reabsorption in distal tubule by competing at aldosterone R

weak Rx used with other diuretics to prevent hypoK in HF pt

SE: hyperK, gynecomastia (male breasts), irreg menstruation

competes w/ aldosterone R to block Na+ reabsorption (Na+ in urine so no gradient for K+ entry)
improve contractility by increasing intracellular calcium

(cardiac glycoside)
inhibits sarcolemmal Na+,K+ ATPase pump; slows conduction, increases refractoriness at AVnode, enhances vagal tone

used in HF w reduced contractility and atrial fib

SE: arrhythmia exacerbated by low K, Mg, high Ca or poor renal clearance, blurred vision, color disperception, n/v, anorexia
sympathomimetic amines
bind to cardiac B1 receptor > increase adenylate cyclase > increase cAMP > increase calcium in myocyte
used for HF and shock

low dose: acts on renal B1 and mesenteric vessels > vasodilatation, increase renal blood flow
dopamine analog for B1, B2, A

no peripheral R change (B2=a)

used for HF w/o hypoTN, short term Tx

SE: tachyarrhythmia
synthetic epi analog, B-agonist

used in EF for bradycardia or heart block, but not in myocardial ischemic pt

(phosphodiesterase inhibitor)
inhibits phosphodiesterase > increased cAMP use > more Ca in cell > increased contractility

used only when standard treatment fails

SE: serious ventricular arrhythmias, systemic dilation
beta blockers
1gen: non selective
2gen: higher affinity for B2
3gen: selective/non + a1 block (causing vasodilation)

used for ischemic hd, CHF, HTN, tachyarrhythmias

SE: bronchospasm, vasospasm, conduction block, high triglyceride, low HDL, fatigue, insomnia, depression

not for decompensated pt, but do not stop if already on it
2gen beta blocker
3gen beta blocker
3gen beta blocker
2gen beta blocker
ACE Inhibitors
used for HF, HTN, postMI, slow progression of renal disease in diabetics

SE: hypoTN, hyperK, renal insuff, cough, angioedema

renal excretion (lower dose w/ dysfcn)

not for pregnant
captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril, trandolapril
ACE inhibitors

do not allow ACE to convert Angiotension I > no aldosterone released; inhibits breakdown of bradykinin (a vasodilator)

all pt w/ LV dysfunction
Angiotension Receptor Blockers (ARBS)
used like ACEI when ACEI cannot be used (w/ cough), used for pt w/ refractory symptoms on Bblocker/ACEI

compete w/ Angiotension II for AT1 and 2 > less SNS, aldosterone, Na reabsorption
candesartan, valsartan, losartan

HF, HTN, slow progression of kidney disease in diabetics
used for HF w/ severe renal dysfunction and risk of hyperK

causes vasodilation by conversion to NO near sm muscle membrane
*low dose: vdilation > pooling > less return > less filling
*high dose: a+vdilation

SE: hypoTN, reflex tachycardia, flushing, headache

rapid development of tolerance
used for HF w/ renal dysfcn and hyperK

potent and direct arteriole vasodilator

SE: headaches, flushing, palpitations, nausea, anorexia, myocardial ischemia, lupus-like syndrome
do not use in HF pt
NSAID - Na retention and peri vasoconstriction

most antiarrhythmic - neg inotropic and proarrhythmic

non-dihydropyridine Ca-channel blockers: neg inotropic