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38 Cards in this Set

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Name the 4 Chambers of the heart.
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Into what chamber does deoxygenated blood flow?
Blood flows from the Superior and Inferior Vena Cava into the Right Atrium.
What valve is located between the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle?
Tricuspid Valve.
What valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle?
Bicuspid Valve.
What is the heart muscle termed? (middle layer)
Describe the path of blood flow through the heart. Include all blood vessels and valves.
Superior / Inferior Vena Cava ----> Right Atrium ----> Tricuspid Valve --->
Right Ventricle----> Pulmonary Semi-lunar valve---> Pulmonary Artery ---->
Lungs ----> Pulmonary Vein ---> Left Atrium ---> Bicuspid (Mitral Valve) --->
Left Ventricle ---> Aortic Semi-lunar valve ---> Aorta ---> Systemic Circulation
Which artery supplies the sa node with oxygenated blood?
Right Main Coronary Artery
The anterior descending artery supplies what portion of the heart and is a branch of what artery?
Supplies the anterior wall of the left ventricle and is part of the Left main coronary artery.
What is the left and right side of the heart seperated by?
Intraventricular Septum
The heart muscle is reffered to as the ___________.
The outer membrane that surrounds the heart is reffered to as the
Parietal pericardium
The inner heart surrounding membrane is known as ______________
Visceral pericardium
The space in between the Visceral and Parietal pericardium is refered to as the _________. What is the purpose of this?
Pericardial Sac. Contains a small amount of serous fluid that allows the heart to contract and expand smoothly within the chest cavity.
The heart is located ......
Behind the sternum. 2/3 of the heart is located in the left side of the chest cavity.
If the Pericardial sac rapidly fills with fluid, such as blood, the heart is no longer able to adequately fill, and the signs and symptoms of shock result. This condition is termed ______________ and is a common result of penetrating chest trauma.
Cardiac Tamponade.
Blood flows from an area of _______ ______ to an area of ______ ________ .
High pressure, low pressure
Contraction of the ventricles is known as ________.
The phase known as the relaxation phase when the heart receives most of its blood supply from the coronary arteries is known as __________.
An abnormal "whoshing" sound indicating turbulant blood flow within the heart is known as a ________.
An abnormoal "whooshing" sound indicating turbulent blood flow through a blood vessel is called _______. This often indicates atheroslerotic debris in a blood vessels.
These sounds indicate abnormal cardiac valve function and are normally difficult to hear.
Clicks and snaps
The sound that the Mitral and tricuspid valves make at the start of systole is reffered to as ____ or the "____" sound.
s1, lub
Closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves is known as the ____ or "____" sound.
s2, dub
Contraction of the myocardium is normally started at the ___ _______.
SA node
The SA Node is located .....
The upper part of the right atrium.
After the SA node fires the electrical impulse travels through the atria via the _________ ___________ to the ____________ _______ .
Internodal pathways, atrioventricular node
From the atrioventricular node the electrical impulse travels through the _____ ___ _______ then to the ______ and ______ ________ _________ then to the _______ ______.
Bundle of His, Right & Left bundle branch,Purkinje Fibers
The _________ ________ take the current from the bundle branches to the individual myocardial cells.
Purkinje's fibers
The amount of blood pumped through the circulatory system in 1 minute is reffered to as the ______ _______.
cardiac output
Cardiac output = ?
Stroke volume X Heart rate
The amount of blood pumped out each heart beat is known as?
Stroke volume
These sense changes in blood pressure in the heart or main arteries.
These detect changes in blood chemistry (ph, composition etc..)
Several changes will take place when a decrease in blood volume is detected by the barroreceptors. One of these reactions is the release of _______ and _________ from the adrenal glands.
Epinepherine and nor-epinepherine
_________ carry blood away from the heart.
__________ carry blood toward the heart.
Microscopic thin-walled vessels through wich oxygen, carbon dioxide and other nutrients and waste products are exchanged.
Capillaries gradually increase in size and form ___________