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66 Cards in this Set

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the nurse is aware that the muscle layer of the heart which is responsible for the hearts contraction is the


the nurse clarifies that the master pacemaker of the heart is the

Sa node

the nurse is aware that the symptoms of an impending myocardial infarction differ because acute chest pain is not present l. women are frequently misdiagnosed as having


the nurse identifies the lubb sounds of the lubb/dubb of the cardiac cycle as

The av valve closing

a patient is admitted from the er department. the er department said the patient has a diagnosis of heart failure with a new York heart association classification of iv. this indicated the patients condition as

Severe heart failure

the nurse is caring for a pastie t recovering from a myocardial infract who recognizes the need for added instructions when the patient says

I always take of the telemetry device when I shower

the nurse assesses pitting edema that can be depressed approximately 1/4 inch. the nurse would document this assessment as

+2 edema

the nurse recognizes the echocardiogram report that shows and ejection fraction of 42% as an indication of

Moderate heart failure

the nurse takes into consideration that age related changes can affect the peripheral circulation because of

Sclerosed blood vessels

after an influenza like illness the patient complains of chills and small petechiae in his legs. a heart murmur is detectable. these are characteristic signs of

Ineffective endocarditis

the nurse reminds the patient who is on Coumadin for the tx of afib that it is ideal to maintain the international normalized ratio at between

2 and 3

the elderly patient with angina pectoris says she is unsure how she should take care if she has an attack. the nurses most helpful respond would be

If pain is not relieved after 3 doses 5 minutes apart. Call physician and 911

the patient has been hospitalized for hypertensive episodes there times in the last month's. while preparing the discharge teaching plan the nurse assesses that he does not comply with his medication regimen. the nurses immediate course of action would be to

Collect more info on his reasons for noncompliance

What is the major cause of cardiac valve disease

Rheumatic fever

a patient age 72 was admitted to the medical unit with a dx of angina pectoris. characteristic s&s of angina pectoris include

Substernal pain that radiates down the left arm

a patient admitted to the emergency room with a possible myocardial infarction has reported back from the lab. which lab report is specific for myocardial damage

Ck mb

the patient has become very dyspneic l respiration are 32 and the pulse is 100. the patient is coughing up frothy red sputum. What should be the initial nursing intervention

Place patient in upright position with legs in dependent position to reduce symptoms of pulmonary edema

the nurse is caring for a patient recovering from a myocardial infarction teaches them to avoid the valsalva maneuver during a bowel movement

Mouth breathing

during a health interview by the home health nurse which patient complaint is a sign for heart failure

I have to go to sleep in my recliner and I have this hacking cough

the home health nurse caring for a patient with infective endocarditis overhears the patient making a dental appointment for an extraction next month. which question is most important for the nurse to ask

Have you contacted your Dr about your dental appt

What is the difference between primary and secondary hypertension

Caused by another condition like renal disease

the nurse is treating a patient who has had a pacemaker inserted for the correction of a fib. which dx test is no longer available to the patient because of the implanted device


which assessment would lead the nurse to examine the leg closely for evidence of a stasis ulcer

Edematous red scaly skin on the medial part of the leg

the postsurgical patient has a painful and swollen right calf that appears to be larger than the left leg. What is the nurse assessing for when she flexes the patients right leg and right foot

Pain. Positive homans sign

How should the nurse advise a patient with an international normalized ratio of 5.8

Stop taking the anticoagulant and notify your hcp

the nurse making a teaching plan for a patient with buerger disease needs to focus on the need for

Cessation of smoking

which statement would lead the nurse to offer more instruction about taking warfarin

I try to eat more green leafy vegetables especially broccoli spinach and kale

the nurse caring for a 92 y/o patient with pneumonia who is receiving iv fluids. the flow rate of the iv infusion because rapid infusion can cause

Heart failure

mr Vernon loepp age 72 is hospitalized for an aneurysm of the abdomen the nurse develops a teaching plan for discharge that includes emphasis on

Taking prescribed meds and monitoring activity to keep bp low

prior to giving digoxin it is important to

Count apical pulse for 1 full minute

A patient who is to undergo a cardiac catheterization communicated to the nurse that he forgot to inform the md that he is allergic to shrimp. what should the nurse do next

Ask patient what happens when he eats shrimp

A patient with hypertension lists the following foods in his history. which would be detrimental to his low sodium diet.

Take out Chinese 3 times per week

A patient diagnosed with varicose veins is reluctant to have surgery to repair them. she asks the nurse what she fan do to reduce the pain of the varicosities. the nurse suggests that

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods

which of the following is true when comparing raynauds disease and buergers

Raynauds is triggered by cold environment

A patient with hypertension is being managed by medication including diet change

Maintain a high potassium diet

A patient complains of skipping sensation in her chest while she is working at home. the nurse would anticipate the physician will order for the patient

A holter monitor

which of the following interventions will the nurse anticipate implementing for a patient diagnosed with myocardial infarction

Administer a stool softener to prevent straining with movements

A patient diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa). the nurse is planning the activity level for the patient. which would be an appropriate activity for this patient


during the fifth day in coronary care a patient with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction develops dyspnea. had blood tinged frothy sputum and becomes very anxious. these symptoms may indicate

Pulmonary edema

A patient with chronic heart failure inquires why does he not become sob until after he exercises or takes a shower. Which of the following statements made by the nurse would answer his question

When you exercise your heart can no longer meet the o2 needs of your body

An elderly patient has had a myocardial infarction of the right side of the heart. Which of the following signs should the nurse anticipate when assessing heart failure

Edema in feet and legs

The nurse is caring for a patient whose troponin I level is elevated. Which nursing action would be appropriate

Maintain bed rest

The nurse notes that a patients lower legs are brown and the feet are blue when they are in the dependent position. For Which health problem should the nurse collect additional data

Venous blood flow problems

The nurse is caring for a patient who is prescribed a thiazide diuretic. What instructions should the nurse provide this patient who reports fatigue due to sleep deprivation

Take your medication early in the day

A patient is prescribed furosemode lasix for htn and hf. Which statement should the nurse use to explain the purpose of this medication to the patient

By removing excess water blood pressure and cardiac workload are lowered so the heart doesn't work so hard

The nurse is obtaining a health history from an individual at a blood pressure screening. Which information in the patients history should the nurse identify as a modifiable risk of htn

Cigarette smoking

A patient being treated for carcinogenic shock has an order for captopril capoten. Vital signs are blood pressure 120/70 mm hg 85 beats per min and resp 16 breaths per min. What action should the nurse take regarding this medication.

Administer the dose

The physician prescribes nitro for a patient with anterior mi. The patients vital signs are apical pulse 52 beats per min and bp 80/60 mm hg. What action should the nurse take

Report the vital signs to the rn

A male patient is prescribed a long acting nitro medication for stable angina. Which medication should the nurse remind the patient to avoid whole taking the nitro

Sildenafil viagra

The nurse is contributing to a plan of care for a patient who has hf. What should be the major goal of nursing management for this patient

Reduce workload of the heart

A patient is receiving potassium k lor 30 meq/l furosemide lasix 20 mg and lanoxin 0.125 mg orally. The patients potassium level is 5.8 meq/l and the ordered meq/l is scheduled to be given now. What action should the nurse take

Asses the patients pulse rate

The nurse would assess closely for signs of right sided hf which include

Distended jugular veins , increasing abdominal girth and edema of feet and ankles

The nurse would design teachin for a patient with raynaud disease to include which of the following

Using caution when cleaning the fridge and freezer, complete smoking cessation, using mittens in cold weather and practicing stress reducing techniques

What is the trabsesophageal echocardiogram tee used for

Visualize vegetation on the heart valves, abscesses on the heart valves and detect thrombi before a cardio version

Which patient teaching would help to prevent venous stasis

Wear elastic stockings when ambulating, avoid crossing legs at the knee and elevate legs when lying in bed or sitting

The nurse points out which of the following as modifiable risks

Smoking , hyperlipidemia, hypertension and one more that's cut off

The nurse outlines which of the following as conditions that would disqualify a candidate for a heart transplant

Peptic ulcer disease ,recent malignancy and severe obesity

When assessing a patient with a possible mi what objective data should the nurse assess for

Htm, cardiac rhythm changes,pallor, erratic behavior, diaphoresis

Which of the following are signs of dig toxicity

Gi complaints, bradycardia, headache, visual disturbance

The nurse encourages the patient who is recovering from a mi to ask the care provider to prescribe a cardiac rehab series in order to learn to

Improve stamina, strengthen muscles,understand heart condition, reduce risk of further problems

Following an angiogram with the insertion site of the left groin the nurse will do care provisions for

Checking pedal pulses , sandbagging over insertion site, checking color and warmth of left leg frequently

The patient with chf who is on a diuretic drugs shows weight loss of 6.6 lbs. The nurse is aware that the patient has lost how many l of fluid


The pain that a person with arterial insufficiency feels on exertion which is relieved by rest is

Intermittent claudication

The process by which a heart is shocked from a persistent arrhythmia back into sinus rhythm is called a


Impulse pattern of condition in sequence through the heart

Sa node, atrial wall, av node, bundle of his, bundle branches, purkinje fibers

Path of blood through coronary circulation

superior/inferior vena cavaright atriumtricuspid valveright ventriclepulmonary artery lungspulmonary veinsleft atriummitral valveleft ventricle