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52 Cards in this Set

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aka: afterload; Contraction of the heart; Amt of resistance to open the valve; ejection fraction
aka: preload; Relaxation of the heart; Amt of stretch; Ventricles are filling; Myocardium is perfusing
What happens to the myocardium perfusion if HR increases?
The perfusion will decrease. There is less amount of time for ventricles to fill. Will lead to decreased O2 & chest discomfort
3 major arteries that supply the myocardium
L anterior descending; circumflex; R coronary artery
Ejection fraction
% of volume ejected with each stroke; normal is 60-80%; determined via echo or cath
At what percent is the EF indicative of heart failure?
<40%; damage to myocardium due to pump not efective
Importance of L main artery
Bifurcates to L anterior descending & circumflex. If blockage here, neither LAD or circ will be perfused
if S3 heart sound is heard...
an incompetent ventricle
if S4 heart sound is heard...
from atrium
In a cardiac cell, what two electrolytes primarily supply the electrical charges?
Sodium (Na+) which is normally on outside of cell and potassium(K+) which is normally inside cell
Electrical cardiac cells
Initiate and conduct impulses
Mechanical cardiac cells
contract in response to stimulation
electrical must _________ mechanical
the ready state; cells are balanced; no electrical activity
the discharge state; causes the contraction; the 2 chemical charges trade places causing the wave of electrical flow through the heart
follows depolarization; when the cell charges are returning to their original state; the recovery state
Route of the electrical conduction pathway
SA node --> AV node --> Bundle of His --> R & L Bundle branches --> Purkinje fibers
SA node
Pacemaker of the heart (in normal conduction, w/o block); inherent rate 60-100bpm; causes atrium to contract
AV node
will take over as pacemaker if SA blocked; Acts as a gatekeeper; briefly delays impulses (to prevent ventricles from filling up); inherent rate 40 - 60bpm
Bundle of His
Conducts impulses from AV node to R & L bundle branches to Perkinje fibers; causes ventricles to contract; inherent rate 20-40bpm
Artificial means of electrical function?
Artificial means of pump?
Ventricle assist device
P wave
The first positive deflection; Firing of the SA node; Atria are depolarizing (contracting); measures .06-.12
PR interval
Interval of atrial depolarization and AV delay (how long it takes for impulse to travel from SA to ventricles) measured from beginning of P to beginning of Q .12-.20
QRS wave
Ventricular depolarization (contraction); Measured from beginning of Q to end of S .04- <.12
QT interval
Length of time from ventricular depolarization to repolarization; measured from beginning of Q to end of T .35-.45
How does HR affect QT interval?
Faster HR will shorten relaxation and QT interval will be <.35
T wave
Repolarization (relaxation) of ventricles; heart is getting ready for next beat; Usually upright
Sinus Rhythm
60-100bpm; P wave for every QRS (.04-<.12); consistent shape; upright; PRI .12-.20; QT int .35-.45
What factors may lead to ST depression
ischemia in myocardium
What factors may alter QT interval
Heart rate or medications
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus rhythm rate < 60bpm; everything else WNL
Causes of sinus bradycardia
Vagal stimulation; hypothyroidism; electrolyte imbalance; inferior MI; Meds
What types of meds may lead to bradycardia
Digoxin (slows conduction @ AV node); Ca Channel Blockers; beta blockers
Significance of bradycardia
Decreased cardiac output, hypotension, pale, cool, clammy, dizzy, light-headed
When & how to treat bradycardia
Only treat if symptomatic! 1. Atropine 0.5-1.0mg IVP 2. prepare for transcutaneous pacer 3. Dopamine 5-20mcg 4. Epinephrine 2-10mcg/min 5. Isoproterenol 2-10mcg
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus rhythm with rate >100bpm
Causes of tachycardia
Stress, exercise, anterior MI, pulm embolism, meds, hyperthyroidism, CHF, fever, caffeine, pain, shock
Significance of sinus tachycardia
Increased HR leads to increase in myocardial oxygen demand
Treatment for tachycardia
1.Treat underlying cause 2.beta blockers 3.digoxin 4.Ca channel blockers
What calcium channel blockers may be used for tx of tachycardia
Cardizem; Adenosine, only pushed by critical care nurse w/dr @ bedside then followed by a bolus: 6mg, 12mg, 12mg
Atrial fibrillation
Multiple ectopic atrial foci (firing from many areas, not just SA node); Uncoordinated atrial contractions; irregular ventricular rate; "party in the atrium"
Causes of A-fib
HF, cardiomyopathy, alcohol, CAD, valve disease, congenital heart, HTN, hyperthyroidism, lung disease, heart surgery, PE
A-fib on ECG strip
No discernable P wave, no PRI, QRS is normal, may or may not have T wave, fibrillatory waves between the QRS's
A-fib with RVR
Pt in a-fib with a rate >100
Significance of a-fib
Decrease in cardiac output due to loss of "atrial kick"; risk of thrombus formation due to incomplete emptying of the atrium
S&S of a-fib
chest pain, SOB, dizziness
Treatment for a-fib
beta blockers, Ca channel blocker, cordarone, digoxin, heparin/coumadin protocol, possible cardioversion
What needs to be done prior to cardioversion
An echo needs to be performed to r/o clotting in the atrium, Do not want to cardiovert & dislodge clot if one is present
What lab test is performed for a pt on heparin
Every 6 hrs draw a PTT & adjust heparin accordingly;
Pt education for coumadin
Once INR is 2-3, d/c the heparin; need monthly INR; monitor for S&S of bleeding
Atrial flutter
Appears as saw tooth shaped waves between regular QRS complexes; atrial rate >250