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47 Cards in this Set

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Left to right shunt in lesions

Patent ductus arteriosus

Arterial septal defect

Ventricular septal defect

Atrioventricular septal defect

Patent ductus arteriosus

Failure of fetal ductus arteriosus to close completely. Due to decreased prostaglandin.

Signs of PDA

Heart failure which is related to the Legion in the amount of left to right shunting. Continuous murmur. Widened pulse pressure. Bounding pulse. Cardiac enlargement

Care for PDA

Interventions for heart failure. Monitor respiratory status, renal function, and growth. A coil is placed to occlude the ductus. Surgical management

Atrial septal defect

Abnormal opening between the atria. 5 to 10% of cardiac lesions; see more often than girls

Signs of atrial septal defects

Can be asymptomatic depending on size of lesion. Fatigue dyspnea on exertion. Palpitations. Atrial dysrhythmias. Reoccurring respiratory infections. Systolic murmur. Mitral valve regurgitation. Heart failure

Care for ASD

Conservative. Diuretics and digoxin for heart failure. Cardiac catherization. Aspirin. Surgery.

Ventricular septal defect

Abnormal opening between the ventricles 20% of cardiac defect most common type of cardiac defect

Signs of ventricular septal defect

Asymptomatic. Or loud harsh systolic murmur, palpable thrill, diastolic murmur and gallop rhythm may be present. Heart failure

Care for VSD

Conservative 30 to 40% close spontaneously. Diuretics digoxin. Manage heart failure. Cardiac catherization. Occluder device. Surgery.

Atrioventricular septal defect

2% of cardiac defects. Associated with genetic syndromes like Down syndrome. Abnormal endocardial tissue development affecting the atria in ventricular septum and mitral and tricuspid valves

Signs of atrioventricular septal defect

Degrees of heart failure related to size and pressure. Just all of pulmonary flow murmur that develops over a few weeks after birth. Intermittent cyanosis

Care for atrioventricular septal defect

Symptomatic treatment of heart failure. ACE inhibitors. Surgery

Obstructive or stenotic lesions

Pulmonary stenosis

Aortic stenosis

Coarctation of the aorta

Pulmonary stenosis

10% of cardiac defect. Its narrowing an interest in the pulmonary artery at the valves below the valve or above the valve. Develop self may be normal.

Signs of pulmonary stenosis

Asymptomatic signs. Symptomatic children include exercise intolerance. Right sided heart failure. Systolic ejection murmur. Possible probable thrill. Cardiomegaly on radiograph. Cyanosis in severe cases mostly

Care for pulmonary stenosis

Cardiac observation and antibiotic prophylaxis for children. Interventional catheterization or surgery cardiac catherization. Placement of shunt from a order to pulmonary artery why you shaking Sawyer

Aortic stenosis

Nearing of the interest of the aorta

Signs of aortic stenosis

Exercise intolerance ECG abnormalities with exercise. Cardiomegaly. Systolic ejection murmur with thrill or click. Sudden death with stenosis. Severe failure decrease cardiac output. Chest pain dizzy syncope

Care for Aortic stenosis

Follow up. Cardiac catherization. Aortic balloon. Valve replacement.

Sign on equations with decreased pulmonary blood flow

Tetrology of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot

Cyanotic lesion. Resulting from malignant of the ventricular septum during fetal development. Ventricular septal defect. Right ventricular outflow outflow tract obstruction

Signs of the trilogy of Fallot

Obstructive pulmonary blood flow which causes right-to-left shunting. Cyanosis extreme fatigue hyper synodic episodes Chronicle hypoxemia. Horse systolic murmur with a possible thrill. Boots shaped hearts.

Care for to tetralogy of Fallot

APG II. Treat hyper sonic episodes and anemia. Repair the defects during infancy 4 months after 8. Palliative shunt procedures.

Acquired heart disease

Anything acquired that was not present at birth such as infected endocarditis. Rheumatic fever. Kawasaki disease

Infective endocarditis

Infection of valves and inner lining of heart

Causes of infective endocarditis

Bad oral hygiene, immusuppression, nosocomial infections, - trilogy of fallot, ventricular defect

Symptoms of ineffective

Fever malaise increase spleen backache murmur CHF

Care for endocarditis

Prophylactic antibiotic, oral health, IV long term. Planned for boredom and depression. Observe for side effects of antibiotics like superinfection thrush and CDs

What to monitor with endocarditis

Ineffective tissue perfusion. Acute pain. Fever. Neurologic status vital signs murmur. Temperature.

Nursing diagnosis for endocarditis

Ineffective tissue perfusion. Hyperthermia. Acute pain. Sufficient

Rheumatic fever

Diffuse implement Tori condition most probably of autoimmune or origin. Primarily of the heart joints subcutaneous tissues brain and blood vessels. Most common complications rheumatic heart disease. Can result in permanent damage to cardiac valves most commonly mitral and aortic

Cause of rheumatic fever

Autoimmune reaction to group a beta hemolytic strep usually 2 to 6 weeks after an untreated infection of the upper respiratory tract

Manifestations of rheumatic fever




Abdominal pain

Erythema marginatum

Subcutaneous nodules



Involuntary movements of extremities and face effects


History of sore throat


Inflammation of all parts of the heart primarily mitral valve

Erythema marginatum

Red skin lesions starting on trunk in spreading peripherally

Subcutaneous nodules

Small non tender swellings often over the joints


Tender painful joints usually elbows knees ankles and wrists

Nursing care for rheumatic fever

Bed rest during acute phase. Determine if there was an unexplained sore throat last two months. Observe for signs of hardness tachycardia heart murmur friction rub. Shortness of breath or redeem of the face. Abdomen your ankles. Tenderloin

Nursing diagnosis for rheumatic fever

Deficit in knowledge. Ineffective coping. Acute pain. Whisper injury

Kawasaki disease

Generalized vasculitis. Causes unknown causes coronary artery aneurysm if untreated it is the lymph node syndrome

Signs and symptoms of the Kawasaki disease

First phase is a high fever for longer than 5 days. Bilateral the non purulent conjunctivitis. Scissors and cracking of the lips with strawberry tongue. Swelling of the hands and feet rhythm of the palms and soles in a rash. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Tachycardia. The second stage the fever disappears by the 11th day and most symptoms resolve there is Aaron ability anorexia discrimination of the fingers and toes arthritis including heart failure and coronary aneurysms. The final stage most symptoms disappear and the ESR returns to normal Beau's lines may appear on the child's nails

Care for Kawasaki disease

Prevent coronary artery damage. High dose of IVIG with aspirin.

What to monitor with Kawasaki disease

Change in polls. Respiration. Blood pressure and color along with shortness of breath chest pain decreased activity could just cardiac complications eyes examined eyes mouth and skins in the joints.

Nursing diagnosis for Kawasaki disease

Respirat efficient fluid volume related to fever. Acute pain related to joint. They are related to changes.