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82 Cards in this Set

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____________ is the most important and basic management function.
Planning involves setting ___________ and then establishing ________, ______________, and _________ necessary to achieve them at all levels of an organization.
- setting objectives
- policies
- procedures
- action plans
List four types of planning.
1. Strategic - long-term
2. Tactical - short-term
3. Operational - day-to-day
4. Contingency - to cope with unseen events
_________ is one of the primary management functions of an organization.
Strategic planning is done by ____________ management. It is a formal process of planning to fit the _______ and __________ of the organization.
- upper-level
- mission
- values
Strategic planning does not work without support from _______. In addition, the managers _______ must support the plan. Strategic planning that is _______ is more likely to succeed.
- top managers
- at all levels
- participative
Tactical, operational, and contingency planning all emanate from __________.
- strategic planning
Ineffective or a lack of strategic planning can result in __________ a state in which the organization moves from one crisis to another.
- "crisis management"
The strategic planning process can be structured to involve representatives from ________ level and _____ of an organization, or it can be restricted to __________. Sometimes, ________ are used to provide both an objective, external ________ and to undertake data collection and analysis. An external consulting group might conduct extensive ________ of all stakeholders, including the ________ and ________ of the organization.
- level
- division
- upper-level management
- point of view
- interviews
- community
- customers
The first goal is to clarify a ____ and a _______ of the organization if none exists. If it already exists, then the process will undertake either __________ of the current statement or a ______ to match current concerns. Second, _______ for the process are determined. _________ of the mission, _______, and _________ may occur simultaneously.
- vision
- mission
- validation
- revision
- strategies
- Reaffirmation
- strategy development
- wide-ranging analysis
The _______ is the basic purpose for the organization's existence.
- mission
___________ of the organization determines its mission. All managers are responsible for ________, ______, and ________ the mission. The mission statement defines the organization by defining its __________, _________, and ___________.
- Senior management
- understanding
- communicating
- implementing
- activities
- markets
- consumers
________ describes the plan the general or team manager or planner has for using the organization's resources to achieve a specific objectives.
- Strategy
__________ are specific actions taken by a manager and work group to achieve a specific goal.
- Tactics
List three levels of strategy.
1. Corporate-level strategy
2. Business-level strategy
3. Functional strategy
Corporate-level strategy involves the ______ organization, and usually implies that the corporation consists of a number of different ________. The corporate-level strategy guides what kinds of ________ to undertake and how to distribute ___________ to existing ventures.
- entire corporate
- business interests
- new ventures
- financial resources
Business level strategy involves ________ of a larger company.
- the independent business unit
Functional strategy relates to ________ within a ________ can have goals, objectives, and mission statements. These are where businesses maintain their ________ because they represent the point at which the customer is reached.
- departments
- business unit
- competitive edge
_______ are meant to guide those organizations members who have the authority to make plans for the actions of major units of the organization. Corporate _________ and ____________ are typically individuals who would be expected to make and to be directly affected by strategic decisions.
- Strategy statements
- vice presidents
- division managers
SWOT (____________) analysis is a long-standing technique used by companies for __________. It is an in-depth project that does not always give ________ or ________ answers.
- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
- planning
- easy
- clear
Several techniques can be used to conduct a SWOT analysis. Commonly, even with _________ and other _________ from all stakeholders, a task force designated to complete the strategic plan engages in a session that looks like a __________ or ________.
- extensive interviews
- data collection
- brainstorming
- focus group
A popular SWOT technique involves posting a list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats on the walls of a room and giving each participant a _______. After the participants vote, a leader guides the group through a _________. Often this leader is an _________. Other methods including using a __________ to complete the SWOT analysis.
- set number of votes for each category (such as five votes for strengths, etc.)
- discussion of the outcome
- external consultant
- consulting team
A SWOT analysis for a large organization with many different business facets can be quite _______. A ______ should help orchestrate the extensive data. This includes conducting some ________ and _________. Usually this kind of process will involve several drafts that are shared with the team responsible for developing the ________.
- extensive
- trained planner
- data analysis
- summary of critical points
- strategic plan
SWOT is a system used to understand facts affecting _________.
- strategy
Another method used for analyzing a corporation's strengths and weaknesses is the _______ - both _______ and ______.
- audit
- internal
- external
An internal audit reviews the _________ and the degree of ________ the business mission has had.
- mission statement
- success
The external audit addresses five categories: ________, ________, _________, ________, and _________. Analysis of these forces results in a picture of the ______ and _______ faced by a business.
- economic forces
- social forces
- political forces
- technological forces
- competitive forces
- opportunities
- threats
Local, state, and federal governments in the US as well as most major countries and even some emerging industrial nations maintain ________. World organizations like the _______ and the ___________ also maintain large data sources that provide information about what is happening at every social, civic, and cultural level.
- government data bureaus
- United Nations
- World Trade Organization
________ and ________ organizations also maintain research and data collection offices. ________ and ________ business trends is often on of the major activities of business associations.
- Business
- professional
- Tracking
- anticipating
__________ all over the world fund research, and many ________ support scientific research as well. __________, like GM, IBM, AT&T, and Microsoft, have research and development divisions. Many of these companies publish the results of their research in _______. These research activities are often on the _______ and indicate ________.
- Governments
- many universities
- Large corporations
- scientific journals
- cutting edge
- future applications
List four trends influencing strategic planning
1. Globalization of the marketplace
2. Technology innovation
3. Security
4. Employment
Technology does not present a threat in its own rights as much as the _______ of technological innovation does.
- rapid pace
The cost of ________ will always be a factor for strategic planning. ________, _________ and ________ employment, ________, and _________ consulting have become major trends in the pattern of employment.
- human resources
- Telecommuting
- part-time
- temporary
- outsourcing
- on-site
List three other types of data collection and analyses.
1. Government data
2. Business association data
3. Research trends
__________ are the primary management tool for achieving any plan, whether it is a strategic, tactical, operational, or contingency plan. With ______ developed, a manager or management team can then prepare an ________.
- Objectives
- objectives
- action plan
Objectives are established for _____ and ______ term periods. In addition, intermediate objectives may be established as __________.
- short-
- long-
- benchmarks
Responsibility for achieving short-term objectives typically rests with ________. Intermediate objectives coincide with _______ duties and responsibilities. The achievement of long-term objectives is the primary concern of ________.
- supervisors
- middle managers'
- top management
_______, a noted management theorist, identified eight key areas in which any organization should have specific objectives on which to focus, especially long term. List these.
- Peter Drucker
1. Market standing
2. Innovation
3. Profitability
4. Productivity
5. Physical and financial resources
6. Managerial performance and development
7. Workers performance and attitude
8. Public responsibility
Objectives establish ______ is to be done. To guide the organization's employees in _____ the work is to be performed, management develops a number of different types of action guidelines. Guidelines take the form of ________, ________, and _____. An action plan then incorporates _______ with a ______.
- what
- how
- policies
- procedures
- rules
- procedures
- schedule of work
Policies focus on a wide range of ____ or ______ that may be made by organization members _______.
- actions
- decisions
- any level of the organization
A policy describes the way _______ are completed or _________ are made in particular situations.
- actions
- decisions
A policy statement represents management's ________ or _________ on a subject. Subordinates are expected to follow the policy guideline as they exercise _________, make ________, or take _____.
- preference
- commitments
- authority
- decisions
- actions
It is important to recognize that a policy is not, as a rule, a ____ or a completely _________. A policy is intended to be a guideline that is honored in most instances, but leaves room for __________.
- law
- rigid requirement
- justified exceptions
Activities that are repeated frequently are _____, and the best or preferred ways of responding or performing are ________. The preferred steps are then written into a ___________. Persons performing these activities are guided into a ____________ by the requirements of the procedure.
- studied
- identified
- procedure
- highly consistent pattern of behavior
Strategic plans -
______ management
______ range
- upper-level
- long
Tactical plans -
______ management
______ range
lasts only as long as ______
- middle
- short
- a specific objective requires
Operational plans -
______ management
- first-line
- few hours, few days, or it may even have an entire annual cycle
Standing-use plans can be of any classification - _______, _____, _______, and even ______ if they guide _____, ______,or ________.
- strategic
- tactical
- operational
- contingency
- daily
- weekly
- frequent routines
Success can be determined by the degree to which an objective was _____.
- reached
Achieving 95 percent of an objective may be considered acceptable, but the _______ of whether the plan of operation is working must be made.
- determination
Exceeding the objective by 5 to 10 percent is also good, but the plan should be reviewed so that a more ________ can be made.
- accurate forecast
A strategic plan should be adjusted when the ________ are expected to change. A change in complaint rate is not the basis for _______ the strategic plan.
- trends
- shifting
Plans should be adjusted according to ____________.
- factors determined in the plan
Communicating is the process of sharing _____ in such a way that others will _______ and be able to _____ the transmitted information.
- ideas
- understand
- use
In converting mission statements into action, upper managerial levels create ________.
- policy statements
Policies cover a wide range of actions and decisions; however they are crucial for _____ and _______ on the organization's mission and values.
- guiding change
- maintaining focus
__________ specify how management and employees will work together in the organizational structure. A policy will express a ____ or ______.
- Policy statements
- value
- specific conduct
Procedures must be carefully _________ and __________ to employees.
- developed
- articulated
All situations ____ be covered in policies. Policies are ________ and the _______ is to be considered.
- cannot
- guidelines
- intent
It is desirable that formal policies by _________. Having to put policies _______ requires the manager to _____ them through carefully to develop clear and consistent guides.
- written
- in writing
- think
The wording of a written policy cannot be changed by _________.
- word of mouth
Written policy helps new supervisors become more familiar with the _________ and its __________ rather quickly.
- company
- established policies
The development of companywide policies and procedures manuals helps _________ many practices that formerly were _________ or ________.
- standardize
- hearsay
- "carried around in people's heads"
Once established, the supervisor will be able to apply ________ in making decisions.
- standardization
Policies affect ________ engaged in business activities for the firm and every person or company _________.
- every person
- served by the firm
___________ relations as well as _______ relations are very important considerations in establishing appropriate company policies.
- Employee
- public
Form firms to be responsive to the needs of customers or clients, public relations policies must be established so that:
a. _______ and ______ are provided to meet public demand
b. Customers/clients are provided with the _______
c. Marketing practices adhere to the requirements of ______ and are directed toward the ______.
- Products
- services
- kinds of services expected
- legislation
- public benefit
Many company policies are designed to maintain __________ throughout the firm. Not only do these provide benefits to the employees, but indirectly they also will help increase the ______ and _________ demonstrated by the employees.
- good employee relations
- morale
- motivation
Employee relations policies relate to what 7 things.
1. Hiring
2. Training
3. Promoting
4. Employee Assistance Program
5. Retiring and discharging
6. Employee benefits
7. Support formal authority system
Policies and procedures in effect within an organization communicate the expectations of the __________. In other words, everyone within the organization is expected to support these policies and procedures or be willing to ________ with the organization.
- formal authority system
- sever their relationships
Management by objectives is specifically designed to gain _________ of the final plan and objectives. _________ is generally credited with originating this approach, through his insistence that each person responsible for achieving an objective clearly ___________ and ___________ on objectives.
- mutual acceptance
- Peter Drucker
- understanding
- agreeing
List three characteristics of Management by Objectives (MBO)
1. Mutual setting of objectives
2. Setting of measurable objectives
3. Regular monitoring and performance evaluation
The MBO Process is ___________.
- time consuming
_________ must support MBO and be ______ in it.
- Top management
- involved
Some individuals are not ____________ by participation in MBO.
- positively motivated
If an employee emphasized _________ MBO goals, work team and organizational goals may be _______.
- personal
- ignored
Corporations often will state their ethical views in their mission statements or in an actual statement called a _________.
- code of ethics
Each ___________ publishes its own code of ethics as well. Often the punishment for violating the code will be _________ from the profession.
- professional organization
- expulsion
Businesses have _________ as well. Some business and organizational groups like publishing and oil companies and insurance groups will prepare statements concerning proper ______ of both corporations and representatives of corporations. These _________ indicate types of practices that may create unfair advantage.
- codes of ethics
- conduct
- codes of conduct
Ethical behaviors are beneficial to both __________ and _______. Guidelines are usually listed in the __________.
- managers
- employees
- company policy manual
Knowing your _______ values are in agreement with those of your _______ and _______ is an important part of striving for success.
- personal
- coworkers
- employer
Corporations have an __________ to all of its stakeholders - all persons whom the organization is dedicated to serve. Internal responsibility is to _______, where external responsibility is to ________, the ______, and to _____ as a whole.
- ethical responsibility
- all employees
- stockholders
- community
- society