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150 Cards in this Set

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A simplified model of Human Information Processing (HIP) include human resources such as:
HIP (human information processing) is a model about user activity, which involves human resources such as:
perceptual processor
HIP, which stands for ___ is an important model used in HCI cognitive engineering.
Human Information Processing
User task performance reflects the ___ of performing a task
efficiency and effectiveness
Cognitive performance reflects:
speed and accuracy of performing an information-processing task
The accuracy of an information processing task, which together with speed reflect the cognitive performance, depends on:
the capacity of human memory to store data
Automatic behavior refers to behavior characterized by:
fast and cognitively undemanding cognitive process
Automatic behavior is a kind of:
cognitive processes
An example of automatic behavior is:
copying a file
Controlled behavior refers to behavior characterized by:
relatively slow and cognitively demanding cognitive process
In HCI design, controlled behavior is an issue concerned with:
cognitive engineering
An example of controlled behavior is:
inventing a new device
Units of images usually have relations that are:
in parallel
Processing of images is characterized as:
Which of the following statements about image processing is appropriate?
Processing of images is more holistic than processing of verbal information;
The functional and logical relationships between verbal descriptions are usually:
Processing of verbal information is characterized as:
Which of the following statements about verbal information processing is appropriate?
Processing of verbal information is more linguistic than processing of images
Heuristics are rules of thumb to perform a task that depend heavily on:
task content
Heuristics are a kind of:
task-doing rules
In the following statements about heuristics, the appropriate one is:
Heuristics are vulnerable to changes in context.
Metaphor is a cognitive process in which an experience is related to:
an already familiar concept
Constructing metaphors is a kind of:
cognitive process
In the following statements about metaphor, the appropriate one is
Metaphors help users overcome cognitive limitations in complex tasks
Mental model is a/an ___ of a device or a system
human representation of the conceptual structure
In HCI cognitive engineering, mental models refer to human representations of:
conceptual structure of a device or a system
Which of the following statements about mental models, appropriate:
Mental models help users overcome cognitive limitation in complex tasks
Complexity of HCI refers to the amount of ___ resources needed for interacting with the computer to accomplish a task.
In human-computer interaction, a factor that can affect the complexity of a task perceived by a user could be:
the system used for this task
Which of the following statements about “perceived complexity of HCI” is correct?
Given the same task and the same task doer, when the system to be used for the task changes, the perceived complexity of HCI would vary as well
Gulf of execution is:
the gap between a user’s goal and its computerized implementation
Gulf of evaluation refers to:
the gap between the computerized implementation of a user’s goal and its evaluation by the user
In Norman’s seven stage model of user activity, which of the following is a stage in the direction from HUMAN to COMPUTER:
action specification
Based on Norman’s seven stage model of user activity, one stage in the direction from COMPUTER to HUMAN is:
evaluate the interpretation against the expectation based on intentions
Please select the appropriate statement about Norman’s seven stage model of user activity from the following:
The seven stages jointly describe a user activity for a particular goal;
Which of the following is an element of GOMS model?
In a GOMS description, the role of operators is:
to act as the building blocks for describing human-computer interaction at the concrete level
GOMS model is used to:
define the human processor and memory needed for a user activity
GOMS is the abbreviation for:
goal, operator, methods, selection
Errors refer to deviations from:
intentional behavior
An error in skill-based behavior can be caused by:
Overattention is a cause for errors in skill-based behavior. Which of the following is an example of overattention?
While typing, the user checked the work from time to time before it was necessary, and typed repeated characters
Skill-based behavior has the characteristic of:
requiring minimal cognitive resources
An example of skill-based behavior is:
entering students’ exam scores into a grade system
Rule-based behavior has the characteristic of:
being contingent on particular situation
An example of Rule-based behavior is:
judging the quality of a product against standards
Knowledge-based behavior has the characteristic of:
requiring generation of new rules of behavior
An example of knowledge-based behavior is:
developing a new advertisement design
Cognitive fit in HCI refers to the fit between:
characteristics of user’s problem solving strategy and problem representation displayed on the screen
An appropriate statement about cognitive fit in the following is:
Cognitive fit can be seen as a determinant of low HCI complexity
Affect is a general term that refers to ___ processes and states.
In HCI, affect means ___.
a set of psychological process and states that influence human-computer interaction
Which of the following is a psychological process and state that can be called affect?
Affective engineering is about:
the application of affect in the development of HCI
In the HCI context, affective quality exists within which of the following objects
computer system
The affective quality of an object (related to computer system) enables it to change its users’:
core affect
The affective quality of an object (related to computer system) is its quality to:
cause a change in a user’s core affect
A core affect is:
a neurophysiological state
Which of the following is a dimension of core effect?
Which of the following is a core affect that a person may have?
elated and happy
Emotion has the characteristic of:
being intentional
One’s emotion is related to his/her ___ .
a core affect
Moods of human being are ___ that exist within a person independently of external objects.
unintentional core affects
Moods are attributes that belong to:
a person
Affective impression is a user’s appraisal of an object’s affective qualities in terms of ___.
their capacity to impact feelings
Affective impression is the result of a perception process with ___ as the input.
an object’s affective quality
Affective impression is a user’s appraisal of the ___ qualities of HCI.
In HCI, interactivity is the extent to which a user can:
manipulate and communicate with a computer in real time;
In the context of HCI, interactivity can influence a user’s attitudes and behavior through influencing her ___ .
core affects
A system’s interactivity has the ability to influence:
user’s mood
In HCI, vividness refers to:
the richness of representation in the human-computer interface
A system’s vividness can be influenced by:
the system’s sensory breadth
Which is an appropriate statement about vividness:
The vividness of a system depends on the system’s sensory breadth and depth;
Which of the following is among the major concerns in affective engineering?
adapting the computer’s state to fit the user’s affective state
What is the work that should be done at the “modeling affect” phase in the affective engineering for a system?
anticipate the relevant types of emotions that a user may have in using the system
In the following, which one is the concern that forms the basis for all other concerns in the affective engineering for a system?
modeling affect in the user and the computer
Anthropomorphic designs of computer systems make the systems appear as though they were:
human beings
An attitude towards a computer system is:
a summary evaluation of the computer system
Which of the following is a measure of attitudes toward a computer?
Please select the appropriate statement about attitude from the following.
A user’s attitude toward a system can help predict how he/she will interact with the system.
TAM, which stands for ___, explains users’ attitudes toward using a system.
Technology Acceptance Model
In TAM, a factor that can affect a user’s behavioral intention to use a system is:
the user’s belief that using the system will enhance his/her performance
TAM is widely used to predict:
the acceptance and use of information technology
Perceived usefulness of a computer system refers to users’ belief that using the system will:
enhance their performance;
Perceived usefulness with a computer system plays an important role in forming:
users’ attitude toward using the system
According to the Technology Acceptance Model, which of the following statements about perceived usefulness is appropriate?
Users’ perceived usefulness with a system has influences on their actual use of the system;
Perceived ease of use of a computer system refers to users’ belief that using the system will:
be free of effort;
Perceived ease of use with a computer system can directly influence:
a user’s attitude toward using the system
Which of the following statements about perceived ease of use is appropriate?
The perceived ease of use with a system plays an important role in predicting a user’s intention to use the system;
Perceived enjoyment with a system is the extent that a user believes :
fun can be derived from using the system.
In HCI, perceived enjoyment is a quality of:
a computer system
Computer anxiety taps ___.
users’ fears of the consequences of using computers
Computer anxiety is a kind of ___.
In human-computer interaction, satisfaction is a positive affect resulting from:
the user’s evaluation of the use of the computer system
A user’s satisfaction with the use of a computer system depends on the comparison of:
user’s expectations vs. user’s experience
Computer self-efficacy refers to a person’s evaluation of:
his/her capabilities to use computers in diverse situations
Which of the following statements about computer self-efficacy is appropriate?
Training can help increase users’ computer self-efficacy;
In a human-computer interaction, flow is:
an optimal experience that the user has
In human-computer interaction, flow is a user’s optimal experience of control, focus of attention, curiosity and ___.
intrinsic interest
Which of the following can be called a flow?
a successful online shopping experience that is enjoyable
Evaluation is the process of careful appraisal and study to determine several aspects of something that is of interest. These aspects include:
While an information system is developed, the evaluation of it should happen:
in entire life cycle
Which of the following is a topic in Development Evaluations of an information system?
system functionality
Usability testing should be conducted in:
use and impact evaluations
A primary purpose of the Use and Impact Evaluation of an information system is:
understanding system impacts on users’ activities
In the development lifecycle of an interactive system, when should the Use and Impact Evaluation be conducted?
system use stage
Which of the following is a characteristic of the Use and Impact Evaluation of an information system?
It aims at finding out the influences on users and the organization from the use of this system.
Which of the following could be a motivation for a user to interact with an information system (e.g. a computer, the Internet, a mobile phone, etc)?
a need to send a message to family members
Which of the following user needs should be considered when developing HCI support for an information system?
users’ affective factors
The uncomfortableness in users’ eyes caused by too bright screen is an example of ___ concern in HCI.
Within an organizational context, an example of the extrinsic motivation of using an information system could be:
the perceived usefulness of using this system to improve work performance
In the development of an information system, when should formative evaluation be conducted?
when the system is being developed
The purpose of doing formative evaluation in a system development is to:
form or influence design decisions
Which of the following should be examined in summative evaluation of an information system?
whether the system meets predefined requirements
The summative evaluation in a system development happens:
when the system is ready in design before release
For a longitudinal evaluation of an information system, the data collection is:
a repeated process
Which is an appropriate statement about longitudinal evaluation ?
Longitudinal evaluation of an information system has the ability to reveal its dynamic natures;
In the following statements about formative and summative evaluation, which one is correct?
Formative evaluation influences the design of the target system;
The usability of a system refers to its quality with respect to aspects such as:
ease of learning
The usability of a system is a concept that should be discussed within given context, which depends on factors such as:
specified users
According to Jakob Nielsen, usability is a multi-dimensional property of a system. One of these multiple attributes of usability is:
Usefulness of an information system is an issue about:
whether the system can be used to achieve some desired goal;
Which of the following is an example characteristic that an information system with good usefulness could have?
the system can help users do a task that was not possible without it
Usability engineering is a process that
happens throughout a system’s development
In usability engineering, what is the task that should be done throughout a system’s development process?
measuring the system’s usability characteristics
Universal usability is a usability issue that pertains to:
the diverse user population of an information system across the world
Which of the following is a question to be addressed in dealing with universal usability of an information system?
What are the cultural differences exist in all potential users of the system?
In the following evaluation methods for information systems, which one requires data from users?
field experiment
Field experiment is an evaluation method that:
draws conclusion based on empirical data;
In the following statements about analytical and empirical evaluations, which one is correct?
Evidence collected from users is required for empirical evaluations
Heuristic evaluation method has the characteristic of:
easy to apply
As a heuristic evaluation method, the HOMERUN heuristics are good for the evaluation of usability of:
commercial websites
Guideline review requires participation of __ in its implementation.
system designers
Guideline review is a ___ method to evaluate information systems.
Cognitive walk-through is a system evaluation method that:
simulates the steps of a user’s problem-solving process
Which of the following description about cognitive walk-through is appropriate?
Before doing cognitive walk-through, assumptions about the user population of an information system should be defined;
Focus Group is a form of:
When the focus group method is utilized for the evaluation of a system, questions for respondents are administered by:
“The reliability of results depends on the truthfulness of respondents’ self-report” is a problem in collecting data from computer users. This problem usually happens to the method of:
In the following statements about survey, which one is correct?
The anonymity of respondents in survey can encourage more candid and honest responses;
The advantage of the survey method includes:
respondents are encouraged to provide honest responses because of the anonymity in a survey
Lab Experiment is a good method for system evaluation when:
evaluators have a clear focus on specific consequences of design features on users performance;
Which of the following is a step that should be included in the lab experiment on the evaluation of an information system?
developing theory-driven hypotheses to be tested
Field study differentiates itself from other empirical evaluation methods in:
the evaluation settings
When evaluators want to understand actual user experience in real-world situations with minimum interruption to them, which of the following methods would be good to use?
ethnographic observation
Standards are applied for:
achieving consistency across the same type of products;
An information system developed based on standards has the ability to indicate its:
CIF stands for:
Common Industry Format
Common Industry Format is used for:
reporting summative usability test findings about an information system
Which of the following are concerned with Common Industry Format?
usability professionals