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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the agent that causes canine distemper virus?
RNA paramyxovirus
What animals are affected by the canine distemper virus?
Dogs and many other carnivores
What is the distribution of canine distemper virus?
Enzootic worldwide
What age of dogs are susceptible to canine distemper virus?
All ages affected
Which dogs are most often infected with CDV?
Young, non-vaccinated dogs
How is canine distemper virus transmitted?
In all body secretions
-groups of dogs
When is the canine distemper virus shed? How long does it survive in the environment?
-Shedding transient after recovery
-does not survive long in the environment
What are the clinical signs of a dog with CDV when the virus-neutralizing antibodies are low?
Systemic signs, acute encephalomyelitis
What are the 2 possible conditions that will develop in a dog with CDV that has a high virus-neutralizing antibody response?
-subclinical infection and recovery (>75% of dogs)
-CNS signs (chronic encephalomyelitis)
How long does it take for the first signs of CDV to develop? What are they?
4-6 days post-infection
-transient fever
What are the 3 phases of the clinical signs of a dog with CDV (after initial clinical signs)?
1) Epithelial phase
-GI & respiratory tracts
2) Ocular disease
3) Neurologic phase
Dogs that are _______ tend to go straight into the CNS disease of CDV and bypass the other phases.
<1 year old
When does CDV viremia develop in infected dogs?
Viremia (disease that follows immune suppression so bacteria that are already there cause problems) develops 6-9 days post-infection---> 3 phases
What are the clinical signs of the epithelial phase of CDV?
1) Vomiting & diarrhea
2) Rhinitis & conjunctivitis
3) Pneumonia
-interstitial= viral
-secondary bacterial
What is it about ocular disease caused by CDV that is highly suggestive of the canine distemper virus?
Decreased tear production in young dogs (keratoconjunctivitis)
What are 3 clinical signs of ocular disease due to CDV?
1) Keratoconjunctivitis
2) Chorioretinitis
3) Optic neuritis
When do signs of ocular disease and the epithelial phase of CDV develop? Neurological phase?
ocular & epithelial 6-9 days post infection
-neurological can occur simultaneously w systemic disease or be delayed
What are the 2 types of encephalomyeltiis that can develop during the neurological phase of CDV? Which animals get which?
1) Acute encephalomyelitis
-gray matter destruction
-young animals
2) Subacute or chronic non-suppurative encephalomyelitis
-dogs >1 year
What are the 4 types of neurological signs that are seen with CDV?
1) Central vestibular signs
-head tilt, nystagmus
2) Cerebellar signs
3) Cerebral signs
4) Myoclonus
What are the 3 cerebellar signs of CDV?
1) Cerebellar ataxia
2) Intention tremors
3) Hypermetria
What are 3 cerebral signs of CDV?
1) Behavioral changes
2) Delirious
3) Seizures
-chewing-gum seizures
What lab abnormalities are seen on a CBC in a dog with CDV?
-lymphopenia initially
-neutrophilic leukocytosis later
What is found in the CSF of a dog with CDV?
-normal or mild to moderate increase in protein and cell count
How do you make a presumptive diagnosis of CDV?
Based on clinical signs
What do you find on serology in a dog that either was recently infected with CDV or recently vaccinated for CDV?
-4 fold increase in IgG over a 2-3 week period
-presence of IgM
What are the 2 diagnostics used to make a definitive diagnosis of CDV?
1) Viral inclusions
-false + and -
-way to go
What are 3 samples that you can perform RT-PCR on when trying to diagnose CDV?
Urine, serum, CSF
What are the 3 components of treating CDV?
1) Non-specific and supportive
2) Treat secondary infections
3) Dexamethasone
Why is dexamethasone used to treat CDV? When is it contraindicated?
-May improve CNS signs
-does not improve survival****(assume 95% mortality)
-Contraindicated in cases w/ acute encephalomyelitis
What are 2 ways to prevent CDV?
Isolate sick dogs
Vaccinate (very effective)!!