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305 Cards in this Set

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1. Preganglionic parasympathetic nerves which innervate the submandibular gland leave the cranial vault though which foramen ? A. foramen lacerum B. foramen ovale C. stylomatoid D. petrotympanic
D. petrotympanic fissure
2. The platysma muscle receives its motor nerve supply from which cranial nerve branch? A. auriculotemporal branch of V B. Cervical branch of VII C. Mandibular branch of VII D. Ansa cervicalis
B. Cervical branch of VII
3. All of the following regions contain cerebrospinal fluid except? A. Subarachnoid space B. spinal canal C. thrid ventricle D. subdural space
D. subdural space
4. The nerve branches for taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue pass into the skull through which opening? A. foramen ovale B. petrotympanic fissure C. internal acoustic meatus D. vidian canal
B. petrotympanic fissure
5. The lacrimal gland receives its motor innervation from which cranial nerve? A. V B. III C. VII D. IX
6. All of the following are innervated by the Trigeminal nerve except? A. Buccinator B. Masseter C. Mylohyoid D. Tensor tympani
A. Buccinator
7. All of the postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies to the head are found in which structure ? A. thalamus B. superior cervical ganglion C. trigeminal ganglion D. pterygopalatine ganglion
B. superior cervical ganglion
8. The olfactory nerves exit the nasal chamber through which opening? A. semilunar hiatus B. frontonasal foramen C. cribriform plate D. ethmoidal foramen
C. cribriform plate
9. The medial pterygoid muscle originates from what area ? A. medial pterygoid plate B. lateral pterygoid plate C. zygomatic arch D. angle of the mandible
B. lateral pterygoid plate
10. The geniculate ganglion contains nerve cell bodies for the sensation ? A. hearing B. equilibrium C. taste D. pain
C. taste
11. The ear ossicles carry sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to ? A. ovale window B. round window C. auditory tube D. utricle
A. ovale window
12. The superior oblique mscle of the eye receives its innervation from which nerve? A. VII B. VI C. V D. IV
13. The inferior belly of the lateral pterygoid inserts where? A. sphenoid bone B. neck of mandibular condyle C. lateral pterygoid plate D. temporal bone
B. neck of mandibular condyle
14. The masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscle can all elevate the mandible but the temporalis can also ? A. protrude the mandible B. retrude the mandible C. laterally rotate the mandible D. depress the mandible
B. retrude the mandible
15. The nerve of the pterygoid canal contains A. parasympathetic nerves only B. sympathetic nerves only C. both parasmpathetic and sympathetic nerves D. nerves for the sensation of touch
C. both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves
16. Which of the following is a branch of the internal carotic artery? A. opthalmic B. facial C. maxillary D. occipital
A. opthalmic
17. The spinal accessory nerve enters the skull through which opening? A. jugular foramen B. hypoglossal canal C. foramen spinosum D. foramen magnum
D. foramen magnum
18. In an emergency, where a patiets airway becomes blocked above the vocal folds, a temporary airway can be opened through what region? A. carotid sheath B. thyrohyoid membrane C. cricthyroid membrane D. thyroid cartilage
C. cricthyroid membrane
19. The muscles of facial expression are contained in which fascia layer? A. superficial fascia B. visceral fascia C. prevertebral fascia D. investing layer of deep fascia
A. superficial fascia
20. Tears drain from the eye through the nasal lacrimal canal into which region? A. superior meatus B. middle meatus C. interior meatus D. maxillary sinus
C. interior meatus
21. During changes in atmospheric pressure it sometimes becomes necessary to swallow in order to open the auditory tube. The muscle which can open the auditory tube during swallowing is called? A. levator palatini B. tensor palatini C. uvula D. superior constrictor
B. tensor palatini
22. The sensation of taste to the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by? A. V B. VII C. IX D. X
23. The action of the sternomastoid muscle is ? A. extension of the neck B. depression of the mandible C. rotation of head to the same side D. rotation of the head to the opposite side
D. rotation of the head to the opposite side
24. A characterisitc of the first cervical vertebrae is ? A. an odontoid process B. a bifid spine C. no body D. no articular facets
C. no body
25. The phrenic nerve can be found lying on top of what muscle ? A. sternomastoid B. anterior scalene C. platysma D. omohyoid
B. anterior scalene
26. The continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament into the posterior cranial fossa is called ? A. tectorial membrane B. flax cerebelli C. apical ligament D. cruciate ligament
A. tectorial membrane
27. The posterior boundry of retropharyngeal space is ? A. buccopharyngeal fascia B. prevertebral fascia C. alar fascia D. viceral fascia
B. prevertebral fascia Lies between prevertebral and alar
28. The motor nerve supply to the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is ? A. ansacervicalis B. superior laryngeal C. reccurent laryngeal D. phrenic
C. reccurent laryngeal
29. An infection in the lower lip would initially spread to which lymph nodes? A. submandibular B. parotid C. superior cervical D. submental
D. submental
30. All of the following are infrahyoid muscles except? A. sternohyoid B. thyrohyoid C. omohyoid D. geniohyoid
D. Geniohyoid
31. Which of the following is a branch of the external carotid artery? 1. facial 2. maxillary 3. lingual 4. transverse cervical A. 1, 2, & 3 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 4 D. 4 only
A. 1, 2, & 3
32. The short ciliary nerves innervae which of the following structures? 1. superior rectus 2. ciliary muscles 3. dilator pupillae 4. constrictor pupillae A. 1, 2, & 3 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 4 D. 4 only
C. 2 & 4
33. Which of the following are innervated by the occulomotor nerve? 1. superior oblique 2. lateral rectus 3. stapedius 4. inferior oblique A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 4 D. 4 only
D. 4 only
34. All of the following are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve except? A. intrinsic tongue muscles B. styloglossus C. palatoglossus D. hyoglossus
C. palatoglossus
35. The duct which passes over the lingual nerve in the floor of the mouth comes from which gland? A. parotid B. submandibular C. sublingual D. thyroid
B. submandibular
36. All of the following are boundaries of the carotid triangle except ? A. omohyoid B. sternomastoid C. digastric D. body of the mandible
D. body of the mandible
47. The mucosal cells of the nasal chamber receive secretomotor fibers from which cranial nerve? A. glossopharyngeal B. vagus C. facial D. occulomotor
C. facial
38. The motor innervation to the parotid gland is supplied by which cranial nerve ? A. glossopharyngeal B. vagus C. facial D. trigeminal
A. glossopharyngeal
39. The function of the cricothyroid muscle is ? A. abduct the vocal folds B. tense the vocal folds C. close the epiglottis D. lower the hyoid bone
B. tense the vocal folds
40. Which of the following structures form the bony nasal septum? 1. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid 2. inferior concha 3. vomer 4. pterygoid plates of sphenoid A. 1, 2, & 3 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 4 D. 4 only
B. 1 & 3
1. The geniculate ganglion contains nerve cell bodies for the sensation of ? a. hearing b. equilibrium c. touch d. taste e. vision
D. Taste
2. The medial rectus muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve? a. trochlear b. abducent c. occulomotor d. facial e. trigeminal
c. occulomotor
3. The stapedius muscle receives its motor innervation from which cranial nerve? a. X b. V c. VII d. II e. VIII
c. VII
4. The incus bone of the middle ear arises embryologically from which branchial (pharyngeal) arch? a. I b. II c. III d. IV
a. I
5. The saccule and utricle portions of the vestibular system...(?)... the middle ear, are responsible for detecting ? a. rotational movement of the head b. sound c. eye movement d. position of the head relative to gravity e. temperature change
D position of the head relative to gravity
47. The mucosal cells of the nasal chamber receive secretomotor fibers from which cranial nerve? A. glossopharyngeal B. vagus C. facial D. occulomotor
C. facial
38. The motor innervation to the parotid gland is supplied by which cranial nerve ? A. glossopharyngeal B. vagus C. facial D. trigeminal
A. glossopharyngeal
39. The function of the cricothyroid muscle is ? A. abduct the vocal folds B. tense the vocal folds C. close the epiglottis D. lower the hyoid bone
B. tense the vocal folds
40. Which of the following structures form the bony nasal septum? 1. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid 2. inferior concha 3. vomer 4. pterygoid plates of sphenoid A. 1, 2, & 3 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 4 D. 4 only
B. 1 & 3
1. The geniculate ganglion contains nerve cell bodies for the sensation of ? a. hearing b. equilibrium c. touch d. taste e. vision
D Taste
6. The muscle of mastication primarily responsible for movement of the mandible to the left would be? a. right lateral pterygoid b. left lateral pterygoid c. right masseter d. left temporalis e. left medial pterygoid
a. right lateral pterygoid
7. The cranial nerve nucleus which contains nerve cell bodies or the sensation of pain from the head? a. geniculate b. descending spinal tract and nucleus of V c. superior cervical d. Edinger-Westphal e. chief sensory nucleus of v
b. descending spinal tract and nucleus of V
8. All of the post ganglionic sympathetic nerves to the head have their cell bodies where? a. ciliary ganglion b. pterygopalatine ganglion c. stellate ganglion d. superior cervical ganglion e. submandibular ganglion
d. superior cervical ganglion
9. The middle meningeal artery enters the skull through which foramen? a. foramen ovale b. foramen rotundum c. foramen spinosum d. carotid canal e. jugular foramen
c. foramen spinosum
10. The muscle primarily responsible for retrusion (pulling ...) the mandible is? a. medial pterygoid b. lateral pterygoid c. temporalis d. masseter d. tensor tympani
c. temporalis
11. The superior oblique muscle is receives its motor nervation from which cranial nerve? a. III b. IV c. V d. VI e. VII
b. IV remember LR6SO4 the rest are III
12. The post-ganglionic parasympathetic component of the glossopharyngeal nerve (AKA tympanic nerve) a. synapses in the submandibular ganglion b.innervates the sublingual gland c. reaches its target organ by way of the auriculotemporal nerve d. leaves the skull through the foramen lacerum e. does not innervate structures in the head
c. reaches its target organ (parotid gland) by way of the auricolotermporal nerve (CN V3)
13. Which of the following is a branch of the internal carotid artery? a. basiliar b. maxillary c. facial d. opthalamic e. occipital
d. opthalamic
14. The short ciliary nerves innervate which structures? 1. lacrimal gland 2. ciliary muscle 3. dilator pupillae muscle 4. constrictor pupillae muscle 5. lateral rectus muscle a. 1 & 3 only b. 1, 2, & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 2, 3 & 5 e. 4 & 5
c. 2 & 4
15. The Vidian Nerve (nerve of the pterygoid canal) travels through a channel in which bone? s. maxilla b. sphenoid c. zygoma d. temporal e. palatine
b. sphenoid
16. The motor supply to the lacrimal gland comes from which cranial nerve? a. III b. V c. VII d. IX e. X
17. The spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) enters the skull through which foramen? a. jugular foramen b. carotid canal c. vertebral foramen d. foramen ovale e. foramen magnum
e. foramen magnum remember it exits through the jugular foramen
18. In an emergency, where a patients airway becomes blocked above the vocal folds, a temporary airway can be opened through what region? a. thyrohyoid membrane b. soft palate c. buccopharyngeal fascia d. cricothyroid membrane e. the floor of the mouth
d. cricothyroid membrane
19. Most of the muscles of facial expression are contained in which fascia layer? a. superficial fascia b. investing layer of deep fascia c. visceral fascia d. buccopharygeal fascia e. prevertebral fascia
a. superficial fascia
20. Tears drain from the eye through the nasolacrimal canal into what region? a. superior meatus b. middle meatus c. inferior meatus d. sphenoethmoidal recess e. maxillary sinus.
c. inferior meatus
22. The anterior boundry of the retropharyngeal space is the? a. carotic sheath b. alar fascia c. buccopharyngeal fascia d. investing fascia e. prevertebral fascia
c. Buccopharyngeal fascia
23. Sensory innervatio to the lower lip comes from which nerve? a. mandibular branch of facial b. infraorbital c. supratrochlear d. mental e. lingual
d. mental (which is a branch of the mandibular nerve via the inferior alveolar nerve)
24. The sensation of taste to the posterior thrid of the [tongue] is supplied by which cranial nerve? a. facial b. trigeminal c. glossopharyngeal d. vagus e. spinal accessory
c. glossopharyngeal
25. The action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is? a. rotation of the head to hte same side b. rotation of the head to the opposite side c. extension of the neck d. depression of the mandible e. support of the larynx
b. rotation of the head to the opposite side
29. The lesser petrosal nerve leaves the skull through which foramen? a. tympanic canaliculis b. foramen spinosum c. foramen ovale d. facial hiatus e. foramen lacerum
c. foramen ovale
30. All of the following are branches of the thyrocervical trunk except? a. superior thyroid b. inferior thyroid c. transverse cervical d. suprascapular e. ascending cervical
a. superior thyroid
8. The muscle primarily responsible for the retrusion of the mandible is a. medial pterygoid b. massetter c. lateral pterygoid d. temporalis
d. temporalis
9. The motor nerve supply to the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is ? a. recurrent laryngeal b. superior laryngeal c. trigeminal d. cervical
a. recurrent laryngeal
10. The anterior boundry of the retropharyngeal space is formed by the a. carotid sheath b. buccopharyngeal fascia c. prevertebral fascia d. alar fascia
b. buccopharyngeal fascia
11. Sensory loss to the skin overlying the angle of the mandible suggests injury to which nerve? a. auriculotemporal b. mandibular branch of V c. great auricular d. long buccal
c. great auricular
12. Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic nerves which innervate the submandibular gland leave the cranial vault through which foramen? a. stylomastoid b. foramen lacerum c. foramen ovale d. petrotympanic fissure
d. petrotympanic fissure
13. The superior constrictor muscle originates from the pharyngeal tubercle and the median raphae. Where does it insert? a. pterygomandibular raphe b. condylar neck c. styloid process d. zygoma
a. pterygomandibular raphe
14. The sternohyoid muscle is innervated by what nerve? a. VII b. XII c. V d. cervical nerves
d. cervical nerves
19. Which of the follwoing structures can be found within the submandibular triangle? 1. submandibular gland 2. facial artery 3. facial vein 4. hypoglossal nerve a. 1 & 2 b. 1, 2 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above
d. all of the above
20. Cerebrospinal fluid returns to the blood stream by way of what structure(s)? a. lumbar cisterne b. fourth ventricle c. arachnoid ganulations d. thoracic duct
c. arachnoid granulations
21. They only laryngeal muscle that is capable of abducting the vocal folds is? a. thyroarytenoid b. poterior cricoarytenoid c. lateral cricoartytenoid d. cricothyroid
b. posterior cricoarytenoid
22. Infantile swallowing is primarily under the control of which cranial nerve? a. VII b. V c. X d. XI
a. VII
23. Which of the following structures is not a boundry of the Carotid Triangle? a. sternomastoid b. posterior digastric c. lower border of the mandible d. superio belly of the omohyoid
c. lower border of the mandible
24. The motor innervation to the sublingual gland comes from which cranial nerve? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X
b. VII
25. The Tensor Palatini muscle s innervated by which nerve? a. maxillary b. vagus c. glossopharyngeal d. mandibular
d. mandibular
27. An infection in the mandibular incisor teeth would drain initially into what structures? a. submandibular lymph nodes b. submental lymph nodes c. superior cervical lymph nodes d. parotid lymph nodes
b. submental lymph nodes
28. The cerebrospinal fluid is produced by which structures? a. arachnoid granulations b. third ventricle c. choroid plexus d. hypothalamus
c. choroid plexus
29. The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by which nerve? a. great auricular b. mylohyoid c. transverse cervical d. facial
d. facial anterior is mylohyoid nerve which is a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve
30. which extrinsic tongue muscle is not innervated by the Hypoglossal nerve? a. hyoglossus b. palatoglossus c. genioglossus d. styloglossus
b. palatoglossus
31. Name the four structures which originate from the styloid process.
stylohyoid m. styloglossus m. stylopharyng...m. stylomandibular ligament
32. The primary structure found in the submental triangle is?
submental lymph node
33. Post-ganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies associated with mucosal glandular secretion in the nasal and oral cavity are found in what structure?
pterygopalatine ganglion
34. The motor innervation to the suprahyoid and infrahyoid musculature comes primarily from what nerves?
35. Which three cranial nerves have sensory fibers associated taste sensation to the tongue?
36. Name four branches of the mandibular division of the Trigeminal nerve.
mylohyoid n. lingual n. inf. alveolar n. buccal n.
38. Name four bones which help to form the Neurocranium.
parietal temporal frontal occipital
39. The motor innervation to the intrinsic muscles of the larynx comes from what specific cranial nerve branch?
recurrent laryngeal n.
40. Name four cartilages associated with the laryngeal apparatus.
epiglottis thyroid cricoid arytenoid
41. The middle meningeal artery is a branch of what specific artery?
maxillary artery
1. Sensory loss to the skin overlying the cheek bone suggests injury to which nerve? a. auriculotermporal b. zygomaticofacial c. great auricular d. long buccal
b. zygomaticofacial
2. Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic nerves which innervate the sublingual gland leave the cranial vault in which cranial nerve branch? a. lingual b. inferior alveolar c. chorda tympani d. greater petrosal
c. chorda tympani
3. The inferior belly of the lateral pterygoid muscle inserts into what region? a. articular disk b. angle of the mandible c. coronoid process of the mandible d. condylar neck of the mandible
d. condylar neck of the mandible fyi his last exam worded this answer as the Pterygoid fovea of the mandible.
4. Which of the following is not a branch of the external carotid artery? a. maxillary b. superficial temporal c. internal carotid d. occipital
c. internal carotid
5. The extraocular muscle whose function is to abduct the eyeball is innervated by which cranial nerve? a. V b. VI c. III d. IV
b. VI
6. The nerve fibers supplying the dilator pupillae muscle have their post-ganglionic cell bodies in what structure? a. ciliary b. geniculate c. superior cervical d. pterygpalatine
c. superior cervical
11. the origin of the inferior belly of the lateral pterygoid muscle? a. lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate b. articular disk c. pterygoid fovea d. angle of the mandible
a. lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
12. Which cranial nerves contain nerve components to branchiomeric musculature (musculature from pharyngeal arches)? 1. trigeminal 2. facial 3. glossopharyngeal 4. trochlear a. 1, 2 &3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 3 d. 2 & 4
b. 1 & 3 only
15. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves both contain a variety of nerve components. However, cranial nerves have componenets which are not found in spinal nerves. Which of the following nerve components are not found in spinal nerves? 1. GVA 2. SVA 3. GSE 4. SVE a. 1, 2 &3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 3 d. 2 & 4
d. 2 & 4
17. The parotid (Stenson's) duct pierces what muscle to enter the oral cavity? a. massetter m. b. playsma m. c. orbicularis oris m. d. buccinator m.
d. buccinator m.
20. the sensation of taste to the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X
c. IX
22. All of the following are infrahyoid muscles except? a. sternohyoid b. geniohyoid c. omohyoid d. thyrohyoid
b. geniohyoid
24. The facial nerves innervates which of the following structures? 1. anterior belly of digastric muscle 2. posterior belly of digastric muscle 3. styloglossus 4. stapedius a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 1, & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
c. 2 & 4
25. All of the following are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve except? a. intrinsic tongue muscles b. styloglossus c. palatoglossus d. hyglossus
c. palatoglossus (innervated by the pharyngeal plexus)
26. the mucosal cells of the nasal chamber receive secretomotor fibers except? a. glossopharyngeal b. olfactory c. trigeminal d. facial
d. facial
27. The motor innervation to the parotid gland is supplied by which cranial nerve? a. glossopharyngeal b. vagus c. facial d. trigeminal
a. glossopharyngeal
29. Which of the following types of papilla on the surface of the tongue contain taste receptors? 1. circumvallate 2. fungiform 3. folliate 4. filiform a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
a. 1, 2 & 3
30. The lessor petrosal nerve leaves the cranial vault through which foramen? a. jugular b. pterygoid c. spinosum d. ovale
d. ovale
31. The ansa cervicalic formation a. carries sensory nerves fromthe cervical plexus b. innervates the sternomastoid muscle c. is found on top of the anterior scalene muscle d. innervates the sternohyoid muscle
d. innervates the sternohyoid muscle
33. Branches of al lof the following cranial nerves are associated with the nasal chamber, except? a. I b. III c. V D. VII
b. III
34. The tensor palatini muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X
a. V
36. What type of cell bodies are found in the trigeminal ganglion? 1. SVE 2. GVE 3. GVA 4. GSA a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
d. 4 only
37. The vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) leaves the cranial vault through which opening? a. typmanic canaliculis b. auditory tube c. jugular foramen d. internal acoustic meatus
d. internal acoustic meatus (with VII)
38. The maxillary sinus drains into the nasal chamber through? a. ethmoid bulla b. hiatus semlunaris c. sphenoethmoidal recess d. eustachian tube
b. hiatus semlunaris
39. What type of nerve components are found in the descending palatine nerves as they exit the greater palatine foramen? 1. GSA 2. SVA 3. GVE 4. SVE a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
a. 1, 2 & 3 ***need to find this answer elsewhere I can't verify it at the moment
40. The palatine tonsil can be found between what structures? 1. palatoglossus 2. stylogossus 3. palatopharyngeus 4. salpingopharyngeus a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
b. 1 & 3
41. A throat was slit from the right sternomastoid muscle to the left sternomastoid at the level of the cricoid cartilage. The depth of the cut extended to the cervical vertebral bodies. Which of the following veins may have been severed? 1. anterior jugular 2. external jugular 3. internal jugular 4. facial a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above e. none of the above
a. 1, 2 & 3
42. Which of the following structures may have been severed? 1. semipinalis sapitis 2. thyroid gland 3. submandibular gland 4. esophagus a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above e. none of the above
c. 2 & 4
43. Respiration to the victom was probably instantaneously cut off due to injury to what structures? 1. vagus nerve 2. sympathetic trunk 3. phrenic nerve 4. lungs a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above e. none of the above
b. 1 & 3
44. Laceration of the common carotid artery would have affected blood flow through which of the following? 1. thyrocervical trunk 2. transverse cervical a. 3. vertebral a. 4. costocervical trunk a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above e. none of the above
e. none of the above
45. Which of the following structures may have also been cut? (#41) 1. ansa cervicalis 2. great auricular n. 3. sternohyoid m 4. geniohyoid m. a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. all of the above e. none of the above
b. 1 & 3
5. Which of the following is a branch of the external carotid artery? 1. facial 2. maxillary 3. occipital 4. opthalamic a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
a. 1, 2 & 3
13. Which of the following develope from the first branchial arch? 1. mandible 2. stapes 3. incus 4. hyoid a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
b. 1 & 3
14. The function of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is? a. abduct the vocal folds b. tense the vocal folds c. close the epiglottis d. lower the hyoid bone
a. abduct the vocal folds
15. The head of the mandibular condyle articulates with? a. articular eminence of the temporal bone b. articular disk c. glenoid fossa d. articular tubercle
b. articular disk
16. The thyrocervical trunk is a branch of what larger vessel? a. common carotid a. b. external carotid a. c. subclavian a. d. verebral a.
c. subclavian a.
17. the lessor petrosal nerve leaves the cranial vault through which foramen? a. jugular b. pterygoid c. spinosum d. ovale
d. ovale
18. All of the following are branches of the maxillary artery except? a. superficial temporal b. middle meningeal c. inferior alveolar d. pterygopalatine
a. superficial temporal (is a branch of the external carotid)
19. The growth of the cranial vault is directly related to the growth of the brain which stops growing at what age? a. birth b. 3 yrs c. 7 yrs d. 18 yrs
c. 7 yrs (more recently scientists are saying it is between 10-12)
20. All of the following bones contribute to the formation of the neurocranium, except? a. parietal bone b. occipital bone c. frontal bone d. mandible
d. mandible
21. The muscle which elevates the upper eyelid receives its motor innervation from which cranial nerve? a. II b. III c. V d. VII
b. III
22. Which of the following bones of the skull is not derived from intramembranous ossification? a. parietal b. frontal c. temporal d. occipital
d. occipital
28. Branches of all of the following cranial nerves can be seen in the nasal chamber, except? a. I b. III c. V d. VII
b. III
30. The facial nerve trunks pass through the capsule of which gland? a. thyroid b. submandibular c. sublingual d. parotid
d. parotid
31. Which of the following branches of the trigeminal nerve contains motor nerves to skeletal muscle? a. opthalamic b. maxillary c. mandibular d. buccal
c. mandibular
32. Which of the following structures does not develope from the 2nd branchial arch? a. styloid process b. stapes c. mentalis muscle d. tensor tympani muscle
d. tensor tympani muscle
33. All of the following cranial nerves enter the orbit through the superior orbital fussure, except? a. II b. III c. IV d. VI
a. II
35. the outer surface of the tympanic membrane is innervated by which nerve? a. V b. VII c. X d. greatr auricular
a. V
36. The cerbrospinal fluid returns into the systemic circulation by way of the arachnoid villi which drain into? a. transverse sinus b. superior sagital sinus c. lateral ventrical d lumbosacral cistern
b. superior sagital sinus
37. All of the following regions are filled with cerebrospinal fluid except? a. subdural space b. subarachnoid space c. 4th ventrical d. lumbosacral cistern
a. subdural space
38. The short ciliary nerves arise from the ciliary ganglion and innervate what structure? a. dilator pupillae muscle b constrictore pupillae muscle c. cornea d. retina
b. constrictor pupillae muscle
41. All of the following are branches of the maxillary artery, except? a. pterygopalatine b. infraorbital c. lingual d. middle meningeal
c. lingual
42. The conus medullaris of the spinal cord ends at which vertebral level? a. T-12 b. L-1 c. L-5 d. S-5
b. L-1
3. The superficial branches of the cervical plexus ? a. contain sensory fibers only b. contain motor fibers only c. contain both motor and sensory fibes d. innervates all the infrahyoid muscles
a. contain sensory fibers only
5. The hypoglossal nerve can be found passing through which cervical triangles? 1. submental 2. submandibular 3. muscular 4. carotid a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 4 d. 4 only
c. 2 & 4
6. The normal relationship of the lingual nerve to the submandibular duct is? a. below and medial posteriorly, above and lateral anteriorly b. below and medial posteriorly, below and medial anteriorly c. above and medial posteriorly, below and medial anteriorly d. above and lateral posteriorly, below and medial anteriorly
d. above and lateral posteriorly, below and medial anteriorly
8. The musculature of the larynx is innervated by ? a. ansa cervicalis b. superior laryngeal ranch of X c. recurrent laryngeal branch of X d. hypoglossal n.
b. superior laryngeal branch of X
9. If you needed to pass a catheter in the heart to monitor blood pressure which cervical triangle would you most likely enter? a. carotid b. suboccipital c. subclavian d. muscular
c. subclavian
10. The mucosal glands of the maxillary sinus receive their motor innervation form which cranial nerve a. III b. V c. VII d. IX
c. VII
11. Which of the following muscles opens the auditory tube during swallowing? a. levator palatini b. tensor palatini c. salpingopharyngeus d. superior pharyngeal constrictor
c. salpingopharyngeus
12. The uperior constrictor muscle is connected to the buccinator muscle by which structure? a. retropharyngeal space b. mylohyoid raphe c. pterygomadibular raphe d. Passavant's pad
c. pterygomandibular raphe
13. All of the following structure arrise from the second pharyngeal arch, developmentally, except? a. body of hyoid bone b. styloid process c. incus d. stapes
c. incus
14. the anterior belly of the digastric muscle developes from which pharyngeal arch? a. I b. II c. III d. IV
a. I
15. All of the following papillae of the tongue contain taste buds, except? a. folliate b. vallate c. fungiform d. filliform
d. filliform
17. general sensation to the tongue is received by which cranial nerves?
IX, and V
18. What is the name of the structure which articulates with the posterior surface of the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebrae?
the transverse ligament + the longitudinal ligament = cruciform ligament
19. Identify the tree muscles which attach to the styloid process of the temporal bone and the specific cranial nerves which innervate each (i.e. pair the correct cranial nerve with the correct muscle).
stylohyoid m. - VII styloglossus m. - XII stylophryngeus m. - IX
22. the postganglionic cell bodies for the innervation of the sublingual gland are found in what structure?
submandibular ganglion
3.Parasymapathetic postganglionic cells which innerate the intrinsic muscles of the eye are located in what specific ganglion?
ciliary ganglion
4.What specific type of nerve components does the nasocilliary nerve contain?
5.The vertebral arteries are branches of what artery?
subclavian artery
6.If you pass an imaginary line through the poles left and right mandibular condyles from lateral to medial they will intersect at a cephelometric point on the anterior boarder of the foramen magnum. What is the specific name of that point?
basion point
7.What structures pass through the jugular foramen?
internal jugular vein IX X XI
8.The trigeminal nerve is attached to what specific region of the brain stem?
9.What muscle attaches to the external oblique line of the mandible?
buccinator muscle
10.Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic nervous system components?
11.Which facial nerve branch receives taste sensation from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
chorda tympani
13.The body of the mandible is formed through what ossification process?
14.List 8 branches of the maxillary artery.
Inferior alveolar Superior alveolar Pterygopalatine Infraorbital Deep temporal Masseteric Buccal
3.Branches of the maxillary artery reach the nasal cavity through the a.Inferior orbital fissure b.Sphenopalatine foramen c.Sphenoethmoidal recess d.Incisive foramen
B Sphenopalatine foramen
4.The geniohyoid muscle receives its skeletal motor innervation from which nerve? a.Facial b.Trigeminal c.Hypoglossal d.C1
D C1
5.Foreign objects that have accidentally entered the vestibule of the larynx are sensed by which of the following nerves? a.Glossopharyngeal b.Superior laryngeal, internal branch c.Superior laryngeal, external branch d.Recurrent laryngeal
B Superior laryngeal, internal branch
6.All of the following structures relate to the middle meatus of the lateral nasal cavity wall except the a.Ethmoidal bulla b.Semilunar hiatus c.Opening of the sphenoid sinus d.Opening of the frontonasal duct
C Opening of the sphenoid sinus
7.All of the following are contained within the carotid sheath except the a.Sympathetic trunk b.Internal carotid artery c.The internal jugular vein d.Vagus nerve
A Sympathetic trunk
8.The pterygopalatine fossa communicates with the middle cranial fossa via the a.Superior orbital fissure b.Inferior orbital fissure c.Foramen rotundum d.Palatine canals
C Foramen rotundum
11.Consumed fluids are prevented from flowing into the nasal cavity through contraction of several muscles innervated by the vagus nerve. One of these is the a.Styloglossus b.Levator palatine c.Tensor palatine d.Stylopharyngeus
B Levator palatine
12.The "danger space" of the neck lies between the a.Visceral and investing layers of the deep cervical fascia b.Superficial fascia and the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia c.Buccopharyngeal fascia and the alar fascia d.Alar fascia and the prevertebral fascia
D Alar fascia and the prevertebral fascia
13.Which of the following nerves is a branch of the cervical plexus? a.Supraorbital b.Auriculotemporal c.Transverse cervical d.Greater occipital
C Transverse cervical
14.Branches of the facial nerve traverse all of the following openings except the a.Foramen rotundum b.Internal auditory meatus c.Stylomastoid foramen d.Pterygoid (vidian) canal
A Foramen rotundum
16.On examining the nose, the doctor finds a discharge pooling in the inferior nasal meatus. It may originate from a.The maxillary sinus b.The eye c.The sphenoid sinus d.The frontal sinus
B The eye
17.Which of the following structures is related to the laryngopharynx? a.Piriform recess b.Palatine tonsil c.Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube d.Uvula
A Piriform recess
18.Which of the following is not derived from a pharyngeal pouch? a.Superior parathyroid gland b.Inferior parathyroid gland c.Thyroid gland d.Palatine tonsil
C Thyroid gland
19.The recurrent laryngeal nerve a.Is a branch of the superior laryngeal nerve b.Provides sensory innervations to the mucosa of the laryngeal vestibule c.Enters the larynx through the thyrohyoid membrane d.Provides motor innervation to the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
d.Provides motor innervation to the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
22.The facial vein ultimately drains into the a.Maxillary vein b.Retromandibular vein c.External jugular vein d.Internal jugular vein
D Internal jugular vein
23.Which of the following arteries is not a branch of the external carotid? a.Transverse cervical b.Facial c.Lingual d.Superior thyroid
A Transverse cervical
24.All of the following structures are found within the anterior triangle of the neck except the a.Cervical branch of the facial nerve b.Vagus nerve c.Spinal accessory nerve d.Hypoglossal nerve
C Spinal accessory nerve
25.Which of the following structures is enclosed by the prevertebral fascia? a.Infrahyoid muscles b.Phrenic nerve c.Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles d.Trachea
B Phrenic nerve
26.The vagus nerve, X, innervates all of the following except a.Submandibular gland b.Musculature of the larynx c.Musculature of the pharynx d.Mucosa lining of larynx
A Submandibular gland
28.The nasolacrimal duct is a secondary manifestation of which embryonic structure? a.The furrow separating the medial nasal process from the maxillary process b.The furrow separating the medial nasal process from the lateral nasal process c.The furrow separating the lateral nasal process from the maxillary process d.The furrow separating the two mandibular processes
C The furrow separating the lateral nasal process from the maxillary process
29.The foramen cecum of the tongue relates to the development of which structure? a.Thyroid gland b.Sublingual gland c.Parathyroid gland d.Hyoid bone
A Thyroid gland
30.The stylopharyngeus muscle is derived from which branchial arch? a.I b.II c.III d.IV-VI
31.Conductive deafness and hearing abnormalities often accompany first arch syndromes. Of the following structures, which is least likely to be affected in these individuals? a.The incus b.The malleus c.The stapes d.The tympanic membrane
C The stapes
33.The relationship of the submandibular duct to the lingual nerve as it courses from posterior to anterior is? a.Inferior and medial to superior and lateral b.Superior and lateral to inferior and medial c.Runs parallel to the duct along its lateral surface d.Crosses over the duct from lateral to medial
A Inferior and medial to superior and lateral
34.Upon entering the floor of the mouth the lingual artery? a.Courses inferior to the mylohyoid muscle b.Courses medial to the hyoglossus muscle and superior to the mylohyoid muscles c.Pierces the mylohyoid muscle between the left and right genioglossus muscles d.Passes parallel to the styloglossus muscle and the glossopharyngeal nerve
B Courses medial to the hyoglossus muscle and superior to the mylohyoid muscles
36.Which of the following is true of the foliate papilla? a.They are the most numerous of all papilla b.They have a hair-like appearance c.They do not contain taste buds d.They are found on the lateral borders of the tongue
D They are found on the lateral borders of the tongue
37.Which of the following nerves innervate the external suface of the tympanic membrane? a.Chorda tympani b.Auriculotemporal c.Tympanic plexus d.Auricular branch of X i.A, B & C ii.A & C iii.B, C & D iv.B & D
iii b.Auriculotemporal c.Tympanic plexus d.Auricular branch of X
38.The tensor tympani muscle? a.Is innervated by the tympanic plexus b.Attaches to the stapes c.Originates from a bony tube parallel to the auditory tube d.Arises from the 2nd branchial arch
C Originates from a bony tube parallel to the auditory tube
39.The function of the tympanic membrane, ear ossicles and oval window is? a.Strictly the transmission of sound b.The transmission and amplification of sound c.The recognition of specific sounds d.To protect the cochlear apparatus
B The transmission and amplification of sound
40.All of the following is true of the lesser petrosal nerve, except? a.It enters the tympanic cavity through the inferior tympanic canaliculis b.It contains post ganglionic fibers of IX c.It passes lateral to the hiatus of the facial canal d.It synapses in the otic ganglion
B It contains post ganglionic fibers of IX
42.The palatoglossus muscle is innervated most of the time by which cranial nerve? a.V b.VII c.IX d.X
43.The submandibular ganglion? a.Contains post-ganglionic sympathetic cells b.Contains sensory cells for taste c.Contains postganglionic cells of the facial nerve d.Contains pre-ganglionic secretomotor cells
C Contains postganglionic cells of the facial nerve
44.The facial nerve as it enters the internal acoustic meatus has all of the following nerve components, except? a.GSA b.SVA c.GVE d.GSE
50.The soft palate is formed primarily by the aponeurosis of which muscle?
Tensor palatine
51.The potential space between the buccopharyngeal fascia and the alar fascia that extends posteriorly to the superior mediastinum is called the ?
a.Retrovisceral space
52.The true vocal cords are simply the free edges of which laryngeal membrane
a.Conus elastic?
54.The larynx is said to be "suspended" from the hyoid bone by which membrane?
a.Thyrohyoid membrane
55.An inferior thyroid vein will most often drain to the ________ vein.
a.Brachiocephalic v.
56.Name one of the contents of the suboccipital triangle of the deep neck.
a.Post. Ramus of CI (Suboccipital n.), vertebral a.
57.The mucosa of the medial and lateral nasal walls at the tip of the nose is innervated by which division of the trigeminal nerve?
a.Ophthalmic (V1)
58.How do the post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers for the head get to their respective effector organs?
a.They travel on the branches of the carotid a.
59.The tensor palatine muscle wraps around what specific bony process as it attaches to the soft palate?
a.Hamular process (of medial pterygoid plate)
60.Taste buds in the palate are most sensitive to? a.Sweet substances b.Sour substances c.Salty substances d.Bitter substances i.A, B & C ii.A & C iii.B & D iv.D only
iii b.Sour substances d.Bitter substances
1.All of the following cranial nerves have branches which provide sensory innervations for the tympanic membrane except? a.Trigeminal b.Facial c.Glossopharyngeal d.Vagus e.Vestibulocochlear
E Vestibulocochlear
2.The frontalis muscle is a skeletal muscle of the forehead innervated by the facial nerve. What type of nerve components provide this innervations? a.GSE b.GVE c.GSA d.SVE e.SSA
4.The post ganglionic cell bodies of the greater petrosal branch of VII are found in which ganglion? a.Ciliary b.geniculate c.Superior cervical d.Pterygopalatine e.Trigeminal
D Pterygopalatine
5.The facial nerve as it leaves the stylomastoid foramen contains what type of functional nerve components? a.GSA & GVE b.SVA & GSA c.GVE, SVA, SVE, GSA d.SVE & GSA e.GSA only
6."Stenson's" (parotid) duct pierces which muscle to enter the oral cavity? a.Masseter b.Levator labii superioris c.Temporalis d.Buccinators e.Levator labii superioris
D Buccinators
7.The lateral pterygoid muscle has which of the following actions? a.Movement of mandible to the opposite side b.Elevation of mandible c.Protrusion of the mandible d.Retrusion of the mandible i.1, 2 & 3 ii.1 & 3 iii.2 & 4 iv.4 only
ii Movement of mandible to the opposite side Protrusion of the mandible
8.All of the following cranial nerves contain GSE components except? a.III b.IV c.VII d.VI e.XII
9.The frontalis muscle is innervated by which specific nerve? a.Cervical branch of the facial b.Auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal c.Spinal accessory d.Cervical spinal nerves e.Temporal branch of the facial
E Temporal branch of the facial
10.All of the following are branches of the facial nerve, except? a.Greater petrosal b.Chorda tympani c.Mandibular d.Auriculotemporal e.Zygomatic
D. Auriculotemporal
12.Which muscle inserts on the anterior border of the (cartilaginous) articular disk? a.Superior belly of the lateral pterygoid b.Inferior belly of the lateral pterygoid c.Medial pterygoid d.Temporalis e.Masseter
A Superior belly of the lateral pterygoid
13.All of the following muscles are innervated by cranial nerves with SVE components except a.Temporalis b.Orbicularis oris c.Platysma d.Medial pterygoid e.Lateral rectus
E Lateral rectus
15.All of the following areas consist of, or are covered by, fibrocartilage except? a.The head of the mandibular condyle b.The articular tubercle c.The articular eminence d.The articular disk
B The articular tubercle
16.The ophthalmic artery is a direct branch of a.External carotid b.Internal carotid c.Maxillary d.Middle meningeal e.Middle cerebral
B Internal carotid
17.The only cranial nerve which arises from the posterior surface of the brainstem? a.Occulomotor b.Trochlear c.Trigeminal d.Abducent e.Facial
B Trochlear
19.The frontalis and the occipitalis muscles are attached to each other by? a.Sphenomandibular ligament b.Periorbital dura c.Gala aponeurotica d.Periosteal dura e.Tentorium cerebella
C Gala aponeurotica
20.A 50 year old male patient presents to his physician with intense pain at the bridge of his nose. Examination of this area indicates an acute case of herpes zoster. Which of the following cutaneous branches of the ophthalmic nerve is involved? a.External nasal b.Lacrimal c.Supraorbital d.Supratrochlear e.Zygomaticofacial
A External nasal
22.The opening in the temporal bone which transmits the greater petrosal nerve is called? a.Petrotympanic fissure b.Foramen lacerum c.Foramen spinosum d.Facial hiatus e.Stylomastoid foramen
D Facial hiatus
23.After a hard blow to the face a patient was left with a black eye on the right and inability to look downward with the right eye. A radiograph reveals a compound fracture of the right orbital floor. Which muscle may be trapped when the patient tries to look downward? a.Inferior oblique b.Inferior rectus c.Medial rectus d.Lateral rectus e.Levator palpebre
B Inferior rectus
24.The sensory fibers which innervate the sclera of the eye including the cornea are supplied by which nerve branch? a.Frontal b.Lacrimal c.Nasociliary d.Occulomotor e.Optic
C Nasociliary
25.A potential complication of mastoiditis is facial nerve paralysis. A patient with this type of facial nerve lesion should still be able to perform which of the following movements? a.Close eyelids b.Close lips together c.Frown d.Elevate the upper eyelid e.Smile
D Elevate the upper eyelid
26.Which of the following openings is a communication between the infratemporal fossa and the pterygopalatine fossa? a.Foramen lacerum b.Foramen ovale c.Sphenopalatine foramen d.Pterygomaxillary fissure e.Inferior orbital fissure
D Pterygomaxillary fissure
27.Which dural reflection (fold) separates left and right cerebral cortical hemispheres from the cerebellum? a.Falx cerebri b.Diaphragm sella c.Falx cerebella d.Tentorium cerebella e.Transverse sinus
D Tentorium cerebella
28.The outer surface of the dura mater facing the skull is specifically called a.Pia mater b.Periosteal dura c.Arachnoid mater d.Tectum e.Endosteal dura
E Endosteal dura
29.Which structure demarcates the position of frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex from its parietal lobe? a.The precentral gyrus b.The lateral (sylvian) fissure c.The parietocciptal sulcus d.The central sulcus e.The post central gyrus
D The central sulcus
30.The trigeminal nerve trunk arises from which region of the brainstem a.Thalamus b.Midbrain c.Pons d.Medulla e.Hypothalamus
C Pons
31.All of the following bones of the skull are part of the neurocranium except? a.Occipital b.Parietal c.Sphenoid d.Frontal e.Maxilla
E Maxilla
32.Which of the following structures does not pass through the superior orbital fissure? a.Ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve b.Abducent nerve c.Occulomotor nerve d.Ophthalmic vein e.Ophthalmic artery
E Ophthalmic artery
33.The insular lobe of the cerebral cortex is referred to as? a.The primary motor cortex b.The somatosensory cortex c.The emotional cortex d.The visual cortex e.The hypophysis
C The emotional cortex
34.The foramen ovale, rotundum and spinosum are all found in which bone? a.Frontal b.Sphenoid c.Temporal d.Occipital e.Ethmoid
B Sphenoid
35.An imaginary axis through the lateral and medial poles of the left and right mandibular condyles would intersect on which specific point on the skull? a.Glabella b.Sella turcica c.Occipital condyles d.Basion point (just anterior to foramen magnum) e.External acoustic meatus
D Basion point (just anterior to foramen magnum)
36.Which of the following nerves helps to carry postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland into the orbit a.Supraorbital nerve b.Deep petrosal nerve c.Zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve d.Chorda tympani e.Occulomotor nerve
C Zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve
37.Which of the following is only an action of the temporalis muscle? a.Elevate the mandible b.Protrude the mandible c.Move the mandible to the opposite side d.Retrude the mandible e.Depress the mandible
D Retrude the mandible
39.The internal carotid artery gives off how many branches to the face before it enters the skull a.0 b.1 c.2 d.4 e.6
A 0
40.The auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve splits around what vessel before innervating the skin of the ear? a.External carotid a. b.Internal carotid a. c.Maxillary a. d.Middle meningeal a. e.Retromandibular v.
D Middle meningeal a.
42.What specific type of nerve components does the zygomatic branch of V2 carry as it passes into the orbit?
44.Together the left and right parietal bones and the frontal bone merge to form what specific suture?
a.Coronal suture
45.List 4 unpaired bones of the skull?
a.Vomer, sphenoid, ethmoid, occipital, frontal
46.What structure(s) pass through the foramen lacerum from above?
a.Greater peterosal nerve & deep petrosal nerve
47.Which cranial nerves have auricular branches which innervate the tympanic membrane?
a.Facial & vagus
48.Name the direct branches of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal?
a.Lacrimal, frontal, nasociliary
49.Which cranial nerves passing through the jugular foramen have GVA components?
a.IX (glossopharyngeal) & X (Vagus)
50.List the bones that make up the bony orbit
a.Zygoma, Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Palatine, Maxilla
1.The tensor tympani muscle? a.Is innervated by the facial nerve b.Attaches to the malleus c.Originates from the auditory tube d.Attaches to the incus e.Is a muscle of the soft palate
B Attaches to the malleus
7.If a laceration of the maxillary artery at the neck of the mandibular condyle took place, all of the following would be effected, except? a.Maxillary sinus b.Palate c.Temporalis muscle d.Upper lip e.Nasal chamber
D Upper lip
10.All of the following are branches of the facial nerve, except? a.Greater petrosal b.Chorda tympani c.(marginal) mandibular d.Long buccal e.Zygomatic
D Long buccal
13.Muscles which are innervated by nerves with special visceral efferent components develop from? a.Ectoderm b.Somites c.Branchial (pharyngeal) arches d.Endoderm e.Neural crest cells
C Branchial (pharyngeal) arches
20.A small pituitary tumor in the sella turcica involves the structures which enter the orbit through the optic canal. Which of the following structures would be affected by the tumor? a.Opthalamic vein b.Oculomotor nerve c.Opthalamic artery d.Supraorbital nerve e.Trochlear nerve
C Opthalamic artery
21.Injury to the temporal branch of the facial nerve would most likely be accompanied by which of the following signs? a.Dilation of the arteries of the face b.Chronic papillary constriction c.Decreased activity of the parotid gland d.Inability to blink e.Loss of corneal sensation
D Inability to blink
23.A young woman with decreased lacrimation in her right eye has a corneal inflammation. Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers which supply the lacrimal gland are carried in which of the following nerves? a.Chorda tympani b.Greater petrosal c.Lacrimal d.Lessor petrosa e.Oculomotor
B Greater petrosal
24.The facial nerve proper exits the base of the skull through which of the following foramen? a.Petrotympanic fissure b.Foramen lacerum c.Foramen spinosum d.Jugular foramen e.Stylomastoid foramen
E Stylomastoid foramen
27.An aneurysm on one of the arteries at the base of the brain can compress the optic chiasm producing visual defects. An aneurysm of which of the following arteries could cause the effect? a.Anterior communicating b.Posterior communicating c.Middle cerebral d.Anterior cerebellar e.Basilar
A Anterior communicating
30.Which dural reflection (fold) supports the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex? a.Falx cerebri b.Diaphragma sella c.Falx cerebella d.Tentorium cerebella e.Transverse sinus
D Tentorium cerebella
32.The medial walls of the thalamus serve as the? a.Medial walls of the lateral ventricles b.Lateral walls of the third ventricle c.The floor of the fourth ventricle d.The roof of the midbrain e.The floor of the pons
B Lateral walls of the third ventricle
34.Which structure separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex? a.The precentral gyrus b.The lateral (sylvian) fissure c.The parietoccipital sulcus d.The central sulcus e.The post central gyrus
D The central sulcus
36.All of the following structures exit the jugular foramen except? a.Glossopharyngeal nerve b.Vagus nerve c.Spinal accessory nerve d.The internal carotid artery e.The internal jugular vein
D The internal carotid artery
43.What specific type of nerve components does the lingual nerve carry as it passes through the infratemporal fossa?
45.Upon entering the infratemporal fossa the maxillary artery passes medial to what specific structure?
a.The neck of the madibular condyle (accepted stylomandibular lig. And mandibular ramus)
46.Together the left and right parietal bones and the occipital bone merge to form what specific suture?
a.Lamboid suture
49.What specific nerve branch innervates the posterior lateral surface of the tympanic membrane?
a.Auricular branch of X
1.What is the specific action of the depressor angulioris?
a.Depress the corner of the mouth or lip (frown)
2.What specific cranial nerve branch passes through the pterygoid canal?
a.Greater petrosal branch (of VII)
7.The nerves that pass through the carotid canal have what type of nerve components?
a.GVE (sympathetic postganglionic)
13.Name 4 muscles innervated by the occulomotor nerve in the cranial vault?
a.Levator palpebre b.Superior rectus c.Medial rectus d.Inferior rectus e.Inferior oblique
16.What specific type of nerve components are carried by the nerve that passes through the inferior alveolar foramen?
17.What is the specific function of the post central gyrus?
a.Primary somatosensory cortex
20.Identify the specific nerve branch passing through the infraorbital foramen
a.Infraorbital nerve (branch of V2)
21.What specific nerve branch exits through the mental foramen?
a.Mental nerve branch
22.What specific type of nerve components are found in the buccal nerve branch?
23.What specific ligament attaches to the articular tubercle?
a.Lateral tmj ligament
24.List 4 branches of this nerve branch which exits the stylomastoid foramen.
a.Auricular b.Temporal c.Zygomatic d.Buccal e.Mandibular f.Cervical
25.What vessels pass superficial to the antigonial notch?
a.Facial artery and vein
26.Name 4 distal branches of the cranial nerve branch which passes through the foramen ovale?
a.Auriculotemporal b.Inferior alveolar c.Lingla d.Long buccal e.Recurrent meningeal
29.What specific vessel pass through the foramen spinosum?
a.Middle meningeal artery
30.What specific type of nerve components innervate the smooth muscle mixed into the levator palpebre?
a.GVE (sympathetic)
35.What is the specific action of the muscle which attaches to the pterygoid fovea on mandible?
a.Moves mandible downward, forward and to the opposite side
37.The nerves which pass through the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen are brances of what specific nerve branch?
a.Nasociliary nerve
39.What specific substance is found in the fourth ventricle during life?
a.Cerebrospinal fluid
40.What are the actions of the muscle which originates from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate?
a.Elevates the mandible and assists in protracting and moving the mandible to the opposite side
42.What specific structure articulates with the articular eminence?
a.Articular disk (cartilage)
43.What type of nerve components are found in the trochlear nerve in orbit?
44.Is the long buccal nerve motor, sensory or both?
45.Name the two muscles that insert at the angle of the mandible?
a.Medial pterygoid and masseter
47.The zygoma bone develops from what type of ossification process?
a.Intramembranous ossification
48.Name one action of the muscle that inserts at the coronoid process of the mandible?
a.Elevates mandible (clenches teeth) b.Assists with lateral rotation and protrusion of mandible