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46 Cards in this Set

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Cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, subarachnoid hemorrhage, after acute stage there may be a sequelae such as hemiplegia, monoplegia, aphasia
Wind-Stroke (Chapter 17)
Simple fainting, postural hypotension, hypoglycemia, hysteria
Syncope (Chapter 17)
Thermoplegia, thermospasm, heliosis
Sunstroke (Chapter 17)
Could be used for other viral and bacterial infections URTI, influenza
Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat (Chapter 17)
Acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, URTI and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Cough (Chapter 17)
All kinds URTI, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary emphysema, and dyspnea.
Asthma (Chapter 17)
Peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastric neurosis and diseases of liver, GB, and pancreas.
Epigastric Pain (Chapter 17)
Acute or chronic gastritis, cardiospasm, pylorospasm, neurotic vomiting
Vomiting (Chapter 17)
acute and chronic enteritis, indigestion, intestinal parasitic Diseases, diseases of the pancreas, liver, and biliary tract, endocrine, & metabolic disorders and neurotic vomiting.
Diarrhea (Chapter 17)
Acute and chronic bacillary and amebic dysentery.
Dysentery (Chapter 17)
Gastroptosis, acute gastrectasia, enteroparalysis, intestinal obstruction, gastro-intestinal neurosis.
Abdominal Distention (Chapter 17)
Acute icteric hepatitis, obstructive jaundice and hemolytic jaundice.
Jaundice (Chapter 17)
Acute or chronic nephritis and malnutrition
Edema (Chapter 17)
underdevelopment of cerebral micturition centre, deformity of urinary tract, cryptorachischisis, organic cerebral diseases, and oxyuriasis.
Nocturnal Enuresis (Chapter 17)
UTI, urolithiasis
Urination Disturbance (Chapter 17)
Caused by functional disorder, sexual neurasthenia.
Impotence (Chapter 17)
Neurosis, functional disorders of the vegetative nervous system and cardiac arrhythmia of various origins.
Palpitation (Chapter 17)
Depressive and manic types of schizophrenia
Manic-Depressive Disorder (Chapter 17)
Seizures including grand mal, petit mal, psychomotor and focal seizures.
Epilepsy (Chapter 17)
Derangement of the equilibrium of the senses, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, neurosis, and otogenic diseases.
Dizziness (Chapter 17)
Hysteria, neurosis
Melancholia (Chapter 17)
Trigeminal neuralgia
Facial Pain (Chapter 17)
Peripheral facial paralysis or Bell's Palsy.
Deviation of Eyes and Mouth (Chapter 17)
Diseases of Liver or GB, contusion of the hypochondriac region, intercostal neuralgia and costal chondritis.
Hypochondriac Region Pain (Chapter 17)
Renal diseases, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperplastic spondilitis, muscle strain or traumatic injury.
Low Back Pain (Chapter 17)
Rheumatic fever, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibrositis, neuralgia and gout.
Bi Syndrome (Chapter 17)
acute myelitis, progressive myatrophy, myasthenia gravis, multiple neuritis, sequelae of poliomyelitis, periodic paralysis, hysterical paralysis, traumatic paraplegia.
Wei Syndromes (Chapter 17)
Irregular menorrhea resulting from dysfunction of antehypophysis (ovarian dysfunction).
Irregular Menses (Chapter 18)
Pathological changes of the genitalia and relates to endocrinal and neuropsychiatrical factors.
Dysmenorrhea (Chapter 18)
Could result from endocrinal and neuropsychiatrical factors.
Amenorrhea (Chapter 18)
Includes functional uterine bleeding d/t ovarian dysfunction, but organic disorders of the reproductive system must be excluded.
Uterine Bleeding (Chapter 18)
Infections of reproductive organs, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and annexitits.
Morbid Leukorrhea (Chapter 18)
No acupuncture to many points and not with strong stimulation when the fetus is still young. No cold, raw or greasy foods so that adjustments and replenishing can be done for the stomach.
Morning Sickness (Chapter 18)
Be careful of prolonged labor. It could be caused by uterine deformity or contracted pelvis.
Prolonged Labor (Chapter 18)
Do not overstrain while having treatment for this.
Prolapse of Uterus (Chapter 18)
Acute convulsions could be caused by central nervous system and toxic encephalopathies such as epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and pneumonia w/ toxemia. Make a timely diagnosis and have a comprehensive treatment. Chronic convulsions could be caused by long durations of vomiting and diarrhea, metabolic disorders, malnutrition and chronic infections of the central nervous system or from an acute convulsion.
Infantile Convulsions (Chapter 18)
AKA epidemic parotitis.
Mumps (Chapter 18)
AKA acute mastitis.
Breast Abscess (Chapter 18)
Acute simple appendicitis and treatment is considered effective. If there is appendicial abscess or tendency to perforate other curative measures should be taken.
Intestinal Abscess (Chapter 18)
Simple goiter, hyperthyroidism.
Goiter (Chapter 18)
Sprain and Contusion of Neck (Chapter 18)
Acute conjunctivitis, pseudomenbranous conjunctivitis epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis.
Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the eye (Chapter 18)
Chronic rhinitis and chronic nasosinusitis in modern medicine.
Thick and Sticky Nasal Discharge (Chapter 18)
Trauma, nasal disorders and acute febrile diseases.
Epistaxis (Chapter 18)
acute or chronic pulpitis, dental aries, periodontal (or use periodontal) abscess and pericoronitis.
Toothache (Chapter 18)
Acute tonsillitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis.
Sore Throat (Chapter 18)