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357 Cards in this Set

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What is function of placenta?
cleans, protects, transports waste, transfers antibodies, makes glycogen
Where is glycogen stored?
in the liver
What are fundal height norms?
20 weeks-at umbilicus
12 weeks-at pubic symphysis
24 weeks-2 fB above umbilicus
How to use a tape measure?
tape on superior border of PS to fundus.
When should cm on fundal height start to measure gestational age?
22-24 weeks gestation
Which pelvis favors OP?
What is the optimal birth weight in grams?
When is peak fetal brain growth?
28 weeks
What is the diet allowance for Higgins at 20 weeks?
add 500 calories + 25g protein from non-pregnant state
What is diagonal conjugate?
From middle of sacral promontory to as far up as you can reach on the sacrum. >11.5cm
What is decent?
Bb must do cardinal movements in order to be aligned with larger portion of mom's pelvis.
What is wood's corkscrew?
bb goes 180* in one direction and 180* in the other.
Which hormone stims fetal growth before birth?
How does bb's birth weight relate to maternal exercise in pregnancy?
BB has a higher birth weight due to highly efficient placenta.
What is vascular resistance?
opposition to blood flow in a vascular bed(squeezing a fingernail)
What calcium is recod in pregnancy?
What vit C is recod in pregnancy?
What is metrorrhagia?
bleeding between periods and not assoc. with menstruation
very light periods with light bleeding
Primary and Secondary?
Primary: never start bleeding
Secondary: start, then 6 months or more of no period. Also can have acne, male pattern hair growth, thyroid disorders
Painful menstruation, primary: not assoc with pelvic pathology
Secondary: assoc. with pelvic pathology after 20 years old.
What is chronic anovulation?
Failure, cessation, or supression of ovulation.
bloody sputum from bronchi or lungs
Fetal Growth:
What is stage 1?
What is stage 2?
What is stage 3?
stage 1: 4-20 weeks-mitosis
stage 2: 20-28 weeks hyperplasia, hypertrophy and declining mitosis
stage 3: 28-term rapid hypertrophy and higher fat and tissue
What does adrenal hyperplasia do?
Creates too many androgens due to enzyme deficiency.
What are Central nervous system defects?
anencephaly, spina bifida, microcephaly, hydrocephaly. From failure of neural tube to fuse shut.
How to manage a post dates pregnancy?
biophysical profile and non stress test
What are risks to bb with twins?
PIH, stillbirth, twin to twin transfusion, IUGR, malnutrition
What is pylonephritis?
infection from bladder to kidneys
Which hormone is responsible for the let down reflex?
oxytocin on breast tissue
What is a postdates pregnancy?
294 days past LNMP.
When is a bb an embryo?
After the blastocyst implants.
What does lanugo do with gestational age?
What is hemolytic anemia?
inherited or acquired
What is microcytic anemia?
What is the mean corpuscular volume?
What is the mean corpuscular hemoglobin?
iron deficiency.
MCV= normal
What is macrocytic/megaloblastic anemia?
What are MCV levels?
What are MCH levels?
B12 and folic acid
What is normal mean corpuscular volume levels?
What are different newborn exam exercises? 10 things
posture, square window, popliteal angle, pinna of ear, breast tissue, genitals, lanugo, heal to hear, arm recoil, scarf sign
When do AFP levels peak in maternal serum?
32 weeks
What effect does a large or malpositioned placenta have on MSAFP levels?
MSAFP levels will be increased.
How soon can a contraction stress test be done?
26 weeks
What does CVS done for?
genetic disorders
How do contractions work on uterus?
Upper portion contracts, lower portion does not
What are maternal s/s of erythroblastosis?
anemia, edema, hydrops
What is MSAFP done?
15-18 weeks
What is hydrops fetalis?
Fetal adema in at least 2 fetal compartments
What are causes of IUGR?
utero placental insufficiency, TORCH, genetic disorders, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, substance abuse, multiple gestation
What are risks to fetus with IUGR?
hypoglycemia, hypothermia
What is Erythema?
Erythema is abnormal skin redness caused by bloodflow to the skin area
What an SAB?
<500g or 20 weeks gestation
What is pathological jaundice?
Bilirubin can bind to proteins in the brain and cause hemolytic disease and abdominal obstruction
When does hemodilution occur?
28 weeks
What does a rising hemo mean?
Hemo concentration is an indication that blood volume is not expanding as it should
When is colostrum produced? By which hormones?
3rd trimester. Oxytocin, prolactin, placental lactogen, Hcg, estrogen, progesterone
What is engorgement?
Tight, shiny skin
What is mastitis?
swollen, hot inflamed breasts
How much blood loss is underestimated?
What is blood increase with singletons?
What is hematocrit percentage wise?
Percentage of RBC's to blood volume
What can cause heart arythrimas?
electrolyte imbalance
auto immune disorder
heart lesions
What causes nightblindness in pregnancy?
vit A deficiency
What causes abruptio placentae?
injury, PIH, ECV, high BP, ROM
What defines fetal alcohol syndrome?
Central nervous system damage
What does cocaine and opiates do to babies?
low birth weight
What causes strawberry cervix?
What titer shows effective tx of syphilis?
4 fold increase
What is percent of neonatal loss with syphilis?
When to use tetracycline?
chlamydia, gonorrhea, plague and lymes disease
When to use erythromycin?
babies eyes, pneumonia
When to use azithromycin?
skin infections, strep
What percent is Lactation Amenorrhea method effective?
How do combo pills work?
thicken mucous to block sperm, prevent ovulation, progesterone thins endometrium
What are perimenopausal hormonal changes?
high levels of FSH are produced
How to check bb for HIV?
viral culture, polymerase chain reaction
What is length of fertilization to 40 weeks?
266 days+ 14 days(for conception)=280 days
Which hormone maintains corpus luteum in pregnancy?
Human chorionic gonadotropin
When is the embryonic period?
implantation to 8 weeks, 3-9 weeks from conception. save 2 weeks for ovulation to missed LNMP
When do fetal eyelids open?
26 weeks
What is dyspnea?
shortness of breath
Front to back in the pelvis with bb's head means what?
conjugate diameter
from front of sacrum to back of pelvis
What does left to right mean with pelvis and bb's head?
one iliopectineal line to another
1/2 way between pubis and sacral promantory
Transverse median diameter
What is sacral promontory?
Heart shaped structure called the superior opening.
Does a 4th degree involve the anal sphincter?
What is normocytic anemia?
When losing blood from a car accident.
What is macrocytic anemia?
Big cells. B12/Folic acid deficiency. Creates anemia because the cells are large but no enough.
What is microcytic anemia?
iron deficiency.
Does a low lying placenta bleed more?
Yes. Because there is not so much contractile myometrium down in the lower segment of the cervix.
What is wnl for heelstick in the newborn for glucose?
What is "marked"?
20 points higher or lower(bradycardia/tachycardia)
When is maternal cardiac output the highest?
in IPP when oxytocin is highest.
When does malnutrition most affect the fetus?
Right before birth and right after
What is largest diameter of the fetal head?
occiptomental diameter
Do multips dilate before effacing?
What is the differential white blood cell count?
the percentages of 5 different types of white blood cells.
Midwives believe that every woman has a right to a safe , satisfying birth in the setting of her own choice with respect for human dignity and cultural variations. What is this?
A philosophy of care
What is normal range in cm for chest circumference for newborns?
Is a breastfeeding woman more than 1 week postpartum likely to develop a mastitis?
What is normocytic anemia?
anemia from acute blood loss
What is the best type supplementation for a MCV of 86?
iron supplementation
How many degrees does the fetal head rotate to go from LOT to OA?
What does a wandering fetal baseline mean?
impending fetal demise
Where do contractions happen on the uterus?
strong contractions in the fundus and none in the cervix
What is the peak day in the menstrual cycle?
the last day when the cervical mucus is stretchy, slippery and stretchy
What does a uterine inversion feel like?
soft protrusion in vagina, and tunnel like depression on abdomen
What is the only thing true about chloasma?
Is it more noticeable in brunettes.
Which mechanism of labor does an OP head use to birth?
flexion then extension
Where should fundus be in the IPP?
2/3 of way between PS and umbilicus
What is the best time for folic acid to reduce neural tube defects?
before conception and thru first 6 weeks of pregnancy
According to Friedman, what is the average length of second stage for multips?
15 minutes
What are effets of cold stress on newborns?
metabolic acidosis, pulmonary vasoconstriction, hypoglycemia
What is metabolic acidosis?
acid in the blood. fatal for newborns. sequelae to hypoxia
When do infants need to get iron supplementation?
6 months
When is it most likely that maternal varicella infection will be passed to the newborn?
6 days before birth, 2 days after birth
What is the average rate of dilation during maximum slope for a multipara?
What is minimum dilation?
5.7 cm /hour
Minimum: 1.5cm/hour
What is the maximum slope in labor?
When cervical dilation is occuring most rapidly and increaing from 3-4cm to 8.
What is the max slope in primips?
What is minimum?
What is the most reliable way to detect abnormal or periodic fetal heart rate changes or patterns when using a fetoscope or ultrasound?
Counting the FHT in 5-second increments allowing a 5 sec break between the period of counting during a contraction.
What is the most direct cause of closure of the ductus arteriosus?
increase in O2 levels
When should MSAFP be done?
15-18 weeks
Which vital will remain elevated in the IPP?
What is a common reason for seizures in the neonatal period?
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Does meat increase absorption of non-heme iron?
What are Leopold's maneuvers?
1-what is in pelvis
2-walk hands up
3-what is in fundus
4-turn towards mom's feet and feel for cephalic prominence
What is a 1st degree cystocele?
1st degree: protruding into the vagina
2nd degree: at the introitus(vaginal opening)
3rd degree: introitus to external
Does the 1 hour PG have a high rate of false positives?
If a fetus is LOT and the sagittal suture is midway between the PS and sacral promontory, how to describe the head?
What is prolonged rupture of membranes?
rupture of membranes more than 24 hours before birth
What is ecchymosis?
a bruise
What is asynclitism?
When the suture lines are not aligned between the PS and sacrum.
What is anterior asynclitism?
when the bb's head is tilted towards the mother's PS.
What is posterior asynclitism?
When bb's head is tilted towards mother's sacrum.
What are breech mechanisms of labor?
Engagement in RSA
Internal rotation from RSA to RST
birth of butt by lateral flexion-posterior hip born first, anterior hip impinges under the PS
pull bb on hips to rotate from RSA to RST
can pull posterior arm out when lifting the bb up by its ankles
Mariceau Smellie Veit
How quickly does a breech bb need to be born after umbilicus is born?
3-5 minutes
What is the Pinard maneuver?
Breaking up the breech
What to do if bb's arm is lodged behind its head?
turn bb's body 90-180* in the direction of the postcranial hand
maintain suprapubic pressure for flexion
What is the the Mariceau Smellie Veit?
Putting finger in the breech's mouth to extract the head
What is hypermeiosis
Fast dividing of cells into daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes
Where is the sagittal suture when anterior asynclitism is present?
sagittal suture is pointed downwards
Where is the sagittal suture when posterior asynclitism is present?
pointed upwards towards the mom's PS.
What is in a blood test?
blood type
Hep B
What causes edematous placentae?
Rh-, ABO incompatibility, fetal cardiac failure
What do hemoglobin levels do in the second trimester due to hemodilution?
decrease slightly
What is an appropriate increase in BP?
What does blood pressure do in the 3rd trimester?
increases slightly
Does BP fall with placental seperation?
What is succenturiate placenta?
one or more lobes connected by blood vessels
What is placenta triplex?
3 parts joined by vessels
How many grams of protein for Brewer's Diet?
80-90 grams of protein
What is eutocia?
Normal labor
What is the relation of the occiput to the 6 areas of the pelvic brim?
What forms curve of carus?
sacrum, coccyx, pubic bone
What is wnl BP?
What is diuresis?
increased urine
What are the 3 types of placenta previa?
complete-fully covering the cervix
partial-partially covering the cervix
marginal-edge of the cervix
What is cardiogenic shock?
when heart cannot pump anymore(congestive heart failure)
What is hypovolemic shock?
shock from severe blood loss
What is sepsis?
shock from bacteria releasing toxins
What are iatrogenic complications?
Complications caused by care provider.
What is the first period of reactivity?
first 30 min
What is FAS?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Should you increase protein with risk of PIH?
What is a hydrocele?
swelling of scrotum
What is a diverticulum?
an abnormal pouch caused by a weak point in the intestine.
What is urethral diverticulum?
abnormal outpouching of urethra into anterior vaginal wall
Which hormone maintains pregnancy?
What is the genotype for females?
What is the genotype for males?
What is weight and length of bb at 20 weeks?
10.5 ounces, weighs 7 inches long
When should the rubella titer be done?
at prenatal panel
In which environment does the sperm live longer?
Is there shoulder pain with ectopic pregnancy?
Is there more bloody show with breech?
not necessarily
When can the neonate contract congenital syphilis from mother?
1 month
What is vertical transmission?
parent to offspring
What is horizontal transmission?
person to person(licking, biting, coughing sneezing)
When should a bb double its birth weight?
6 months
When should a baby triple its birth weight?
1 year
What is the universal blood receiver?
What is the universal blood donor?
When is ultrasound the most effective?
6 weeks LNMP
What is average FHT range for quiet, awake newborn?
What creates uterine involution?
lysis of protein material
What is greatest risk factor for breast cancer?
history of never giving birth
What are titers for rubella?
<1:10 non immune
>1:10 immune
1:64 active infection
Which type of chromic gut for a vaginal mucosal tear?
What type of chromic gut for perineal laceration?
What are types of sutures in vagina?
mattress, continuous stitches
When are interrupted stitches done?
On the perineum.
What prevents intrauterine compression of the cord?
Wharton's jelly
What is Tay Sach's disease?
genetic neurological disorder
Which direction is fetal circulation?
From right atria to left atria. Down to left ventricle, up and throughout. connected by foramen ovale. it closes at birth.
What does foramen ovale do?
It is open in utero between atria to allow for open blood flow
What is ductus arteriosus?
It allow blood to bypass the lungs.
What is ductus venosis?
Connects umbilical vein to vena cava.
Are lungs involved with fetal circulation?
What is Turner's syndrome?
absence of an entire sex chromosome.
How many cotyledons in the placenta and how much of bb's weight is placenta?
15-20 cotyledons and is 1/5 of bb's weight.
In fetal circulation what allows blood to enter the left atrium from the right atrium?
foramen ovale
Follow Fetal blood from left atrium to right atrium.
left atrium
left ventricle
systemic circulation
umbilical arteries
umbilical veins
ductus venosus
inferior vena cava
right atrium
foramen ovale(is the valve that moves right to left)
What causes newborn hemorrhagic disease?
lack of Vitamin K
When are sex organs distinguishable?
14 weeks
Does estrogen play a part in the control of ovary during the menstrual cycle?
yes. it
When is quickening felt?
16-20 weeks
Is hypocalcemia a fetal risk for a diabetic mother?
Which epis hurts more?
mediolateral. harder to repair.
What is false pelvis?
line above linea terminalis
What is true pelvis?
line below iliopectineal lines
What is middle opening? What forms it?
S1, S3, S4 on sides by ischial spines, in front, 1/2 way up to PS.
What happens with fetus in the middle opening?
cardinal movements
Where do most superficial perineal muscles attach?
to inferior opening
What is distance from PS to coccyx?
What is suboccipital frontal diameter?
What is occipitalmental diameter?
12.5-13.5 Largest diameter of the fetal head
What is engagement?
When parietal diameter enters the pelvic inlet
What is the largest diameter the bb has to pass thru the vagina?
suboccipital diameter
What does restitution do?
untwists the neck and brings the head back so its at 90* less than shoulders
External rotation?
When shoulders rotate 45* to bring bisacromial diameter into alignment with AP diameter of pelvic outlet
How long does it take for Rhogam to wear off?
after 12 weeks
Describe Ritgens?
control occiput with one hand and then grab bb's chin posterior to mom's rectum.
Mechanisms of labor?
Engagement: bb enters pelvic inlet
Descent: descends past pelvic inlet
Flexion: bb tucks chin towards chest
Internal rotation: brings AP of bb's head into alignment with APof pelvis (from anteroposterior to oblique transverse)
Extension-head is born and smallest part goes first
Restitution: shoulders rotate laterally to pass thru pelvic arch
External Rotation: rotate 45* to line up with AP of pelvis
Bb's head rotates on outside of mother's body
Expulsion: exists as anterior shoulder is birthed
What are 4 issues with distended bladder?
damage to bladder
risk of PPH
Failure to progress
kidneys can't process fluids as easily because bladder is full
What are 4 risks to postterm pregnancy/birth?
risk shoulder dystocia
risk hypoglycemia
intercranial hemorrhage
mec aspiration syndrome from passing mec from being post-term
What are 6 things to do to get placenta out at birth?
sterile water in cord
have mom pee
What are 4 positive signs of placental seperation?
positive modified brandt andrews maneuver
sep gush
cord lengthening
fundus changes from discoid to globular
What are 3 things that could cause uterus to involute abnormally and cause late PPH?
retained placental tissue
uterine atony in multips
pelvic infection
When to do 30-30 traction?
when head is born and no rotation apparent
What are 4 risks to IUGR babies?
assistance to breathe
high morbidity/mortality
trouble regulating body temp
mec aspiration
What are 4 risks to postdates pregnancy?
mec aspiration syndrome
large bb-risk of failure to progress
shoulder dystocia
intercranial hemorrhage
What is normal weight gain?
What defines fetal alcohol syndrome?
central nervous system abnormalities, behavioral abnormalities. Damage to fetus depends on when alcohol was consumed.
What is ancencephaly?
Congenital disorder, absence of skull with exposed brain tissues
What describes asynclitism/synclitism?
the relationship of the sagittal suture to mom's PS and sacrum
What defines caput succedaneum?
Caput crosses suture lines
How long does caput last?
more than 2 hours
What is another way to distinquish caput from cephalohematoma?
caput pits with pressure.
What is alpha fetoprotein?
a protein first made by the yolk sac and then by fetal liver
For how long do AFP levels increase?
20 weeks
When do fetal AFP levels starte to decrease?
after 20 weeks
When do normal AFP levels in maternal serum peak?
32 weeks
What do increased levels of AFP in maternal serum mean?
means that fetal AFP is leaking into maternal serum in the form of an open neural tube defect
What is the rate of postiive fetal AFP in maternal serum?
What percentage of open neural tube defects/open ventral wall defects does this identify?
How does the placenta effect maternal serum alpha fetoprotein?
If the placenta is large or malpositioned/defected-fetal AFP may cross into maternal serum.
When is amniocentesis performed?
at 15-16 weeks
What does amniocentesis test for?
Amniocentesis tests for AFP and open neural tube defects
What is anchor stitch?
up and down
What is attitude of fetal head?
Amount of flexion of head
What defines acrocyanosis?
cyanosis in extremitites
How long should acrocyanosis last?
Acrocyanosis should not last longer than 24 hours.
How is bladder affected during pregnancy?
The bladder has decreased tone and increased capacity due to progesterone.
What causes afterpains?
oxytocin from nipple stimulation from nursing
In whom are afterpains more common?
in multips without good muscle tone.
What pharmaeceutical is reco'd for afterpains?
tylenol or IB profuen
What are breast infections caused by?
e coli, stapholococcus
What pharmaeceuticals can you use on breast infections?
IB profuen, amoxicillin
What are breech maneuvers?
Mariceau Smellie Veit-fingers in mouth to get head out
Loveset Maneuver-rotating baby so anterior arm can move
Pinard Maneuver-breaking up the breech
What is the leading cause of fetal blindness/pneumonia?
What is maximum normal blood pressure during pregnancy?
What are maternal risks of c-section?
bladder/nerve damage
heart failure
rupture of uterine scar
How long does cicumscision take to heal?
1 week
What are 2 ways to do a contraction stress test?
Use a fetal well being check with either nipple stim, 2 min nipple stim, 5 minutes resting
or with oxytocin
For how long is a contraction stress test reliable?
from 26 weeks until term
What does a negative contraction stress test mean?
What does a positive contraction stress test result show?
late decels
What does a false positive result show?
non-repetitive decels
How is CVS done?
thru belly or cervix
What is prodromal labor?
false labor
What are chorionic villi?
They make up the barrier between placenta and decidua
What role do chorionic villi play with fetal blood?
fetal blood from artery is sent to chorionic villi reoxygenated and sent back by the umbilical vein
What do chorionic villi do to decidua in early pregnancy?
invade uterine decidua
What is the homeopathy cimicifuga used for in labor?
Pain in hips, thigs, back , dysfunctional uterine contractions
When is homeopathy caulophyllum best used?
With short sluggish contractions felt low in pelvis
How many chromosomes in a human somatic cell?
Describe metaphase and anaphase?
Chromosomes come to middle of cell during metaphase and replicate themselves in anaphase.
What is normal vaginal pH?
How do contractions relate to the uterus?
the upper portion contracts, the lower portion doesn't contract.
What is purpose of third step of Leopold's?
determine what is in pelvis
From exam, according to Brewer' diet, how many grams of protein should the pregnant woman eat?
Is mental retardation associated with SGA babies?
no.. not always
sides of abdomen
face feet, see what is presenting: occiput or sinciput
What are 3 good measures of sterilization?
boiling, baking, pressure cooking
How much does a normal placenta weigh?
1/5 weight of bb
Are urinary problems commonly associated with poly?
As blood pressure falls, the perfusion of vital organs falls with it, the best indication of whether the brain is being adequately perfused is what?
the level of consciousness
Is mismanagement of 3rd stage a predisposing factor that may lead to hemorrhage?
no. because its not a predisposing factor
When the FHT's drop during the acme of the contraction-what type of decel?
late decels
If decel follow the climax of the contraction, what type of decel is it?
What is the name of the temporary opening between the atria in the fetal heart which allows blood to pass since it does not need to pass thru the lungs?
ductus arteriosus
which hormone controls the proliferative phase of menstrual cycle?
Which hormone does not play a part in the control of the ovary during the normal menstrual cycle, but if produced in excessive amounts, such as during breastfeeding, it will inhibit ovulation?
How often do miscarriages occur after pregnancy has been clinically diagnosed?
1 in 10
When does lochia alba start?
10 day PP
Which environment can sperm live in longest?
In the female reproductive system, what produces progesterone?
corpus luteum
If a mom is still bleeding after 3rd stage, what to do?
Determine cause of bleeding
What is the chorion?
a thick membrane the develops from trophoblasts
What gestation is a 300g fetus and18cm in length?
20 weeks
What secretes Hcg to maintain pregnancy?
corpus luteum
Would a mom with hyperactive labor have a prolonged active phase?
no. because things would be moving really quickly.
When is the most vulnerable time for a fetus with maternal syphilis?
up to 20 weeks/5 months
If you find a boggy uterus, what is first thing to do?
massage uterus firmly with one hand while supporting it with the other hand
What is the relation of the fetal parts to each other in the uterus?
Where does implantation normally occur?
On the anterior or posterior surface of fundus
Is mec discharge normal is all presentation/
what diagnosis preeclampsia?
what is the cause of physiological jaundice?
rapid destruction of red blood cells
When should a bb double its weight?
by 6 months
What is normal hemo for a woman at elevation?
the same. 11-13
What is normal vaginal pH?
What is Chandelier' sign?
cervical motion tenderness
What is Chandelier's sign a sign of?
PID, STI, ectopic pregnancy
What does black cohosh do?
works as an estrogen substitute and supresses LH
What does blue cohosh do?
What do caulophyllum and cimicifuga do together?
caulophyllum contracts, cimicifuga relaxes
Methotrexate can be given in shot form.
It stops the growth of rapidly dividing cells such as embryonic fetal and early placental cells
What percentage of women does depression affect?
What is scar dehisence?
Partial separation of c-section scar but fetus is ok and births vaginally
How to calculate the estimated due daye?
LNMP + 7 days minue 3 months
What defines an ectopic pregnancy?
When blastocyst implants anywhere outside of endometrium lining.
What are signs of ectopic pregnancy?
Sharp, intense abdominal pain, shock with hypotension from internal bleeding. Cul-de-sac is full of blood.
When are ectopic pregnancies most discovered?
around 12 weeks
What is erythroblastosis fetalis?
when mom and bb have different blood types. Woman produces antibodies that attack fetal RBC's
What are signs of erythroblastosis fetalis?
anemia, edema, hydrops(fluid development thru tissues)
What is funic souffle?
Muffled sounds from blood rushing thru umbilical vessels
What is fetal movement chart done?
after 28 weeks
How many movements in how many hours with fetal movement chart?
10 movements in 10 hours
When should the fundal height be at the umbilicus?
20 weeks
When should fundal height just be felt at PS?
12 weeks
Where should fundal height be felt at 24 weeks gestation?
2 FB above the umbilicus
What is function of placenta?
cleans, protects, transfers antibodies, makes glycogen for bb's liver
Does parity affect MSAFP levels?
How would down's syndrome manifest on a triple screen?
low levels MSAFP, low estriol levels, high Hcg levels
When is amnio done?
15-20 weeks
What is isoimmunization? example?
Development of antibodies in response to isoantigens
What are isoantigens?
A protein or red blood cell antigen that stiumlates antibody production in different members of the same species
What is an example of isoimmunization?
Rh- factor
What tests are used to check for fetal lung maturity?
L/S ratio
PG tests
foam stability index
lamellar body count
Analysis of amniotic fluid for bilirubin shows what?
hemolytic disease
What is hemolytic disease of newborn?
When maternal red blood cells attack fetal cells.
Erythroblastosis fetalis.
What is hydrops fetalis?
when there is edema in 2 places in fetus
what causes hydrops fetalis?
Rh incompatibility
twin to twin transfusion
At how many week should fetal movement counting start for low risk pregnancies?
34-36 weeks
Does obesity affect maternal perception of fetal movement?
Should non-stress tests be continued after a reactive non-stress test?
What to do after a non-reactive non stress test?
biophysical profile
At how many weeks is FHR reactivity reached?
28-32 weeks
What is minimum frequency of non-stress tests?
What is frequency of non-stress tests with uteroplacental insufficiency?
What is Galant's reflex?
Turn head to side with tactile stimulation
What is Ortolani's?
a test for hip movement and clicking
Is maternal hypertension linked to directed pushing?
What is FHR reactivity reached?
28-32 weeks
When milk comes in, temp can go up to 101F?
What are new NNR guidelines?
warm, suction, PPV
why is oral BC pills stopped 3-6 months before pregnancy?
to correct copper and zinc deficiencies.
What is pudenda?
What is incident of trisomy at 40 weeks?