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19 Cards in this Set

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Hinged Joint

Flexion and extension only

EX: elbow

Ball and Socket Joint

Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circumduction and rotation.

EX: shoulder (humans)

Pivot Joint

Rotation and circumduction.

EX: skull (only one)

Gliding Joint

Flexion and extension only. Very limited adduction and abduction. Surfaces are flat.

Stifle Joint

4 ligaments.

1 tendon.

Most complex joint.

One of the largest joints.

Cranial Cruciate Ligament & Caudal Cruciate Ligament

Located between the femur and tibia on the inside of the joint in a cross section.

Lateral Collateral & Medial Collateral Ligament

Located on the lateral and medical aspects of the joint. Connects the femur to the fibula and femur to the tibia. Outside of the joint.

Patellar Tendon

On the cranial aspect and contains the patella.

Articulate Cartilage

Covers the ends of the bones where they articulate.


Forms a cushion of support between the bones. The connective tissues gets injured when the joint is loose. Particular to the stifle joint.

Fibrous Joint (Suture Joint)

No mobility.

EX: Splint bones or skull joints.

Cartilaginous Joint (Vertebral Joint)

Limited mobility

EX: mandibular symphysis, pubic symphysis in pelvis, intervertebral joints.

Synovial Joints (True Joints)

Important, permit a lot of mobility.

EX: shoulder, stifle, elbow.

Joint Cavity

Spaces between the bones. Contains synovial fluid.

Joint Capsule

Encloses the joint cavity. Connective tissue surrounds the joint.

LAYERS: fibrous membrane (outer layer) and synovial membrane (inner layer).

Synovial Fluid

Lubricant. Carries nutrients to the articular cartilage which does not have blood supply. Transparent.

Articular Cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage: smooth glass like. Covers the articular surfaces of the bone.


Synovial sac between the two structures which tend to run together.

Synovial Sheath

Protects tendons. Travels a long distance over bone and other structures. Membrane lining the cavity of bone through which a tendon moves. EX: carpal sheath.