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30 Cards in this Set

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alkali metals properities

react vigorosuly with water, hydrogen gas given off, metal reacts with water to form a alkiali

why do group 2 elements share similar properities?

they all have one outer electron

atoms of alkiali metals react, losing one?


after they lose one electron?

they become a stable electronic structure and a ion which has one more positive charge than negative in the atom so its a positive ion

the easier for an atom of an alkia metal to lose one electron the more?

reactive the element

if electrons are lost, whats is called?


how is a test for alkila metals done?

dipped in diulte hydrochloric acid, flame test wire is dipped on the solid chemical, flame test wire is put in a blue bunsen burner flame and the colours are recorded

what are the colour of lithium?






at room temp what colour is chlorine?
green gas
what colour is bromine?
orange liquid
grey soild

group severn elements have similar properites becuase?

they have 7 electrons on their outer shell

why do halogens have similar properties?

because when they react they gain one electron to form a negative ion and stable electronic structure

the nearer the outer shell to the nucleus, the?

easier for an atom to gain one electron

the easier it is to gain the electron the more?

reactive the halogen is

what happens when halogens react with alkali metals?

they form a metal halide like potasium iodide

if halogens are bubbled throught solutions of metal halides what are the 2 possile outcomes?

no reaction or a displacement reaction

if electrons are gained what is this known as?


describe reduction with bromine

a molecule of bromine gains 2 electrons and becomes 2 bromide electrons. the bromide electron is a negative ion

copper compounds are often?
iron(!!) compounds are often
pale green
iron(!!!) compounds are often
iron is used in what process?
the haber process to make ammonia for fertlisers
nickel is used for?
manufacture of margarine to harden oils
if a transition metal is heated it undergoes?
thermal decomposition to form a metal oxide and co2
does the metal carbonate change colour during this?
sodium hyrdoxide solution reacts with compounds of each transition metal to form a?
particular colour

The addition of sodium hyrdoxide solution identfies?

the presnece of the tranisiton metal ions in solution