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11 Cards in this Set

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Er Chen Tang

Damp phlegm accumulation (very basic formula)
Ban Xia, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan cao

Actions: drying dampness, transform phlegm,
regulate qi, harmonize middle jiao

Indications: coughing with copious, white sputum easily expectorated, focal distention & stiffing sensation in chest & diaphragm, palpitations, nausea or vomiting ,dizziness.

Functions: dry dampness, transform phlegm, regulate qi, harmonize middle jiao

Tongue: swollen with white, thick, greasy coat. Pulse: slippery
Wen Dan Tang

GB & ST disharmony accompanied by phlegm heat
Zhu Ru, Zhi Shi, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao. Sheng Jiang

Actions: Regulates qi, transform phlegm,
clearing GB and harmonizing ST, calm mind.

Indications: dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomitting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, indeterminate gnawing hunger, or seizures accompanied by copious sputum, focal distention of chest, bitter taste in mouth, slight thirst.

Functions: move qi, transform phlegm, clear GB/H, harmonize ST

Tongue: greasy, yellow coating,
Pulses: rapid & slippery or wiry.
Bei Mu Gua Lou San

Lu Dryness with Phlegm Accumulation
Bei Mu, Gua Lou, Tiam Hua Fen, Fu Ling, Ju Hong, Jie Geng

Actions: moisten the lung, clear heat, regulate qi, transform phlegm,

Indications: Cough with deep-seated sputum that difficult expectorate, wheezing, dry and sore throat, hoarse throat

Functions: nourish yin, clear heat, regulate qi, transform phlegm

Tongue: red & dry little coat,
Pulse: rapid & thin but strong pulse, possibly slightly wiry.
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin tang

Retention of cold type yin (thin Phlegm)
Fu ling, Gan cao, Wu wei zi, Gan Jiang, Xi xin

Action: warms Lu & transforms congested fluids

Ind: coughing with profuse sputum that is thin, watery, white accompanied by feeling of discomfort in chest & diaphragm. nausea

Functions: warm LU, resolve cold

Tongue: white, slippery coating, not pale,
Pulse: wiry, slippery, slow, sinking
San Zi Yang Qin Tang

Phlegm Retention in LU with Qi Stagnation
Bai jie zi, Su zi, Lai fu zi

Action: direct qi downward, relaxes diaphragm, transforms phlegm, reduces food stagnation.
*three sons help old people
*eliminate cold phlegm due to middle yang def,
promoting digestion,

Indications: coughing & wheezing, copious excessive sputum, focal distention in chest, loss appetite, digestive difficulties, nausea, vomiting, belching, gas, borborymus

Functions: transform phlegm, descend Lu qi, ST qi, reduce food stagnation

Tongue: white, greasy,
Pulses slippery
Gui Ling Wu Wei Gan Cao Tang
Gui Zhi, Fu Ling, Wu Wei Zi, Gan Cao

Action: Preserves LU, transforms congested fluids, directs qi downward.

Ind: for yang xu with congested fluids manifested as coughing with profuse, thin, white sputum, cold hands and feet, palpitation, dizziness, occasional attacks of qi rushing upward from lower abdomen to chest. for Ht, palpitation, running piglet syndrome.

Tongue: pale with white, slippery coating, Pulse: submerged, wiry, forceless at proximal position.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang

Excess above with deficiency below
Actions: direct rebellious qi downward, arrests wheezing, stops coughing, warm & transforms phlegm-cold.

Indications: coughing & wheezing with watery, copious sputum, a stiffing sensation in chest and diaphragm, SOB marked by relatively labored inhalation & smooth exhalation. pain weakness lower back & legs, edema extremities, fatigue.

Functions: direct rebellious LU qi downward, warm & transform phlegm, stop cough, reduce wheezing

Tongue: white coating either slippery or greasy,
Pulse: wiry, slippery
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang

Tai yin (phlegm retention) syndrome caused by Middle jiao yang xu
Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhi Gan Cao

Actions: Warm & transforms phlegm & congested fluids, strengthens SP, resolves dampness.

Indincations: Fullness in chest & hypochondria, palpitation, sob, coughing up clear watery sputum, dizziness or vertigo. cough with cold phlegm, bronchitis, emphysema, sinus ( foggy head)

Functions: tonify SP, warm yang, transform phlegm cold, reduce damp

Tongue: pale & swollen with white & slippery or greasy coat.
Pulse: usually slippery and either wiry or soggy.
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan

Phlegm heat in Lu
Dan Nan Xing, Gua Lou Ren, Huang Qin, Xing Ren, Zhi Shi, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling

Actions: clears Heat, transform phlegm, direct rebellious qi downward, stop coughing

Indications: coughing yellow, viscous sputum difficult to expectorates, focal distention, feeling fullness in chest & diaphragm, nausea, difficulty in coughing, scanty dark urine, SOB, mild constipation

Functions: clear heat, transform hot phlegm, move qi, stop cough

Tongue: red with greasy, yellow coating,
Pulse slippery, rapid
Ding Chuan Tang

W/C constraining exterior & phlegm-heat smoldering in interior
Actions: Disseminates & redirect LU qi, arrests wheezing, clears heat, transform phlegm.

Indications: Coughing & wheezing copious, thick, yellow sputum, labored breathing, may also simultaneous fever and chills, asthma or cough, SOB

Functions: open LU, eliminate exterior w/c, descend LU qi reduce phlegm, reduce cough & asthma

Tongue: greasy, yellow coating,
Pulse, slippery, rapid
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang

Goiter due to LR & SP disharmony & Qi, phlegm stagmation
Action: transforms phlegm, softens hard masses, reduces & dissipates goiter, bloodstatisis

Indications: Masses in center of neck which are rock like in hardness, immobile, cause no change in color of skin, and do not ulcerate.

Functions: transform phlegm, softens hard masses, reduces & dissipates goiiter

Tongue: thin, greasy coat,
Pulse: wiry & slippery