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16 Cards in this Set

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Byzantine caesar over church & state who ruled Eastern Empire. He appointed the General Belisarius to drive out Ostrogoths & other Germanic tribes regaining the old Roman Empire lands.
Who was Justinian?
p. 302.
Ruled in 527 A.D. with absolute power as head of Church & state
The body of Roman Civil Law collected and organized by order of the Emperor Justinian in A.D. 534.
What was the Justinian Code?
Roman Civil Laws revised to a Code of 5,000 laws, a Digest of legal thinkers opinions, the Institutes - a textbook telling law students how to use laws, & the Novellae(New Laws) - legislation presented after A.D. 534.
"Holy wisdom" , Justinian had a passion for church building. This was his most elegant church.
What was the Hagia Sophia?
p. 303.
Along with this church, Justinian constructed aqueducts, law courts, schools, and hospitals.
The leading Catholic Bishop of the East but who was less powerful than the Emperor.
Who was the Patriarch?
p. 306.
Byzantine emperors often fought with the _________ over matters of church & state.
Religious images used by Eastern Orthodox Christians to guide their devotions.
What were Icons?
p. 306.
In 730 Emperor Leo III banned the use of these in religious services which caused riots & a clergy rebellion.
To be cast out of the church.
What is Excommunication?
p. 306.
This meant the person would lose his salvation and go to hell.
An alphabet of the Slavic (Russian) languages developed so Slavs could read the Bible in their own tongues.
What was the Cyrillic Alphabet?
p. 306.
Two missionaries, Saint Methodius & Saint Cyril invented this alphabet so the slavs could read the Bible.
Groups of people that inhabited the forests north of the Black Sea,who were ancestors of many Eastern Europeans today.
Who were the Slavs?

p. 307
These people mixed with the Vikings and blended to form the Russian culture.
The son of Princess Olga, who took throne in 980. He converted to Byzantine Christinaity as well as his subjects.
Who was Vladimir?

p. 308.
This King in 989 had all subjects of Kiev baptised in the Dnieper River and imported teachers to instruct them in their new faith.
In 1019, Vladimir's son came to the throne and led Kiev to
great power by marrying his daughters & sisters to powerful Kings & Queens of W. Europe to seal trade and defense alliances. He devised a legal code of Commercial culture, supported education & Christianity.
Who was Yaroslav the Wise?

p. 308.
This King helped Christianity to prosper building some 400 churches. He left his Empire to his sons who fought over the best territories and fell into ruin.
Prince and military hero of Novgorod who advised his fellow princes to cooperate with Mongol invaders and give them tribute & obedience.
Who was Alexander Nevsky?

p. 310.
A Russian Prince who helped the Russians weather Mongol rule until strong enough to fight for freedom.
A cold, calculating, ruthless
ruler of Russia (1440-1505) who challenged Mongol rule, took the title Czar (Caesar) and claimed to make Russia the "Third Rome".
Who was Czar Ivan III?
p. 311.
He refused to pay Tribute to Mongol rulers, organized a Russian army and faced down the Mongol army at Ugra River near Moscow in 1480 A.D. Both armies left the battlefield w/o fighting.
Russian term for Caesar.
What is Czar?

p. 311.
Ivan III was 1st ruler to take this Russian title.
These people were possibly descendants of the Tu-Kiu (1300B.C.) who lived west of China. They were plains horsemen, pastoral herdsmen of goats & sheep, nomads who
lived in tents, used Dromedary camels for transportation. The Abbasids used them as slave bodyguards & warriors.
Who were the Seljuks?

p. 314.
Turkish groups were known by this name ______ after the family that led them. They marched on the Byzantine Empire capturing Anatolia, erecting the city Rum, and almost captured the capital Constantinople.
Prime ministers of the Seljuk Sultans.
What was a Vizier?

p. 315.
Ex. was Nizam al-Mulik, a Persian who was the prime minister or _______.
A famous Seljuk Sultan who took pride in supporting Persian artists & architects.
He built the Mosques, patronized intellectuals like Omar Khayyam who wrote the Rubaiyat, a collection of poems about his love of life's pleasures and created an accurate calendar. He also was cruel and killed his brother.
Who was Malik Shah?

p. 315.
The greatest Seljuk sultan who beautified the city Isfahan building mosques. He adopted much from the Persian Culture while the Arabic language disappeared except for scholars of the Qur an.