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12 Cards in this Set

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Hemangioma - benign BV, monolayer of normal, non-atypical endothelial cells
1. type present in kids regress?
2. type present in elderly?
1. Strawberry (yes)
2. Cherry (no)
1. Vascular tumors are + for what CD marker?
2. Vascular tumor under the fingernail?

Hemangioendothelium - midway between angioma and angiosarcoma
1. 31
2. Glomus tumor

end in oma- benign
end in sarcoma - malignant
Bacillary angiomatosis is seen in immunocompromised pts
1. Bacteria that it is associated w/ - silver stain shows up well here
2. What might this be mistaken for?
1. Bartonella - capillaries have protuberant epithelioid endotheilal cells
2. Kaposi's sarcoma
1. tumor associated w/ human herpes virus type 8 = HHV-8. usu seen in older men of E. European/mediterranean descent red to purple skin nodules on legs... may be lymphadenopathic in young bantu chldren
1. Kaposi's sarcoma, can be associated w/ transplant or AIDS

Has coalescent red-purple macules and plaques of the skin, sheets of plump spindle cells
1. What occurs when hrt can't pump blood at a rate sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues or can only do it at elevated filling pressure... may happen due to HTN or ischemia, may appear suddenly after valve dysfxn or MI
1. CHF

Usu the hrt pumps harder due to increased stretch - Frank-Starling mechanism --> can lead to hypertorphy remodeling
body can adapt to increased HTN to a point w/ catecholamines but eventually get hypertrphy and adaptation fails
1. Either due to pressure
2. Too much volume
1. Concentric hypertorphy
2. Eccentric hypertrophy - hrt increases in size,walls may or may not thicken
Problem w/ hypertophy of hrt:
O2 requirement exceeds supply -> ischemia
ischemia leads to heart failure when the myocytes die
HTN, valve disease or MI can all lead to hrt failure

In HF: cardiac chambers dilated and hypertrophic, lungs are heavy, boggy, frothy, mb pigmented macrophages, brown induration, rt sided hrt failure, nutmeg liver
1. Obstruction to flow leads to what type of hrt change?
2. Regurgitant flow leads to what type of hrt change?
3. Most common cause of rt sided hrt failure?
4. Would you get transudate or exudate from HF?
1. high pressure - concentric
2. High volume - eccentric
3. lt failure b/c fluid backs up. Also eventually leads to edema
4. Transudate - low protein/cell count as opposed to exudate - high protein/cell count as in inflammation
Lt sided hrt failure causes dyspnea, orthopnea and eventually PND...

In CHF get pulmonary edema then get peripheral/soft tissue edema later as pressure increases in the IVC
as CO decreases, flow to kidney is reduced. Activates the RAAS -> increases volume. Failing heart may not be able to pump the extra volume
1. Hrt failure causes what in the liver/
2. What is ischemic hrt disease 2ndary to?
syndrome: angina pectoris, Acute MI/death,
1. Nutmeg pattern- chronic passive congestion
2. Coronary atherosclerosis most commonly but could be CAD
CAD epidemiology: most common in older adults, same risk factors as atherosclerosis, regular exercise reduces risk, significant where nthere is a 75% decrease in one or more Coronary a.
TxA2 may induce vasospam
What is intermittent chest pain caused by transient reversible mycoardial ischemia, associated w/ exertion/stress, crushing, squeezing external chest pain, may radiate down lt arm, associated w/ fixed narrowing of CA, responds to rest, vasodilation
Angina pectoris - prinzmetal - associated w/ CA spasms, responds to vasodilaotrs

unstable/crescendo, increased frequency of pain, more severe and longer lasting. Precipitated by progressive exertion, preinfarct angina