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26 Cards in this Set

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What is Limited Partnership Law governed by?
ULPA - Uniform Limited Partnership Act

RULPA - Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act
If questions regarding Limited Partnership law cannot be answered by ULPA or RULPA, how then is the question answered?
By the General Partnership Law
Important CPA Exam Note:
Traditionally the AICPA has not asked too many questions about limited partnerships specifically.
Define a Limited Partnership.
A partnership consisting of at least one general partner (GP) and at least one limited partner (LP).
Give four characteristics of a Limited Partnership.
1. Limited Liability for LPs.

2. Partnership (Pass-Through) Taxation.

3. Transferability of LP interests.

4. Centralized management by GPs.
Regarding Limited Partnerships, what is Forfeit of Control?
Limited partners forfeit right to control their investment and, in exchange, are accorded limited liability.
Regarding Limited Partnerships, how can General Partners become Limited Partners?
By Purchasing Limited Partnership Interests
Regarding Limited Partnerships, what is the governing law in most states?
Regarding Limited Partnership Formation, what is the only way a Limited Partnership can be formed?
By filing the appropriate documents at the secretary of State's Office
Regarding Limited Partnerships, of the appropriate documents filed with the Secretary of State's office, what must one of those documents be?
A written Limited Partnership Agreement
The Limited Partnership name should indicate its status by use of what?
"Limited Partnership" or "L.P.," or "Ltd.," etc.
Regarding the Limited Partnerships, Creditors of a limited partnership who go unpaid will seek to do what?
Impose personal liability upon limited partners.
Limited Partners can, in some circumstances, forfeit their limited liability. How does this happen?
1. Defective Formation
2. False Statements
3. Excercising Control
4. Use of Name
If a limited partnership is Defectively Formed, an LP may be held liable if what occurs?
If he knew or should have known that no certificate had been filed -- OR that one erroneously referred to him as a general partner.
Liability for a LP for forming a Defective Limited Partnership extends only to what?
(a) extends only to third parties who, reasonably believed based on the LP's conduct that he was a GP, extended credit to the partnership, and (b) may be terminated by the filing of an appropriate certificate with the Secretary of State's office and the withdrawing from participation in profits.
Regarding False Statements, how does a LP forfeit limited liability?
Whan an LP (a) signs an LP certificate knowing that it contains false statements or omissions, or (b) learns of such misrepresentations and fails to amend or cancel it.
If an LP takes part in the CONTROL of the partnership business, he may forfeit limited liability, extending ony to what?
Persons who transact business with the LP believing, based on the LP's conduct, that the LP is a GP.
A limited partner does not take part in control by virtue of the following:
a. being a contractor for or an agent or employee of the limited partnership,

b. consulting with and advising a general partner,
c. acting as surety for the limited partnership or guaranteeing its loans,

d. taking any action required or permitted by law to sue on behalf of the limited partnership,

e. requesting or attending a meeting of the partners,
f. winding up the partnership,

g. exercising any right permitted to limited partners, or

h. voting on any important partnership matter.
If an LP knowingly PERMITS HIS NAME to be used in the name of the limited partnership, FORFEITS his limited liaability only extending to what?
Persons who extend credit to the limited partnership and have no knowledge that the LP is not a GP.
What are three rights and responsibilities of Limited Partners?
1. LP powers should be set out in LP agreement.

2. LPs often have veto power over certain "extraordinary" acts by GPs.

3. LPs usually have power to replace GPs.
What are the Information and Inspection Rights of a Limited Partnership?
1. A limited partnership must maintain and permit the inspection by limited partners of all important partnership records.

2. Access to Courts

3. LPs have the right to file derivative suits, just like corporate shareholders.
In a Limited Partnership, what is assignable and not assignable?
1. A limited partner's INTEREST (share of profits and assets on dissolution) IS ASSIGNABLE.

2. A limited partner's rights to inspect, to bring derivatives suits, etc. are not assignable NOT ASSIGNABLE, unless they are assigned to a substitute limited partner.
In a Limited Partnership, what are the general partner's right and responsibilities?
A. Unlimited personal liability, and

B. Greater fiduciary (trust) duty owed to limited partners.
In a Limited Partnership, how should Profits and Losses be allocated?
In the manner provided in the written partnership agreement.
How should Partners who lend money to the Limited Partnership be repaid?
They should share in distributions along with outside creditors.
Regarding allocation of Profits and Losses in a Limited Partnership, can the partnership agreement provide that the LPs and GPs be treated equally?