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38 Cards in this Set

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What is a causational process?

Processes take a particular effect as given and focus on selecting means to create that effect
(e.g. start with menu (picked by client) select the ingredients and starts cooking(you follow the recipe)).

What is a effectuation process?

Processes take a set of means as given and focus on selecting between possible effects that can be created with that set of means (e.g. Ingredients given - but the menu isnt so you can be as creative as you want).

What are the steps in the causation approach?

Opportunitify Identification
Competitive analysis
Market research
Business plan development
Acquire resources and stakeholders

Adapt to changing environment
(read et al. 2009)

What are the steps in the effectuation approach

Itterative process

Assess means: (who am i, what i know, who i know)

What can i do?
Stakeholder interaction

Obtain partner commitments

New goals / new means

Go back to assess means

(Read et al. 2009)

Differences in decision making (causation vs effectuation

Choose means to achieve effect (expected return) VS choose between possible effects (acceptable risk)

4 effectuation principles

Bird in hand
Crazy Quilt

Affordable Loss

Lemonade principle

Bird in hand principle

work with the means you already have in hand. Use these means to form the basis for decisions and new opportunities

Example means (bird in hand)

Who am i?
What do i like?
What are my hobbies/interests?
Who do i know? - What people
What skills do these people have?

What kind of network
What do i know?

Definition affordable loss

Dont base decisions on expected return, but isk no more than you can afford to lose

Crazy Quilt Principle

Dont focus on competition, but focus on co-creation

This principle gives you access to new means (means of your partner)

Lemonade Principle

Look at surprise as new resources that you can add to you existing means

- use surprise to your advantage

- surprises add to the means

- surprises can change goals

2 ways of opportunity generation

Creation and discovery

Opportunity discovery

objective perspective - (e.g. - only the first two people who conquered the mount everst are known - following later is normally less succes and less known)

Opportunities arise exogenously from changes in:


Customer preferences

Characteristics of discovery

Independents of individual perceptions or actions

arise exogenously (observable to anyone)

Can only be seen by alert individuals (entrepreneurs) - who possess the qualities to both discover and exploit the opportunity

Creation arisies endogenously by:




of entrepreneurs

Characteristics of creation

Created by individuals

validated through social cross-validation

iterative process


Are created out of nothing

Two types of discovery

Passive (surprise)
Active (Looking for opportunity)

Passive discovery

Discover by accident

opportunities are unkown until discovered

people cannot search for the unkown


Active discovery

Treasure hunters (analytical approach)
review the environment (swot)
Analyze the value chain and new business ideas

meet customer needs

Important factors in opportunity discovery


Passive and active search

Prior knowledge

Prior knowledge in:

Work experience

personal events


customer problems

ways to serve the market

Creation theory

Entrepreneurs are breaking away from established forms and face the challenge of creating new knowledge themselves

Discovery theory

Exogenous view



Creation theory

Endogenous view



Definition expected return

Calculate upside potential and pursue the risk (risk adjusted) best opportunity with the highest outcome

Emphasis of causation

Predicts future

pre determining the commercialization goals

making an accurate judgement about the values of specific opportunities

discover opportunities under conditions of risk

Emphasis of effectuation


Affordable loss

Using means at the immediate disposal

creates opportunities (shapes future)

Definition of serendipity

pleasant surprise

*find something different

*more favorable to your needs

Definition of juxtaposition

close together, side by side

comparison or contrast

Juxtaposition is the formal operating space of serendipitice. Space where we make unexpected connections between subject matter

serendipitous discovery

search activity leading to discovery of something the entrepreneur wasnt looking for

Serendipity requires the combination of /
3 domains of opportunity discovery

3 domains - search, prior knowledge and contingency

Effectuation definition

Effectuationtakes a set of means as given and focus on selecting between possible ends thatcan be created with that set of means

Causation definition

The end isgiven and the entrepreneur focuses on selecting between different sets of meansto create that end.


Luck is only situated in the domain of contingency

Luck does not

Presuppose search acitivity or prior knowledge of the entrepreneur

Example: Columbus

Domain of search --> Searching for a passage to india
Domain of prior knowledge --> Experience as explorer / limited knowledge - knowledge corridor
domain of contingency --> unintended discovery (by accident)


Requires juxtaposition
Search activity leading to unintended discovery

not the same as luck