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85 Cards in this Set

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Planning pros and cons:
-intensify effort
-increase persistence
-provide direction
-creasting task strategies
-impeding change
-creating false sense of certainty
-allowing planners to plan things they don't understand how to accomplish
S.M.A.R.T goals
goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realisitic and timely
Goal commitment
the determination to achieve a goal
a statement of a company's purpose or reason for existing
a statement of a company's overall goal that unifies company wide efforts towards its vision, stretches and challenges the organization and possess a finish line and time frame
Tactical plans
plans create and implemented by middle managers that specify how the company will use resources, budgets and people over the next 6 months to 2 years to accomplish specific goals within its mission
Management by objectives
a 4-step process in which managers and employees discuss and select goals, develop tactical plans, and meet regularly to review progress toward goal accomplishment
Operational plans
day to day plans, developed and implemented for producing or delivering the organization's products and services over a 30-day to 6 month period
Single use plans
plans that cover unique one time only events
Standing plans
plans used repeatedly to handle frequently occuring events
standing plan that indicated the general course of action that should be taken in response to a particular event or situation
standing plan that indicated the specific steps that should be taken in response to a particular event
Rules and regulations
standing plans that describe how a particular action should be performed or what must happen or not happen in response to a particular event
a gap between a desired state and an existing state
Absolute Comparison
a process in which each criterion is compared to a standard or ranked on its own merits
Relative Comparisons
a process in which each criterion is compared directly to every other
a barrier to good decision making caused by pressure within a group for members to agree with with each other
C-type conflict
disagreement that focuses on problem and issue related differences of opinion
A-type conflict
disagreement that focuses on individual or personal issues
Devil's Advocacy
a decision making method in which an individual or subgroup is assigned the role of critic
Nominal Group Technique
a deicision making method that begins and ends by having groub members quietly write down and evaluate ideas to be shared with the group
Rules of Brainstorming
1. The more ideas the better
2. All ideas are acceptable
3. Other group members ideas should be used to come up with even more ideas
4. Criticism or evaluation of ideas is not allowed
Delphi Technique
a decision making method in which members of a panel of experts respond to questions and to each other until reaching agreement on an issue
decision making method in which group members build on each others ideas to generate as many alternative solutions as possible
Competitive Inertia
reluctance to change strategies or competitive practices that have been susccessful in the past
Situational Analysis (SWOT)
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organizations internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment
Distinctive competence
what a company can make, do , or perform better than its competitors
Core Capabilites
the internal decision making routines, problem solving processes and organizational cultures that determine how efficiently inputs can be turned into outputs
Strategic Group
group of companies within an industry that top managers choose to compare evaluate and benchmark strategic threats and opportunities
Core firms
the central companies in a strategic group
Nominal Group Technique
a deicision making method that begins and ends by having groub members quietly write down and evaluate ideas to be shared with the group
Rules of Brainstorming
1. The more ideas the better
2. All ideas are acceptable
3. Other group members ideas should be used to come up with even more ideas
4. Criticism or evaluation of ideas is not allowed
Delphi Technique
a decision making method in which members of a panel of experts respond to questions and to each other until reaching agreement on an issue
decision making method in which group members build on each others ideas to generate as many alternative solutions as possible
Competitive Inertia
reluctance to change strategies or competitive practives that have been susccessful in the past
Situational Analysis (SWOT)
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organizations internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment
Distinctive competence
what a company can make, do , or perform better than its competitors
Core Capabilites
the internal decision making routines, problem solving processes and organizational cultures that determine how efficiently inputs can be turned into outputs
Strategic Group
group of compies within an industry that top managers choose to compare evaluate and benchmark strategic threats and opportunities
Core firms
the central companies in a strategic group
a strategy for reducing risk by owning a variety of items so that the failure of one stock or one business does not doom the entire portfolio
Portfolio Strategy
a coporate level strategy that minimizes risk by diversifying investment among various business or product lines
Unrelated Diversification
creating or acquiring companies in completely unrelated businesses
BCG matrix
portfolio strategy developed by the Boston consulting Group that categorizes a coporations businesses by growth rate and relative market share and help managers decides how to invest corporate funds
Related Diversification
creating or acquiring companies that share similar products, manufacturing, marketing, technology or cultures
Grand Strategy
used to achieve strategic goals and guide the strategic altermatives that managers of individual businesses or subunits may use
Growth Strategy
focuses on increasing profits, revenues, market share, or the number of places in which the company does business
Stability Strategy
focuses on improving the way in which the company selss the same products or services to the same customers
Retrenchment strategy
a strategy that focuses on turning around very poor company performance by shrinking the size or scope of the business
Cost Leadership
positioning strategy of producing a product or service of acceptable quality at consistently lower production costs that competitors can so that the firm can offer the product or service at the lowest price in teh industry
the positioning strategy of providing a product and service that is sufficiently different from competitors offerings that customers are willing to pay a premium price for it
Focus Strategy
positioning strategy of using cost leadership or differentiation to produce a specialized product or service for a limited, specially targeted group of customers in a particular geographic region or market segment
Organizational Change
a difference in the form, quality, or condition of an organization over time
Organizational innovation
successful implementation of creative ideas in organization
production of novel and useful ideas
Technology cycle
cycle that begins with the birth of a new technology and ends when that technology reaches its limits and is replaced by a newer substantally better technology
Generational Change
change based on incremental improvements to a dominant technological design such that the improved technology is fully backward compatible with the older technology
Organizational decline
large decrease in organizational performance that occurs when companies don't anticipate, recogonize, nuetralize, or adapt to the internal or external pressures tha threaten their survival
5 stages of Organizational Decline
1. blinded stage
2. inaction stage
3. faulty action stage
4. crisis stage
5. dissolution stage
Resistance to change
opposition to change resulting from self intrest, misunderstanding, and distrust and a general intolerance for change
Kurt Lewin: managing organizational change
change intervention
getting the people affected by change to beleive that change is needed
Change Intervention
the process used to get workers and managers to change their behavior and work practices
supporting and reinforcing new changes so that they stick
using formal power and authority to force others to change
Results-driven change
change created quickly by focusing on the measurement and improvement of results
General Electric workout
3 day meeting in which managers and employees from different levels and parts of an organization quickly generate and act on solutions to specific business problems
Organizational development
philosophy and collection of planned change interventions designed to improve an organizations long terms health and performance
Change agent
the person formally in charge of guiding a change effort
Trade barriers
government imjposed regulations that increase the cost and restrict the number of imported goods
a direct tax on imported goods
Nontariff barriers
nontax method of increasing the cost or reducing the volume of imported goods
limit on the number or volume of products exported to a particular country
Voluntary export restraints
voluntarily imposed limits on the number or volume of producs exported to a particular country
Government import standard
established to protect the health and safety of citizens but inreality often used to restrict imports
Customs classifications
classification assigned to imported products by govenment officials that affects the size of the tariff and imposition of import quotas
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
worldwide trades agreement that reduced and eliminated tariffs limited gov. subsidies and established protections for intellectual property
regional trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico
selling domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries
an agreement in which a domestic company the licensor, receives royalty payments for allowing another company the lifensee to produce the licensors products, sell its service, or use its brand name in a specified foreign market
Political uncertainty
risk of major changes in political regimes that can result from war, revolution, death of political leaders social unrest or other influential events
Policy Uncertainty
risk associated with changs in laws and government policies that directly affect the way foreign companies conduct business.
Geert Hoftstede 5 consistent cultural dimensions
1. power distance
2. individualism
3. masculinity
4. uncertainty avoidance
5. short/long term orientation
someone who lives and works outisde his or her native country
Language and Cross Cultural training
documentary training, cultural simulation, field simulation, adaptability screening