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45 Cards in this Set

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An action agreed upon and stated in a contract
Breach of Duty
Failure to complete tasks as stated in a contract
Material Fact
A statement of fact that would influence an individual's decision to buy or sell
False Imprisionment
The intentional tort of retaining someone against that person's will.
Assumtion of the risk
Defense in negligence cases that prevents an injured party from recovering if it can be established that the injured party realized the risk and engaged in the conduct anyway
License renewal fee
Uniform Computer Information transaction act...Uniform law that governs the sale of software, databases, and other products used on computers
Comparative Negligence
In negligence, a defense that allocates responsibility for an accident between the plaintiff and defendant when both were negligent and determines liability accordingly.
Absolute Privilege
A defense to deformation, a protection given to legislators and courtrrom participants for statements made relating to proceedings; encourages people to come forward and speak without fear of liability
Mental Intent; under 10b of the securities and exchange act of1934, a requirement of intent to defraud as opoosed to a standard of negligence.
In contract formation, misstatements of material facts
undue influence
Contract defense based on one party taking advatage of a relationship of trust and confiedence
Condition precedent
In contracts, an eventof action that must take place before a contract is required to be performed.
Electronic signitures in global and national commerce act, a federal law that recognizes digital signitures as authentic for purposes of contract formation. E-Sign puts electronic signitures in equal footing with paper contracts
Merchant's firm offer
Under 2-205 of the UCC, an offer required to be held open if made in writing by a merchant, even though no consideration is given
Health insurance portability and accountability ac of 1996, federal law that provides protections and procedures of patience privacy
Public Figure (Malice)
If you intentionally put yourself into the public's eye, then you must prove malice - that anything said against you was said knowingly false
Tort of making untrue statements about another that cause damage to his repuation or character
Express Warrany
Espressed promise by the seller as to the quality, abilities, of performance of a product
Contributory Negligence
Negligence defense that results when the injured party acted in a negligent way and contributed to her own injuries
Qualified Privilege
A defense to defamation available to the media that permits retraction and no liability so long as the information is not printed or given with malice or with reckless disregard for whether it is true
Intentional Tort
Civil wrongs against individuals that are committed with a requisite state of mind and intent to harm; includes defamation, false imprisionment, battery, assualt, and intentional infliction of emotional distress
tort of accidental wrong committed by oversight or failure to take precaustions or corrective action
Written defamation
Oral defamation
Statute of Frauds
1. sale of real property
2. contracts that cannot be formed in one year
3. contracts to pay the debt of another
Article 2a of the UCC
LEases - the lease of goods
Force majeure
clause in contract that excuses performance in the case of war, embargo, or any other unforeseeable event
Void Contract
In contracts, a contract that neither side in required to perform...ex. an illegal contract
Voidable contract
A contract one side can choose not to perform, ex. a minor can choose not to perform his contract
Shopkeeper's privilege
Allows a shopkeeper to detain a suspected shoplifter for a reasonable period of time while the matter is investigated
Compesatory damages
Contract - USed to put the nonbreaching party back in the same place prior to the breach
incidental damages
Accidental damages caused due to a breach
consequential damages
the damages that result of the breach.
liquidated damages
Pre-agreed upon damages
In contract law, a defense that permits nonperformance of a contract if the party can show that physical of mental force was used.
Process of reworking a contract to substutute parties or terms, so that the old contract is abandoned and the new contract becomes the only valid one
Third PArty beneificiary
A person not invlolved in the creation of a contrac that will benifit from it
Accord and satisfation
an agreement to pay acertain amount, the payment which constitues fill payment of that debt
position of trust and confidence
Legal term for the ability to enter legally into a contract
Mailbox rule
timing rule in contract acceptances that provides that acceptance in effective upon mailing of properly done
OPtion COntract
A contract for time on an offer, an agreement to hold an offer open for a period of time in exchange for consideration
offering opinion about the qualty of goods and products, not a basis for misrepresentation.