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73 Cards in this Set

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Wrongful Interference of contractual relations
Inducing a party to break a contract outside of terms (doesn't apply for phone companies or cable providers because you are paying the fine to break the contract...)
Misrepresenting a material fact that someone relies on, to their detriment
Strict Liability
Society judges that risky businesses are liable
Negligence Per se
Jurisdiction - evidence proves law broken (speeding ticket)
Contractual relations with party (can't sue up the chain) Example: Car-->Dealer-->Ford
Warrant of Merchantability
Product works as described and would pass in the trade
Implied Warranty of Fitness
Product will work based on intended purpose (Example: Man sells 8K torque truck as if it can haul 10K. Buyer can sue if he indicated he needed a truck to pull over 8k)
Statements of opinion about a product - "this is the most wonderful cup you will ever own..."
Eminent Domain
Power of government to take property for public use with just compensation
Enter on someone's land for minerals, gold, crops, etc.
No possessory right to use something (executive suite at blues game)
Unrestricted right to pass over, under, through property
Mechanics Lien
Claim of workers or material suppliers in real estate. A lien waver will protect you in the instance where general contractors don't pay their subs.
Tenancy in Commong
Right to survivorship; survivor only gets 1/2 of the divisible interest
Joint Tenancy
When one dies, the survivor takes ownership
affixed to property that goes with sale
Fee Simple Absolute
Highest interest (own property completely)
Warranty Deed
You (seller) will defend title
Quitclaim Deed
Sell all interest to someone else
Lease Assignment
Totally transfer the lease of property to someone else
Someone partially fulfills the lease
Gift Inter Vivos
A gift given during life... 1. Intent 2. Delivery 3. Acceptance
Gift Causa Mortis
Gift given in contemplation of death. If the person ends up living through event, gift offer can be retracted at no penalty.
entrust property to another person to take care of
Protection of ideas/expression (national)
Design to designate brand
Legal monopoly for process, machine, formula. Must have utility and novelty.
Violation that gives rise to remedy
Reduce the value of a trademark
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Provides safe harbor for internet hosts; hosts must have procedures to remove infringement.
Cyber Squatting
what domain names are taken to make money by reselling.
Joint Venture
Pooling together of resources for a specific duration
The winding up of affairs, a breaking of a partnership.
Duty of Care
Directors in a corporation can exercise independent judgement, so long as it is done prudently
Sole Proprietorship
Simplest form of business; usually an individual who wants to start a business - taxed to that individual
The most efficient form of business when there are a number of owners, or when you are trying to amass a large amount of capital. Require a charter from the state; least private; can protect people from personal liability. Corporations must observe certain rules - must have board of directors, charter, meetings, must separate corporate and personal funds
Two or more people operating a business for a profit. Can share in management decisions; main issues experienced in partnership is the shared liability. Governed by state law.
Limited Partnership
Has to have at least one partner who runs the business and whose financial stake is on the line. Limited partners are the investors.
Limited Liability Partnership
Used for doctors, lawyers, etc.
Double Taxation
Corporate tax on profit - often avoided with dividends
Board of Directors
A group of people charged with the responsibility of running a company.
New stocks have a paper that provide the background and an outline of the company
Equity Ownership
Common stock of a company
Fixed Income Security
Debt and Bonds - Interest baring obligations
Preferred Stock
Special stock issued for a special reason - often preference in paying out dividends or value to these stockholders before the common. Sometimes preferred stocks are used in estate planning.
Corporate Officers
elected by directors to manage day-to-day work
Securities Act of 1933
New issues of common stock and inter-state offerings must be truthful
Securities Act of 1934
Regulates the secondary market; has the insider trading provisions (Section 10.b.5)
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002
Following the Enron crisis... set standards for public firms that all financial information must be correct and true. Financial officers have to sign off on financials presented.
Duty of Employer
Must provide employees with a safe place of work and pay
Independent Contractor/Employee
Provide tools and a method of accomplishing the end goal. Contractor is less liability for an employer.
Duties of Agents
Account for property and follow instructions
Apparent Authority
Principle cloaks his employees with authority - principle can be held liable for agent's work
Express Authority
Verbally or in writing the authority for an agent to carry out
Implied Authority
Agent will do whatever is needed to fulfill the business need even if it isn't expressed
Duty of Loyalty
You should be acting on the behalf of your client and their need, not your own interests.
Moral Mazes
The loss of personal integrity due to the pressures of the organization.
People become embedded in their jobs and positions and they have trouble seeing beyond the immediate pressures they face.
Excess concern about the quantity of work done.
Excess concern about the quality of work done.
Total job exhaustion and despair. Largely a matter of wanting or expecting too much of oneself. Since the demands are unattainable, the result is hopelessness.
Lack of choice in undertaking responsibilities or accepting an unfair bargain. Businesses can exploit unskilled or low-level workers or can pressure managers to undertake an unpleasant job or one which is against their principles or the will be fired or demoted.
An employee benefits term: When an employee has worked long enough that they are entitled to certain benefits.
Title VII
The 1964 Civil Rights Act against discrimination in the workplace and can hold an employer liable even if they did not intend to commit disparate impact.
Disparate Impact
Not necessarily intentional, but a practice that works against a protected class.
Sexual Harassment
If someone brings a case against you, the employer should also be concerned:
1. QUID PRO QUO: This for that, putting up with something unpleasant in order to get ahead.
2. Hostile Work Environment: The company will tolerate or promotes that intimidates a particular gender.
Workers Compensation
System to pay for job injuries or negligence - eventually insurance came into play OSHA
Fair Labor Standards Act
Federal law that looks at hours of work and overtime
Unemployment Compensation
People who are out of work (paid by employers) determined by the state, can draw from this fund. If you have serious cause, you cannot collect.
Equal pay act
Equal pay based on gender (must have same role and responsibility, conditions, etc.)
The legislation that put fiduciary standards on retirement funds & pension plans
Americans with Disabilities Act
You are not supposed to discriminate against employee because of an illness or disability- must be a reasonable accommodation if they could do the job
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Protects anyone over the age of 40