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33 Cards in this Set

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Case law/Common law
Collection of legal interpretations made by judges.
past decisions in similar cases used to guide later decisions
Stare Decisis
"standing by their decision" when a court relies on precedent. decisions in higher courts become binding precedent for lower cars.
Business Law
enforceable laws of conduct that govern commercial relationships
six functional areas of law
Corporate management
production and transportation
research and development
accounting and finance
human resource management
classifications of law
Private law
public law
civil law
criminal law
cyber law
private law
regulates private individuals and groups
public law
between individuals/groups and their governing entity
Civil law
delineates rights and responsibilities implied in relationships between persons or person v government
criminal law
regulates incidents in which someone commits as act against public as a whole
cyber law
laws governing business applied to web business
purposes of the law
provide order such that one can depend on a promise of expectation of obligations
serve as an alternative to fighting
facilitat sense that change is possible, but only after rational consideration of aoptions
Encourage social justice
Guaranteeing personal freedoms
serving as moral guide by indicating minimal expectations of citizens and organizations.
establishes fundamental principles of how an entity is governed
constitutional law
general limits and powers of governments as stated in their constitution
rules and regulations put in place through legislation
statutory law
collection of rules and regulations put forth by governing bodies
Model/uniform laws
basis for some statutory law at state level
National Conference of Commissioners (NCC)
group of scholars and lawyers that urge states to enact model laws to provide uniformity.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
significant body of law for business activity
laws affecting commerce in areas such as bank deposits and collections, title documents, warranties
Administrative law
collection of rules and decisions made by independent and executive federal agencies
binding agreement between 2 states or international organzations
code of federal regulations (CFR)
contains all the executive orders created by the president.
executive order
president and state governers can issue directives requiring the executive branch to perform their functions in a particular manner
Schools of jurisprudence
different schools of thought used as guides to determine legal interpretation
Natural law
certain ethical laws and principles believed to be morally right and above the laws devised by humans
sources of government
Administrative law
Common law
executive order
legal positivism
concept sees our proper role as obedience to a duly authorized law
identification with the vulnerable
higher law or body of moral principle connects all of s in the human community
historical school: tradition
link behavior to behavior of those who faced similar problems earlier
legal realism
laws exist in an ever changing environment and when ruling on cases social and economic factors should be considered
cost-benefit analysis
guiding legal change by maximizing benefits and minimizing costs
global and comparative law
factoring for laws and policies of other governing bodies when conducting business.
critical thinking skills
ability to understand the structure of what someone is saying and then apply a set of criteria to evaluate its worth.