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141 Cards in this Set

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Small Business
a firm that is independently owned and operated and is not dominant in the field.
small Business size
ranges from 500,000$ to 25 million in sales and from 100 to 1,500 employees
major industries dominated by small businesses
construction, agricultural services, wholesale trade, services, retail trade
small business falure
1 in 3 close permanetly within 2 years
50% after 4 years
60% within 6 years
and 82% with 10 years
reasons why small businesses fail
- management shortcomings
- inadequet financing
-goverment regulation
Trade credit
Main source of small business financing, and it means purchasing goods or equipment from a supplier who finances the purchas by delaying the payment for those goods
Increasing the likelihood of small business success
- creating a business plan
-small business administration: goverment agency concerned with helping small business firms
The Franchising Alternative
A contractual Business agreement between a manufacturer or another suppler and a dealer to produce and market the suppliers good or service.
the franchising agreement exist between the franshisee and the franchisor
Pros of a Franchising Agreemtent
prior performance record
recognizable company name
prove business model
tested management program
cons of a franchising agreement
franchising fees
future payments
linked to reputation and management
franchise agreement restrictions
Sole proprietership
one owner, PROS: unlimites personal liability for business debt.
pros: owner retains all profits.
easy to form and dissolve. owner has flexibility
CONS: unlimited financial liability, financing limitations, management defeciencies, lack of continuity
two or more owners. PROSE: easy to form, can benefit from complementary mangement skills, expanded financial capacity
CONS: unlimited financial liability, interpersonal conflicts, lack of continuity, difficult to dissolve
unlimited number of share holders, up to 100 shareholders for S corporations. PROSE: limited financial liability, specialised management skills, expanded financial capacity, economies of large scale operations,
CONS: difficult and costly to form and dissolve, tax disadvantages, legal restrictions
Legal Structures to meet changing needs
financial situation, management skills and limitations, management styles and capabilities, exposure to liability
Types of Corporations
domestic corporation
foregin corporation
alien corporation
employee owned corporation
not for profit corporations
acquire stocks in exchange for ownership:
- preffered stock
common stock
board of directors
elected by stockholders to oversee corporation
corporate officers and management
make major corporate decisions and handle ongiong operations
combination of two or more firms to form one company
procedure in which one firm purchases the property and assumes the obligations of another
joint ventures
partnership between companies for a specific purpose
public ownership
a unit or agency of goverment owns and operates an orginization. Parking structures, water systems, turnpike authority.
customer owned businesses
collective ownership of a production, storage, transportation, or marketing organization is a cooperative
is a person who seeks a profitable opportunity and takes the necessary risks to set up and operate a business
Entreprenuers differe from other because...
trong desire to make business grow
overiding responsibility to use the resources of the orginization to accomplish their goals
why people become entreprenuers
- be their own boss
- desire to succeed financially
desire for an imporved quality of life
-desire for job security
Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world's economic order through reduction of such barriers to international trade as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas.
the rapid globilization of business has created many oportunities for enrepenuers
entreprenuers begin with an overall idea for how to make their business idea a success
high energy level
a willingess to work hard
need to achieve
they work hard because they want to excel
self confidence
fearlessness in teh face of difficult odds
tolerance for failure
they do not get discouraged easily
entreprenuers devise innovative ways to overcome difficult problems and situations
olerance for ambiguity
they take in stride uncerainties
intrenal locus of control
they believe they control their own fate
the idea they chose must have interest in the marketplace
debt financing
credit cards, family and friends, bank loans (SBA BACKED)
equity financing
venture capitalists
angel investors
Business Incubators
a key way government supports new ventures
clean energy incubator (CEI)
Enterprise zones
encourage entrepreneurship in specific geographic areas
government legislation
the immagration act of 1990
promoting innovation within orginizational structures
an idea to prmote creativity
companies promote in a variety of ways
-pacing programs
Intrapreneurship 2
acting like an entrepreneur but in a large orginization, they take on something new without being asked to
Capabilities and benefits of E bisuness
global reach, personalization, interactivity, right time and integrated marker, cost saving
right time and intergrated market
online retailersprovide products when and where customers want them and promptions can be directed to individual customers
electronic business transactions between businesses using the internet
ctronic Data interchange (EDI)
omputer to computer xchange of invoices, purchase orders, price quotations and other sales information
business to consumer
data is encoded for security purposes
Secure Sockets Layer
ny companies use it to encrypt information and verufy senders and recievers
electronic wallet
contains credit car and identification information
growing form of internet fraud
channel conflict
sales can compete with business partners such as retailers and distributors causing disputes called channel conflict
s four main functions
siness, entertainment, information, and communication
ways to creat a good website
planning and preperation
content and conections
costs and maintenance
click through rate
percentage of people presentd with a web banner ad who click on it
conversion rate
percentage of visitors to website who make a purchase
Management is the process of achieving orginizational objectives through people and other resources
Top Management
- devleop long range strategic plans for the orginization
- inspire executives and employees to achieve their vision for the companys future
middle Management
- focus on specific operations, products, or customer groups within an orginization
- responsible for developing detailed plands and procedures to implement the firms strategic plans
Supervisory Management
Implement the plans developed by middle management
- responsible for non manager employees
- motivate workers to accomplish daily, weekly, and monthly goals..
Skills needed for management success
technical skills, human skills, coceptual skills
Technical skills
managers ability to understand and use the techniques knowledge and tools and equipment of a specific discipline or department
human skills
interpersonal skills that enable a manger to work effectively with and through poepl
conceptual skills
ability to see the orginization as a unified whole and to understand how each part of the overall orginization interacts with other parts
Managerial Functions
planning, directing, organizing, and controling
process of determining courses of action for achieving orginizational objectives
blending human and material resources through a formal structure of authority
guiding and motivating employees to accomplish orginizational objectives
evaluating an orginizations performance to determine whether it is accomplishing its objectives
1) establishing performance standards
2) monitor acttual performance
3)compare actual performance with established standards
4) take corrective action if required
Vision is the perception of marketplace neds and the methods an orginization can use to satisfy them
must be focused yet adaptable to changes in the business enviroment
need good ethical standards
tied to long term success
Orginizations should have a comprehensive planning framework
- plans outline the steps the company will take to meet the outlined goals and objectives
from mission statement to objectives and goals
narrow functional plans
nizational objectives, fundamental strategies, long term plans
quartely and semiannual plans, departmenta policies and procedures
daily and weekply plans, rules, amd procedures for eahc department
ongoing plans for actions and communications in an emergency
programmed decision
simple problems
nonprogrammed decision
complex problems
he ability to direct or inspire people to attain orginizational goals
involves the use of influence or power
3 traits are common among leaders
emapthy, salf awareness, objectivity in deaing with others
autocratic leadership
make decisions alone without consulting employees
democratic leadership
s employees in decision, delegate assighments and ask employees for suggestions
free reighn leadership
leave most desicions to employees
corporate culture
orginizations system of principles, beliefs, and values
influences of corporate cultue
managerial philosophies, communication networks, and workplace enviromen all influence corporate cultue
structured groupong of people working together to achieve common goals
three key elements in an orginization
human interaction
goal direceted activities
product departmentalization
organised based on the goods and services a company offers
geographical departmentalization
organised by geo region
ustomer departmentalization
organised by business functions such as fiance marketing human resources and prodution
process departmentalization
nised by wokr process necessary to complete production of goods and services
the act of assighning work activities to subordinates
decision making is retained at the top of the managerial hierachy
decision making is located at the ower levels many firms believe it enhances their flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs
line orginization
oldest and simplest form; direct flow and authority from ceo to subordinates
chain of command indicates who directs which activities and who report to whom
line and staff orginization
ombines line departments and staff departments
line departments participate directly in decision that affect the core operations of the orginization
staff departmets lend specialized technical support
matrix orinizations
project management structure that links employees from different part of the organization to work together on specific projects
employees report to a line manager and a project manager
human resource management
function of attracting, developing, and retaining enough qualified employees to prefrom the activities necessary to accomplish orginizational objectives
performance appraisal
eluation of an employees job performance
360 degree performance review
thers feedback from a review pannel that includes co workers, supervisors, team members, and sometimes customers
profit sharing
bonus based on company profit
gain sharing
bonus based on productivity gains, cost savings or quality improvements
lump sum bonus
one time cash pasyment or option to buy shares of company based on performance
pay for knoweledge
salary increase based on learning new job task
compressed work week
allows employees to workt he regular number of weekly hours in fewer than the typical five days
voluntary tunover
employee levaes by choice
involuntary tunover
employee is terminated
process of reducing the number of employees wthin a firm by eliminating jobs
ontracting with another business to preform tastks or functions previously handled by internal staff members
slows hiearchy of needs
people have five level of needs that they seek to satisfy
physiological needs
safety needs
social belongingneess
esteem needs
self actualization needs
Herzbergs two factor theory
hygiiene factors
motivator factors
expectancy theory
he process people use to evaluate the likelihood their effort will yield thedesired outcome and how much they want thatt outcome
equity theory
individuals perception of fair and equitable treatment
management by objective
ystematic and organized approach that allows managers to focus on attainable goals and achieve the best results
job enalrgement
make job bigger more work
job enrichment
change in job duties to increase employees authorirty om planning their work deciding how it should be done and learning new skillss
theory x
employees dislike work and try to avoid it so manager has to use punishment
heory y
ypical person sems like work
theory z
worker involvement is key to increased productivity for the company and improved quality work life for employees
labor union
group of worker who have been banded together to achieve common goals in the areas of wages, hours, and working conditions
collective bargaining
process of negotiation between management and union representatives for the purpose of arriving at a mutually accpetable wages and working conditions
process of settling labor management disputes through recoomondations of a third party
adds a third party who renders a legally binding dcision
Multinational cORPORATION
an orginization with significant foreign operations and marketing activities outside its home country
relocation of business processes to a lower cost overseas loctation is offshoring
ernation transactions that do not invlove currency payments but use bartering
contractual agreement were a local entity gains rihs to sell the franchisors product in the foreign market
limit the amount od product that can be imported over a specified time
the act of selling a product abroad at a very low price
imposes a total ban on importing a specified product a all
Foreign Corrupt practices ACT
forbids US companies from bribing foreign official, candidates, or goverment represenattives.
currency rates are influenced by
doestic economic and political conditions
central bank intervention
balance of payments position
specualtion over future currence valus
balance of trade
difference between a nations imports and exports
balance of payment
overall flow of money into or out of a country
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living.[1][2]
Sorbanes Oxley Act
Monetoary Policy
what the gov can do to make you spend money
eral reserve system
formulates and implements monitary polociy
supply curve
shows the relationship btween different prices and the quantities t