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214 Cards in this Set

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grievance procedure
procedures an employee must go through when he thinks there has been a violation of contract
labor impasse
a deadlock in the negotiation process, work stopage
the passing of information from one person to another through gossip and rumor
business cycle
fluctuations in economic activity bout its long term growth trends- peaks, recessions, contractions, expansions, depressions
market capitalization
measurement of the size of businesses, found by multiplying price of a share times number of shares outstanding
significance of consumer spending
directly influences the GDP and effects the economy. they are what drives the economy.
line of credit
a credit facility that allows people to take advances during a defined period up to a preset limit and repay at the borrowers descretion
balance of trade
measures the difference between the value of a nations exports and imports
open order
leave your order in until you cancel
limit order
you set price limits for that one day
short selling
borrowing stock in hope price will go down, pay back at a lower price
bond ratings
evaluate the level of risk associated with a specific bond investment strongly influencing the interest rate the issuer must offer.
-AAA= highest grade,lowest risk, lowest interest rate
C/D/DDD= lowest grade,highest risk, highest interest rate
ownership of a corporate share
represent indebtedness of the issuer (gain interest)
sole proprietorship
owned by 1 person, most widely used in America
legal association of 2 or more people as co-owners
limited liability corporation-combines tax benefits of a partnership with liability protection of a corporation
separate legal entity chartered by a state, legal rights of a person with assets and liabilities separate from those of the owner
Theory X
people are lazy and need to be motivated, don't care, just get through the day
Theory Y
self starting, people will motivate themselves, create innovative change
insures the deposits of members banks up to $100,000 per depositor. All national banks are members
significance of caring
#1 characteristic that separates mediocre to great leaders, ability to make the touch decision but in a caring way
a specific segment of the market that involves high level of specialization, what small business look for
information technology
the processing and management of information and data
sales, earned interest, royalties, rents (income)
cost of goods sold, all operating expenses
things you own
things you owe
profit, competition, freedom of choice, right to private property, supply and demand
state owns basic industries but some private industries exist
-profits only in private sector, high taxes
state controls everything, profit only in sectors allowed by the state, government allocation of all resources
medium of exchange
anything of value which is generally accepted is a means of payment for something
-coins, currency paper, credit cards
budget surplus
if revenue exceeds spending in a fiscal year
budget deficit
if spending exceeds revenues in a fiscal year
the point at which quantity supplied and quantity demanded are in balance
quantity available for sale at various prices
quantity demanded at various price levels
multiplier effect
snowballing impact of a change in one economic variable on a whole series of related economic factors
Small Business Administration
government agency set up to help small businesses succeed
-loans, "setaside" certain jobs only for small businesses
-provide training and consulting
significance of information and knowledge
speed and the ability to change and keep current with the latest technology
-dark side: loss of personal communication
Hawthorne study
resulted in, if you show employees appreciation that will increase productivity
3rd party involvement, outcome not binding
method used to settle disagreements between the company and an employee when the employee believes their rights under an agreed contract have been violated. results are binding
venture capitalist
an individual or company who finances someone else's ideas
-usually looking for high growth potential to provide a high rate of return on investment, as well as part ownership in the venture
Real GDP
GDP= annual value of goods and services produced within a country's orders by both domestic and foreign firms
Real GDP= GDP adjusted for inflation
two or more companies joining together to form one company
purchase of an entire company or part of a company by another
-most are unsuccessful because companies ignore the human factor
discount rate
the rate the fed charges the member banks for loans
balance of payments
measures the payments that flow between any individual country and all other countries
-used to summarize all international economic transactions
business incubators
programs designed to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources to services
national labor relations board
agency of the US government, conduct eletions for labor union representation and with investigation and remedying unfair labor practies
scientific management
style of management which analyzes the synthesis work flow processes, improving labor productivity
leading economic indicators
an economic statistic (employment rate, GDP) that indicates how well the economy is doing and how well it will do in the future
margin trading
investor borrows part of cost of a securities purchase from broker
capital gains
the increase in a stocks value from the time you purchased it
profits distributed periodically to shareholders
local unions
workers in a single location with strong common interests
-deal directly with local management on day to day issues
national unions
compose of several local unions, responsible for new organizing efforts, negotiating industry wide contracts, items of national interest
labor federation
promote overall political objectives of the labor movement, support collecting bargaining
economic system
the way society allocates its resources and converts them into goods and services for customers. implemented by managers and supported by workers, consumers, and government
strategic plan
companies main business focus over an extended time (3-5 years), how the mission statement can be achieved
tactical plan
(1-2 years)- plan by middle management that are consistent with the strategic plan- general actions plan to allocate resources to move the company towards the mission statement
operating plan
yearly/monthly/daily plans
the Fed and bonds
the fed sells bonds to increase the amount of money in banks to check inflation. if people sell bonds increases the amount of money supply in order to stimulate economy
federal reserve board
7 member board, create nations monetary policy by influencing money and credit
-supervise and regulate banks
-provide financial services to public, government, and banking industry
marketing plan
conception (product ideas), pricing, promotion, distribution (physical place)
marketing strategy
an overall plan for identifying a market, selecting a target market, then developing a marketing mix that will satisfy this target
people with the means to purchase
market segmentation
dividing the total market into groups with similar characteristics
basis of market segmentation
demographic (age, sex, income, occupation, education), geographic, psychographic (lifestyle, attitudes), undifferentiated (everyone is potential buyer)
target market
specific group who companies try to sell to
Marketing Mix
4 P's- product, price, promotion, distribution (place)
ideas, goods and services
is key business function because of the direct interchange with customer.
4 major utilities
form, time, place, ownership
form utility
shape, size, features
time utility
product available when the customer wants it
place utility
where customer wants it
ownership utility
taking possession
the production era
seller's market
the sales era
buyer's market
seller's market
more demand than supply- US prior to 1930s- can sell everything- charge more for products- growing economy
the marketing concept
"customer is king"
celebrity promotion
high priced persuasion
ex: tiger woods 100$ million 5 year deal with Nike
the global market
international business
strategic market planning
1) achieve overall comp. strategy (alignment)
2) establish goals, objectives, timed targets
a) market share- % of total market
3) market research- determine if product will satisfy demand
4)internal capabilities- make/buy/outsource/offshore
5) create plan (specific)
the total product concept
the product, brand name, package, warranty, customer service, product image
major product classifications
consumer products, industrial products
convenience goods
products that are purchased frequently, found in many types of outlets, "intensive", ex: deodorant
shopping goods
sold in a limited number of outlets, "selective", ex: designer jeans
specialty goods
high priced, few outlets, "exclusive", ex: rolex watches
major functions related to product strategy
research, product development, product life cycle, product line
identifying opportunities- vs. going in blind! personal interview
product development
based on research- best product from many- keeps product fresh in eyes of changing demands
product life cycle
introduction, growth, maturity, decline
product line
a group of related products with use similarities
product mix
all of a firm's product lines
exchange value- how much willing to buy at given amount
price skimming
introduces a product at an artificially high price to earn high profits before competitors enter
-can't sustain
penetration pricing
introduces a product at a low price to build volume quickly and discourage competitive entry
-has to be profitable or can't sustain
the promotional mix
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations, promotions
aka marketing communications, tools
push strategy
thrust of promotional effort is through wholesalers and retailers
pull strategy
product promotion is directed from manufacturer directly to consumer
phone, usually unsolicited
retail selling
customer visits retail store
expert selling
specialty items- salesman must have expert knowledge of product
missionary selling
salesperson visits customer- hope to create client- industrial sales
creative selling
solutions- develop skillful proposal so solve customers needs- consulting
team selling
team of experts- offer complete support
distribution channels
path that products follow
most popular channel of distribution for consumer goods
manufacturer -> wholesaler -> retailer -> consumer
physical distribution activities
transportation, inventory planning and control, warehousing, materials handling
FOB Destination
indicates that the common carrier bills transportation to shipper, shipper recovers by including it in the price to buyer.
-no extra shipping price
FOB shipping point
indicates that the buyer pays transportation to carrier, separate from seller's charge
FOB= "Free on Board"
Operations and Production Management (OPM)
producing products that customers want by location planning, facilities and layout planning, capacity planning, process planning, and design of operational systems
OPM interacts with...
Marketing (what customers want), Engineering (defines design methods, processes, time standards), Accounting (cost of raw material conversion to product), Human Resources (# and skills of people)
the conversion process
input (raw materials or parts) -> conversion process (goods in process) -> output (finished goods)
types of production processes
assembly, analytic, synthetic, extractive
puts parts together
ex: steel converted into parts- cars
breaks down raw materials
ex: crude oil to gasoline
changes materials into entirely different products
ex: synthetic oil
removes product from the earth
ex: coal mining
continuous manufacturing process
many of product produced continuously
ex: assembly line
intermittent manufacturing process
small quantity of product is produced- "stop and go"
mass production
uniform products in great quantities
major features of mass production
specialization of labor, mechanization, standardization
specialization of labor
break down into simplest components
use of machines
uniformity in goods or parts
Industrial Revolution
major factor in the transition of US economy from agricultural base to the greatest industrialized nation in the world.
- now transformed to service economy
Assembly line
series of work stations at which each worker performs a specialized task in the production process to build a complete product
-henry ford
using or competing with a machine
cellular manufacturing
growing in popularity, small independent simple processes to make complete product in small area
computer aided design
computers aid in design engineering
computer aided manufacturing
analyze product design in order to assure it can be produced
process layout
organized by functions performed. route is tailored for specific product
fixed-position layout
product stays in one place, workers and equipment come to it.
ex: home construction
product layout
involves an established sequence of operations, often an assembly line
-the system that business uses to measure financial performance
-the process of developing and providing reliable financial information to those who have a need, either inside or outside the company, to support sound decision making
financial statement
use balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow to evaluate past performance, present conditions, and future prospects
statement of cash flow
cash to meet obligations
income statement
financial performance in a defined period of time
"the numbers"
process of developing and providing reliable financial information for decisions to be made
amount of money allocated for a leader and a department to carry out assigned responsibilities
computer technology and Management Information Systems have...
made important contributions to the modernization of the accounting process, and have significantly improved the accuracy and timeliness of financial information
the accounting process
collect, record, classify, verify, summarize/report/analyze
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
used by all accounting firms and publicly held companies
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
management accounting (inside the company)
managers (planning, budgeting, decision making), owners (general oversight, financial health), labor unions (requests)
financial accounting (outside the company)
government (regulation, tax collection), creditors (loans), stock market analysis (invest money), competitors (insights)
Financial Accounting Foundation Board (FAF)
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
establishes standards
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
certified public accountant (CPA)
certified in the state, resides by meeting state requirements, passes a 2 1/2 day accounting examination
accounting records to assure their accuracy
key roles of public accountants
tax services, consulting, financial planning
key roles of private accountants
designing systems, interpreting financial statements/trends, internal auditing, cost, tax
liabilities (what you owe) + owner's equity
-assets, liabilities, owner's equity are reported on the financial statement called the balance sheet
current assets
cash within a year
on balance sheet
fixed assets
property, plant and equipment
on balance sheet
intangible assets
items of value with no physical form, such as goodwill and patents
on balance sheet
current liabilities
payment due in one year or less
on balance sheet
long term liabilities
payment of debt that is not due for one year or more
on balance sheet
costs of goods sold=
beginning inventory + purchases - ending inventory
gross profit=
revenues - costs of goods sold
net income/profit=
gross profit - operating expenses - taxes
earnings per share=
net income/common shares outstanding
return on sales=
net income/ net sales
return on equity=
net income/total owner's equity
current ratio=
current assets/current liabilities
quick ratio=
quick assets/current liabilities
activity ratios
inventory turnover= cost of goods sold/average inventory
inventory turnover ration measures the number of times merchandise moves through a business in a year
debt ratios
debt to equity ratio= total debt/owner's equity
debt to total assets= total debt/total assets
-debt ratios measure a firms ability to borrow money and are indicators of a firms degree of fiscal conservatism
major responsibilities of the financial manager
to develop a financial plan, to determine the best sources of money
line of credit
an agreement with a bank to make a certain amount of credit available on an as-needed basis
commercial paper
unsecured promissory notes
using borrowed money to make money
selling accounts receivable
challenges of world vs. national economy
monetary exchange rates, cultural differences, government issues, international trade associations, availability of capital
absolute competitive advantage
resulting from natural resources
ex: Saudi arabia= oil
comparative competitive advantage
result of productivity of the work force
ex: china with many products or Japan with electronics
the value of ll goods and services shipped into the US from foreign countries
the value of all goods and services shipped out of the US to foreign countries
Balance of Trade
measures the difference between the value of a nation's exports and imports
negative balance of trade
when value of imports exceeds value of exports a "negative" or unfavorable balance of trade exists
US has large trade deficit
positive balance of trade
balance of trade is "positive" or favorable when exports exceed imports
US trading partners
Canada is largest trading partner for imports and exports
Mexico is 2nd
China is rapidly becoming largest exporter to US (2nd), largest negative balance of trade- imports over 5 times more than exports
Balance of Payments
measures total flow of money into and out of a country
foreign aid
money flowing to another country
trade flow of goods and services
japanese car in- payment out
japanese buying land and building a plant in Indiana
-part of balance of payments
tourist spending
money of japanese tourists spent at disneyland
-part of balance of payments
foreign direct investment in the United States
largest investor is UK, then Netherlands, the Germany, then Japan, then Canada
-they account for over 1/2 of all foreign investments
United States Direct Investment Abroad (USDIA)
3 host countries- UK, Canada, Netherlands- account for more than 1/3 of total position
25$ billion cost to corporate america- double cost of compliance in UK- debate: are increases in jail terms and loss of wealth enough to deter manipulation
-manipulation= % probability of being caught x penalty
ex: 10% chance of being caught x 10 years in prison= 1 year
exchange rates
the value of one nation's currency relative to others
decrease in the value of one country's currency compared to currency of other countries
- makes a nation's product more affordable in foreign countries while raising the price of foreign goods at home
impact of falling US dollar value
fewer units or foreign currency are required to purchase each dollar -> american products become cheaper for foreign buyers, increasing exports. price of imports goes up, thereby increasing domestic demand for US products
Multination Corporation (MNC)
US is home to 1/3 of the top 500 MNCs in the world. Japan is next with 25%.
challenges of managing across national boundaries
differing government regulations, union operations, economic infrastructure, management styles, language issues, political climates
International Business Activities
low degree of risk= trade (importing and exporting)
Moderate degree of risk= contractual agreements (franchising, licensing, production agreements)
High degree of risk= direct investment (acquisitions, joint ventures)
Government tools
tariffs, bribery laws- can block sale of companies if not in national interest
-US import/export bank- loans to nations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
-UN agency
-promotes international trade
-makes short term loans to member nations that need assistance in maintaining financial stability
World Bank
-UN agency
- provides low interest long term loans for specific economic development projects to underdeveloped and developing countries
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
sets global technical standards in areas dealing with international commerce
World Trade Organization (WTO)
-149 member nations
-general mission is to assure equitable trade among member nations
-US is in it
European Union (EU)
-25 European nations
-free trade among members
-standard tariffs by members on nonmembers
Free Trade Areas
members trade among themselves without restrictions
Customs Unions
Free Trade Area + Standard Tariffs on Nonmembers
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
-formed by US, Canada, and Mexico
- phasing out all tariffs
-US is in
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
cartel of major crude oil producers
Asian Pacific Economic Community (APEC)
-22 countries
-liberalize trade in the Pacific Rim
-US is in
what international trade agreements are the US a part of
World Trade Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement, Asian Pacific Economic Community