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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the SBA?
Government agency charged with assisting small businesses.
What is a small business?
Independently owned business that has relatively little influence in the market.
Why are small businesses important?
Job Creation, Innovation, and Contributions to Big Business.
What are the popular areas of small business?
Services, Retail, Construction, Wholesale, Finance and Insurance, Manufacturing, Transportation.
What is an Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurs are people who assume the risk of business ownership.
What is entrepreneurship?
The process of seeking business opportunities under conditions of risk.
Entrepreneurial Characteristics
Resourcefulness, a concern for good customer relations, the ability to deal with uncertainty and risk, a desire to be their own bosses, to have greater control over their lives, and to build for their families.
Ways to start a small business
1. Buy an Existing Business.
2. Franchise
3. Start from Scratch
What is a Franchise?
Arrangement in which a buyer purchases the right to sell goods or service of the seller.
Small Businesses owned by Women and Minorities.
48% increase in African American owned businesses (1.2M total).
31% increase in Hispanic owned businesses (1.6M total).
24% increase in Asian owned businesses - 64% pacific Islanders.
11 Million Businesses owned by women.
What is a Sole Proprietorship?
Business owned and usually operated by one person who is responsible for all of its debts.
Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship?
Unlimited Liability, and a Lack of Continuity.
What are the types of corporations?
Private Corporation, Public Corp, S Corp, Limited Liability Corp (LLC), Professional Corp, and Multinational Corp.
What is the difference between a private and public corporation?
Private Corporations are where stock is held only by a few people, and are not for sale.
What is an S Corporation?
Hybrid of a closely held corporation and a partnership, organized and operated like a corporation but treated as a partnership for tax purposes.
What is an LLC?
Owners are taxed like partners, but also enjoy the benefits of limited liability.
Hybrid of a publicly held corporation and a partnership in which owners are taxed as partners but enjoy the benefits of limited liability
What is a professional corporation?
Most likely composed of doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. Corporate structure protects from unlimited financial liability, but not the members.
Form of ownership allowing professionals to take advantage of corporate benefits while granting them limited business liability and unlimited professional liability.
What is a multinational corporation?
One where stock may be traded on the exchanges of several countries, and managers are likely to be of different nationalities.
Form of corporation spanning national boundaries.
Who are the three bodies identified in bylaws?
Stockholders, Board of Directors, and Officers.
What is globalization?
The process by which the world economy is becoming a single interdependent system.
What is an Import?
product made or grown abroad but sold domestically.
What is an export?
product made or grown domestically but sold abroad
What are the four distinctions the World Bank makes on wealth?
1. High Income Countries
2. Upper Middle-Income Countries
3. Lower Middle-Income Countries
4. Low-income countries
Geographic Clusters
North America
Pacific Asia
What countries are in Pacific Asia?
Japan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, South korea, Taiwan, The Phillipines, and Australia.
What is the WTO?
World Trade Organization is the organization through which member nations negotiate trading agreements and resolve disputes about trade policies and practices.
What is the precursor to the WTO?
GATT - General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs.
What are the 3 WTO Goals?
1. Promote Trade by encouraging members to adopt fair trade practices.
2. Reduce trade barriers by promoting multilateral negotiations.
3. Establish fair trade procedures for resolving disputes among members.
What is Balance of Trade?
The total economic value of all the products it exports minus the products it imports.
What is a Surplus?
Positive Balance of Trade
What is a Deficit?
Negative Balance of Trade
What is Balance of Payments?
the flow of all money into or out of a country.
What are the forms of Competitive Advantage?
1. Absolute Advantage
2. Comparative Advantage
3. National Competitive Advantage
What is absolute advantage?
An absolute advantage is when a country can produce something that is cheaper and/or higher quality than any other country.
What is comparative advantage?
A country that can produce goods more efficiently or better than other nations has a comparative advantage.
What is a national competitive advantage?
National Competitive Advantage comes from 4 conditions:
1) Factor Conditions
2) Demand Conditions
3) Related and Supporting Industries
4) Strategies, Structures, and Rivalries.
What steps to take when going international?
1. Gauging International Demand
2. Adapting to Customer Needs
3. Outsourcing and Offshoring