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34 Cards in this Set

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Nutrition Standards and Education
BUMEDINST 10110.6, regulation applies to whom?
The active and reserve components of the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps; the Air National Guard; and the Army National Guard.
Who is the proponent of the BUMEDINST 10110.6?
The Army Surgeon General
Whom may the proponents delegate their approve authority to in writing?
A division chief within their agency that holds the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.
What is the purpose of BUMEDINST 10110.6?
To establish nutritional standards, termed "military dietary reference intakes" (MDRIs), for military feeding and establishes nutritional standards for operational rations (NSOR).
The Surgeon General, USA
United States Army
Who establish nutritional standards for meals servedto military personnel subsisting under normal operating conditions and while under simulated or actual combat conditions?
Surgeon General, USA
Who establish nutritional standards for operational rations and restricted rations?
The Surgeon General, USA
Food and Nutrition Board
Who can adjust nutritional standards as additional scientific information on nutrient needs becomes available and as the FNB or other nutrition policy agencies adopt new recommendations?
The Surgeon General, USA
Who review requests and make appropriate recommendations for deviations from established nutritional standards?
The Surgeon General, USA
The Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, USA
Who evaluate planned menus for compliance with the principles of Food Guide Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Who establish policy to ensure that adjustments to planned menus will meet nutritional standards?
Where is the current MDRIs are adapted from?
FNB's Recommend Dietary Allowances
Who will review the MDRIs with each DRI update published, and make necessary changes to the BUMEDINST 10110.6?
The Surgeon General, USA
Department of the Army
The Surgeon General, USA
Department of the Army
Technical Note TN-00/10
Documents the basis for the MDRIs
The MDRIs are intended for use by personnel involved in...
Menu development
Menu evaluation
Nutrition education
Nutrition research
Food research and development
Dietary Reference Intakes
The MDRIs does not meet the nutritional needs of who?
Pregnant or lactating military women
individuals requiring medical nutrition therapy
Recommended Dietary Allowance
True/False: Usually, no MDRI is established if there is no RDA or DRI for given nutrient,
What are the two nutrients that are exceptions of approval by TSG, DA?
Potassium and Sodium
What military facilities serve as models to help military members, family members, and DOD employees meet recommended nutritional guidelines?
DOD installation
Hospital dining
The MDRIs can meet the average over a period of how many days?
5 to 10 days
What military personnel are operational and restrictions rations design for?
Wide variety of operations
Widely varied settings for limited periods
Nutritional Standards for Operational Rations
General Purpose, Improved
Registered Dietitian
Operational rations, total calories from fat should not exceed what percentage of calories?
Up to how many days can MREs be consumed as the sole ration
Up to 21 days
When MREs are the sole ration, the units will be provided with what types of supplements and enhancements whenever feasible?
Fresh fruit