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44 Cards in this Set

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Freud's bottom line
People repress painful experiences-> symptom (psycho defenses). Psychoanalysis releases the feelings &bring resolution
Explanation of hysteria
Unresolved conflicts, sexual traumas, physical manifestations "resolve" the conflict, talk treatment releases the conflict
Early "defense" theories of hysterics?
Hysterics underwent "conversion" of disturbing emotions to motor or sensory symptom. Signs were symbolically chosen: blindnes, weak arm, inability to walk
Freud's theories of the mind?
Topographical model (conscious, unconscious, preconscious, also pleasure & reality principle) & structural model (Id, ego, superego)
Pleasure principle
Instinctual drive: Libido & Aggression (seek to be satisfied @ all times). Selfish, primitive, childish, pleasure oriented part of the personality w/ no ability to delay gratification
Reality principle
"can't alwaysget what you want"- society presses us to modify pleasure in favor of realtity-> delay in discharge of drives
Perceptions from the outside world, or inside the body are brought into awareness. Not repressed & easliy accessible. Content commun through words/behavior. Motivated by reality principle
Outside of Awareness (comatose patient). Repressed, difficult to access, but available in dreams and symptoms. Image-oriented, symbolic, not time-bound, and may contain contradictions. Motivated by the Pleasure Principle
"Outside of awareness. Not Repressed, relatively easy access when attention is focused. Reality Principle/Secondary Process. Memories (eg what does the 1st person you kissed look like). Interface/barrier b/w the Conscious and the Unconscious
Dynamic unconscious
Psychic energy: keeps mental content unconscious, or surface content-> psychopathy of everdya life (language: freudian slips. Bahaviors)
Reservior for unorganized instinctual drive. Goal to achieve max pleasure. Primary process. Lacks capacity to delay drives. Avoids displeasure/anxiety
The critical parent (voice that says no). Morality. Ego Ideal (the image of the perfect self, influenced by social envir & parents
"Balances & serves the needs of the Id, the Superego, and Reality. Anchored in Reality & rooted in Perception/Cognition. Reality Principle. Tries to satisfy Id, but takes into consideration conseq & morality; exercises Judgment
Primary process of ego?
Unconscious: thoughts not org in a coherent way, feelings can shift, contradictions not in conflict or just not perceived that way, & condensations arise. No logic & no time line. Lust/aggression important for this process.
Secondary process of ego?
Conscious: where strong boundaries are set and thoughts must be organized in a coherent way. Most conscious thoughts originate here.
Competing interests of ego?
Memories, perceptions, ext realistic needs, drives, anxieties
Defense mech
Aids ego in achieving balance via min anxiety, protecting ego, & maintaining repression
The process of pulling thoughts into the unconscious & preventing painful or dangerous thoughts from entering consciousness. Useful by preventing discomfort & leads to some economy of time and effort
Repression theory
Ego is diminished during sleep, and the repressed content is expressed, often symbolically, through dreams
"Interpretation of Dreams, Fantasies, & Transferences important, b/c it allows us access to what we have repressed. By bringing this content into consciousness, can prevent physical symptom or behavioral complex
Patients censor what they say in an unconscious attempt to oppose treatment. (eg forget meds, missing appts)
Redirection of feelings & desires & esp. of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new person.
Transference in relationships
"Emotions lead people to repeat patterns of their earliest relationships (usually with parents). Goal of therapy is to make a person aware of the repetition, bringing to consciousness what had been unconscious.
Transference in therapuetic thech
By understanding the intense feelings that can arise in the analytic relationship, the analyst can help the patient better understand past and current relationships
Transfer of the therapist's own unconscious feelings to the patient. Clinician’s experience affect their feelings & behaviors
"Refusing to perceive the more unpleasant aspects of external reality. Seen in patients w/ addictions who do not acknowledge the consequences of their behavior.
How does denial differ from repression?
Differs from repression in that there is some consciousness, but a piece of reality is being denied
"Attributing to others, one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts &/or emotions. (e.g. “Jealous of you? You must be joking…you’re the one who’s jealous!”
"Autistic Fantasy. Individual deals w/ emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by excessive daydreaming as a substitute for human relationships, more effective action, or problem solving
"“Convert” mental tension into neurological signs. Blindness, paralysis result from emotionally over powering event. Normal neurological exam
"Splitting. The self or others are perceived as “all good or all bad”, as opposed to complex, multifaceted individ. Borderlines alternate b/w Idealization (overestimation of good qualities & underestimation of limitations) & Devaluation (exaggeration of negative qualities)
Acting out
The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal/external stressors by actions rather than reflections or feelings.
Shifting the emotional component from one object or idea to another
Separating the link between affect/emotion and thought or memory.
Individual avoids emotions by excessive use of intellectual processes.
Attempting to nullify or atone for a forbidden fantasy or behavior
Reaction formation
Transforming affects into their opposites; overcompensating for unwanted or unacceptable impulses. Eg a closet alcoholic goes on a crusade to ban the sale of alcohol
Mature defenses
Suppression, Sublimation, Altruism, Humor, Anticipation
The conscious process of pushing thoughts into the preconscious.
Turning our difficult drives, affects, and memories into healthy and creative outcomes
"The individual deals w/ emotional conflict or other stressors by dedicating himself to the needs of others. The individual avoids his own conflicts/stressors, & receives gratification from the response of others.
The individual deals w/ conflicts/stressors by emphasizing the amusing or ironic aspects of the situation
Planning for future discomfort. Preparation for realistic dread
Coping Mech
"Emotional Coping – do something to feel better about it ( even if I get a B, I can still be a doctor). Action Coping–dealing directly (study for three hours instead of drinking)