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82 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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medulla contains autonomic centers that regulate...
gi motility
medulla is connected to the cerebellum by the
inferior cerebellar peduncle
spinal lemniscus contains
spinothalamic tract
spinotectal tract
nuclei of CN 5
motor nucleus

mesencephalic nucleus
principal sensory nucleus
spinal trigeminal nucleus
relationship of the
motor vs. principal sensory nuclei

of CN 5
motor is medial to principal sensory
nucleus ambiguus serves CNs _

motor or sensory?
9, 10, 11

nucleus tractus solitarius serves what CNs __

what modality?
7, 9, 10

spinal trigeminal nucleus is used by CNs ___
7, 9, 10
CN X comes from what 3 nuclei?
nucleus tractus solitarius
dorsal motor nucleus
nucleus ambiguus
the orientation of the medial lemniscus

cuneatus fibers are always _ or _


how far caudally do we see the inferior olivary nucleus?
my grasp:

at least as far caudally as the decussation of the medial lemniscus in the medulla
what are the three most famous decussations in the medulla in order from rostral to caudal
olivocerebellar tract
d. of medial lemniscus
pyramidal decussaion
CN 9 comes from what nuclei?
inferior salivatory nucleus
nucleus tractus solitarius
nucleus ambiguus
which has a more caudal and/or rostral extent:

cochlear or vestibular nuclei?
vestibular have a more caudal AND rostral extent

but both are present together at CN VIII's exit from medulla
what cranial nerves are found at the level of the cochlear nuclei?

cochlear nuclei appear where?
rostral medulla
vestibular nuclei appear where?
rostral medulla

they extend a little more caudally than the cochlear nuclei, into the medulla

and extend rostrally into caudal pons
which is more medial: cochlear nuclei or vestibular nuclei?

how close are they to each other?

they appear to be separated by the inferior cerebellar peduncle
(p 136)
medullary pyramids are dorsal or ventral?
which of these two (which are right next to each other) is more dorsal?

spinal trigeminal tract

spinothalamic tract
spinal trigeminal tract: more dorsal

spinothalamic tract: more ventral
inferior olivary nucleus

receives input from
red nucleus
inferior olivary nucleus projects via _ to _
inferior cerebellar peduncle

contralateral cerebellum
inferior olivary nucleus appears in what level of the brainstem?
which are the more rostral vestibular nuclei?

the more caudal ones?
superior and lateral

inferior and medial
central tegmental tract:

goes from _ to _

contains _ fibers

inferior olivary nucleus

spinocerebellar tract: gist of its function
conveys unconscious proprioception

from lower extremities

to the cerebellum
dorsal spinocerebellar tract

vs. ventral spinocerebellar tract

how do they get to the cerebellum?
inferior cerebellar peduncle

superior cerebellar peduncle
MLF mediates __ and __

lateral conjugate gaze
MLF contains _ fibers that


coordinate eye movements via

CN 3, 4, 6
solitary tract's role:
visceral afferent from 9, 10

taste from 7, 9, 10
solitary nucleus projects via _

to _ and _
central tegmental tract

parabrachial nucleus of the pons

VPM of the thalamus
doorsal motor nucleus of vagus

gist of function
preganglionic parasympathetic to

ganglia of the thoracic and abdominal viscera
inferior salivatory nucleus of CN IX

where do its fibers go and what do they do?
preganglionic parasympathetic

synapse in the otic ganglion
nucleus ambiguus

gist of output
gist of function
CN 9, 10, 11

muscles of the larynx and pharynx
spinal trigeminal tract

gist of input

gist of function
5, 7, 9, 10

pain, temperature, light touch from the face
spinal trigeminal nucleus forms _ which projects to
trigeminothalamic tract

VPM of the thalamus
vestibular nuclei receive input from
semicircular ducts
vestibular nuclei project to
area postrema is located where?

rostral to the obex

in the floor of the 4th ventricle
how is the pons connected to the cerebellum?
middle cerebellar peduncle:
pons to the cerebellum

superior cerebellar peduncle:
cerebellum to the pons and midbrain
superior cerebellar peduncle sends output of pons to what parts of the brainstem?

cochlear nuclei give rise to _
lateral lemniscus
trapezoid body is seen where?

is what?
in the pons, medial to the medial lemniscus

decussating fibers of the ventral cochlear nuclei
superior olivary nucleus

input from _

output to _
cochlear nuclei

bilaterally to the lateral lemniscus
lateral lemniscus

gist of function

input, output
pontine auditory pathway

from the trapezoid body

to the nucleus of the inferior colliculus
lateral lemniscus conducts a preponderance of
contralateral cochlear input
spinal lemniscus carries fibers of

__ and ___


corticobulbar tract

synapses at
motor nuclei of the CNs

except ocular motor nuclei
pontine nuclei at the base of the pons


corticopontine tract

middle cerebellar peduncle --> to cerebellum
cochlear nuclei are found in what part of the brain?
medullopontine junction
the lateral vestibular nucleus is special because...
it gives rise to the lateral vestibulospinal tract
the pontine center for lateral conjugate gaze and how it works
abducent nucleus

receives commands from contralateral frontal eye field

projects via the MLF

to the contralateral medial rectus subnucleus of CN III
of course, it also innervates the ipsilateral lateral rectus
cortical input to facial nucleus
bilateral input for upper facial muscles

contralateral input for lower facial muscles
superior salavatory nucleus fibers' ultimate destination
pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia
principal sensory nucleus of CN V

gist of function

ultimate destination of its output
discriminative tactile and pressure input from the face

VPM of thalamus
mesencephalic nucleus

upper pons to the upper midbrain
mesencephalic nucleus function
input from muscle spindles and pressure receptors

(muscles of mastication and extraocular muscles)
locus ceruleus


pons and midbrain

projects noradrenergic axons to all parts of the CNS
5 of the most important functions of the midbrain
auditory and visual reflexes


vertical conjugate gaze

substantia nigra degeneration --> parkinson's

paramedian reticular formation lesion --> coma
a lesion of ___ in the midbrain causes coma
paramedian reticular formation
2 big features each, seen at level of

inferior colliculus

superior colliculus
--nucleus of inferior colliculus
--decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles

medial geniculate body
red nucleus
midbrain tectum is _
dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct
nucleus of the inferior colliculus


binaural input from the lateral lemniscus

projects to
brachium of the inferior colliculus -->
medial geniculate body
nucleus of the inferior colliculus

basic function
it's an auditory relay nucleus
brachium of the inferior colliculus



what type of information does it convey
inferior collicular nucleus

medial geniculate body

periaqueductal gray matter at the level of the inferior colliculus contains

mesencephalic nucleus and tract

locus ceruleus -- NE

dorsal tegmental nucleus -- enkephalin

doorsal nucleus of raphe -- serotonin
some enkephalinergic neurons are found in the _ in the midbrain
dorsal tegmental nucleus
dorsal tegmental nucleus of the midbrain is at _ level and contains
inferior colliculus

enkephalineregic neurons
locus ceruleus is where in the brain?
periaqueductal gray at the level of the inferior colliculus
dorsal nucleus of raphe is where in the brain?
periaqueductal gray at the level of the inferior colliculus
decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles happens where?
level of the inferior colliculus
substantia nigra receives _ input

projects _ output
GABAergic from the caudatoputamen

dopaminergic to the caudatoputamen

nondopaminergic to the thalamus
superior colliculs receives _ input
visual input from
--frontal and occipital eye fields

auditory input from inferior colliculus to mediate audiovisual reflexes
superior colliculus function -- it's concerned with _
detection of movement in visual fields, thus facilitating visual orientation, searching, and tracking
brachium of the superior colliculus

conducts _ to _
retinal and corticotectal fibers

superior colliculus and pretectum
oculomotor nucleus projects crossed or uncrossed fibers to the superior rectus
red nucleus is where in the brain?

at the level of the superior colliculus
UMN lesion of corticobulbar fibers for CN VII --> sxs

LMN lesion --> sxs

example of such lesions?
e.g. stroke involving internal capsule

contralateral weakness: lower face
sparing of upper face

- - - - - - - - - - - -
e.g. Bell's palsy
paralysis of facial muscles of both upper and lower face
pretectal region of the midbrain is where?
posterior commisure function
interconnects pretectal nuclei

thus mediating consensual pupillary light reflexes
pretectal nucleus



retinal input -->
brachium of inferior colliculus

bilaterally to Edinger-Westphal nuclei

pupillary light reflexes
corticobulbar innervation of CN XI
ipsilateral to spinal nucleus of XI that supplies sternocleidomastoid

contralateral to spinal nucleus of XI that supplies trapezius