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185 Cards in this Set

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Most common cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm

[Often associated with mutation in LDL receptor in familial hypercholesterolemia]
Sudden onset of excruciating substernal pain, often confused with myocardial infarction
Dissecting aortic aneurysm

[Caused by medial necrosis, more common in Marfan Syndrome]
Vasculitis of the elderly, presenting as headache, facial pain, and/or impaired vision
Giant cell (temporal) arteritis

[Most common vasculitis, affecting branches of the carotid artery]
Cardiac related: Vast majority of cases are idiopathic, although they may also be secondary to renal disease

[Other secondary causes include primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing syndrome, and pheochomocytoma]
Rapidly precipitating hypertension in an African American male with papilledema and retinal hemorrhages
Malignant hypertension

[Histologically characterized by hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis or "onion-skin" thickening of arterial walls]
Pallor or cyanosis or fingers and toes caused by recurrent vasospasm of arterioles, often in young, healthy women
Raynaud disease

[Reaction to cold or emotion]
Vasculitis primarily affecting the tibial and radial arteries
Thromboangiitis obliterans
(Buerger disease)

[Associated with cigarette smoking]
Crushing or squeezing, substernal pain radiating down the left arm
Myocardial infarction
Cardiac friction rub

[Causes include infections, rheumatic fever, myocardial infarction, and uremia]
Precordial pain in exertion or increased cardiac workload, but relieved by rest
Stable angina

[Caused by decreased coronary artery flow from atherosclerotic narrowing]
Prolonged or recurrent chest pain with increasing frequency, often at rest
Unstable (Crescendo, Preinfarction) angina

[Harbinger of myocardial infarction]
Leukemia most common in younger patients
(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)

[Peripheral blood smear shows predominance of lymphoblasts that stain positive for terminal deoxytransferase (TdT)]
Markedly hypocellular marrow is most commonly associated with this blood disorder
Aplastic anemia

[Often associated with chloramphenicol use]
Reciprocal chromosome translocation t(8;14) occuring in a B-cell malignancy
Burkitt's lymphoma

[c-myc expression under the control of the Ig heavy chain gene]
Marrow fibrosis with extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis and teardrop cells are found with this blood disorder
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia
(agnogenic myeloid metaplasia)
Reciprocal chromosome translocation t(9;22)
(Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia)

[Philadelphia chromosome; creates bcr-abl fusion protein with increased tyrosine kinase activity]

[Philadelphia chromosome also found in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)]
Most common heritable cause of coagulability
Factor V Leiden

[Hereditary resistance to activated Protein C]
Blood cell or bone marrow biopsy finding of tumor cells with tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP test) and fine-hair-like cytoplasmic projections
Hairy cell leukemia
Reed-Sternberg cells are most commonly associated with this condition
Hodgkin's disease

[Binucleated giant cells with inclusion-like nucleoli]
Target cells, splenomegaly, and a mild hemolytic anemia in African Americans are the most common symptoms/findings
Homozygous hemoglobin C disease

[Target cells may also be found in thalassemias]
These are hypochromic microcytic anemias
Iron deficiency anemia,
β-thalassemia minor,
and anemia of chronic disease
Hypersegmented polys and hypercellular marrow are associated with this blood disorder
Megaloblastic anemia

[Folate or vitamin B₁₂ deficiency leads to defects in DNA synthesis, with accumulation of megaloblasts due to nuclear maturation problems]
Commonly associated with this plasma cell disorder are punched out lytic bone lesions of the spine, cranium, and ribs
Multiple myeloma

[Peripheral blood smear may show rouleaux formation of RBC caused by hyperglobulinema]
Lymphoma with a propensity for lower cervical, supraclavicular, and mediastinal lymph nodes
Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma

[Only Hodgkin variant more common in females]
Blood disorder with anti-parietal cell and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies with achlorhydria
Pernicious anemia

[Parietal cells prooduce HCl and intrinsic factor; IF is required for vitamin B₁₂ absorption in the terminal ileum]
Blood disorder associated with leg ulcers and recurrent painful crisis
Sickle cell anemia
(homozygous HbSS disease)

[Patients also undergo autosplenectomy]
Vitamin deficiencies that result in bleeding disorders
Vitamin C deficiency,
Vitamin K deficiency

[Vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis and vessel integrity; Vitamin K is required for function of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X]
Most common bronchogenic carcinoma type in women and nonsmokers

[Localize peripherally]
Rapid onset of respiratory insufficiency refractory to oxygen therapy associated with sepsis, infections, aspiration, or trauma
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(diffuse alveolar damage)

[Histologically characterized by intra-alveolar hyaline membranes]
Harmless black pigment in lungs

[Common in coal miners, urban dwellers, or smokers]
Neoplastic columnar and cuboidal epithelial cells that line the alveolar septa
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

[Tumor cells are also found in loose alveolar spaces]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD)
Bronchial asthma,
Chronic bronchitis,

[Caused by airway narrowing or loss of elastic recoil of the lung, resulting in decreased forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV₁]
Right lower quadrant pain, nausea, fever, and an elevated WBC are the main symptoms/findings
Acute appendicitis
GI related: Increased CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
Carcinoma of the colon

[Risk factor includes low fiber diet]
Fatigue, weakness, and iron deficiency anemia in older males are the main symptoms/findings
Carcinoma of the right colon

[Secondary to blood loss]
Malabsorption that resolves upon withdrawal of wheat gliadins from the diet
Celiac sprue

[Histologically characterized as flattening of the mucosal villi with inflammatory infiltrate]
GI related: Persistent projectile vomiting usually appearing in the 2nd-3rd week of life
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
GI related: Patchy areas of inflammation called skip lesions are found in this condition
Crohn's disease

[Discontinuous involvement of the intestinal mucosa visualized as a "sting sign" on X-ray]
Cobblestone appearance of the bowel mucosa is associated with this GI condition
Crohn's disease

[Caused by inflammation and thickening of all three layers of the GI wall]
GI condition with small sac-like outpouchings of the colon through the muscular wall, common in the elderly

[Most commonly asymptomatic]
Barrett's esophagus is the only precursor recognized in this condition
Esophageal adenocarcinoma

[Barrett's esophagus=stratified squamous to non-ciliated columnar metaplasia (specialized, intestinal type epithelium) in the distal esophagus]
These can rupture producing massive hemorrhage into the esophageal lumen
Esophageal varices

[Often associated with portal hypertension, as in cirrhosis]
There is a 100% chance of colon cancer by midlife with this condition
Familial adenomatous polyposis syndromes

[Caused by autosomal dominant mutations in the APC gene with hundreds of adenomatous polyps carpeting the intestines]
Signet ring cells are characteristic of this condition
Gastric carcinoma, diffuse variant

[Extensive infiltration of malignant cells can lead to linitis plastica or "leather bottle stomach"; metastasis bilaterally to the ovaries results in Krukenberg tumors]
This condition is characterized by weakness in the peritoneal wall allowing protrusions of bowel segments
Congenital absence of ganglion cells in the muscular or submucosal layers or the GI wall are indicative of this disorder
Hirschprung disease
(congenital megacolon)

[Absence of ganglion cells is in the nondilated region of the colon]
Telescoping of one intestinal segment into another, usually in children
Most common innocuous congenital abnormality in the GI
Meckel's diverticulum

[Failure of involution of the vitelline duct]
Sharply punched out lesions in the stomach or duodenum are indicative of this disorder
Peptic ulcer

[Associated with NSAID use and Helicobacter pylori]
Autosomal dominant disorder with multiple benign hamartomatous polyps and melanin pigmentation of the oral mucosa, hands, and genitals
Peutz-Jegher syndrome
This benign neoplastic tumor of the salivary gland recurs often and is difficult to completely resect because of proximity to the facial nerve
Pleomorphic adenoma
(mixed tumor of the salivary gland)

[Most common salivary tumor]
GI condition with pseudomembranes consisting of fibrin, mucin, and inflammatory debris covering the colonic mucosa
Pseudomembranous colitis

[Caused by elaboration of exotoxins by Clostridium difficile]
Toxic megacolon is a complication of this GI disorder
Ulcerative colitis

[Destruction of neural plexus leading to massive dilation, gangrene, and imminent rupture of colon]
Sudden right upper quadrant or epigastric pain with nausea, vomiting, and leukocytosis are the most common symptoms/findings
Acute calculous cholecystitis

[One of the most common indications for abdominal surgery]
Micronodules on liver surface in early stages are indicative of this disorder
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Most common liver disease in the United States
Alcoholic liver disease
Grossly distended abdomen, esophageal varices, caput medusae, and hemorrhoids are the most common symptoms/findings

[Caused by portal hypertension and active portocaval anastomosis]
Soft, yellow, greasy liver
Fatty liver

[Hepatic steatosis]
Asterixis in relation to a liver disorder indicates this condition
Hepatic (portosystemic) encephalopathy

[Flapping tremor and neurologic sign, caused by nitrogenous metabolites which cannot be detoxified by the damaged liver]
Most common primary malignancy of the liver
Hepatocellular carcinoma

[Often associated with Hepatitis B infection]
An increase in AFP (α-fetoprotein) is indicative of this liver disorder
Hepatocellular carcinoma

[Also present in yolk sac tumors]
Triad of cirrhosis, skin pigmentation, and diabetes mellitus
("bronze diabetes")
Idiopathic hemochromatosis

[Primary defect in iron absorption leading to a net accumulation]
Macronodular pattern on liver surface usually indicates this disorder
Posthepatic (postnecrotic, macronodular) cirrhosis
Middle-aged female with pruritis, jaundice, xanthomas, and antimitochondrial antibodies are the main symptoms/findings
Primary biliary cirrhosis

[Histologically characterized by granulomatous destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts]
Biliary tract disease commonly seen in association with ulcerative colitis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis

[Histologically characterized by "onion-skin" fibrosis of bile ducts]
Councilman (hyaline) bodies in the liver are indicative of this condition
Viral hepatitis

[Apoptotic hepatocytes]
Associated with this disorder is hepatolenticular degeneration causing extrapyramidal motor signs
Wilson's disease

[Copper deposits in the liver, cornea of the eye (Kayser-Fleisher rings), and both the putamen and lenticular nuceli of the basal ganglia]
Costovertebral angle tenderness, fever, and burning on urination are characteristic symptoms/findings of this condition
Acute pyelonephritis

[Most commonly caused by ascending infection by E. coli]
Acute renal failure presenting as severe oliguria, causing death if untreated
Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)

[Tubules are capable of regeneration is basement membran is intact]
Kidney disorder associated with berry aneurysms and subsequent subarachnoid hemorrhage
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)
formerly known as Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD)

[Most common cystic disease of the kidney]
Extended use of phenacetin, aspirin, acetaminophen, caffeine, and codeine contribute to this kidney disorder
Analgesic abuse nephropathy

[Renal papillary necrosis leading to tubulointerstitial nephritis]
Corticomedullary scarring over blunted calyces, with "thyroidization" of tubules characterize this kidney condition
Chronic pyelonephritis

[Histologically characterized as colloid cast-filled tubules]
Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules are commonly found in this disorder of the kidney
Diabetic nephropathy

[PAS+ nodules resulting from increased mesangial matrix deposition]
Basement membrane thickening resulting from nonenzymatic glycosylation characterize this kidney condition
Diabetic nephropathy
Sclerosis of some glomeruli with only parts of the capillary tufts affected is indicative of this condition
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Hemorrhagic pneumonitis with glomerulonephritis characterizes this condition
Goodpasture syndrome

[Seen as linear immunofluorescence of glomeruli]
Commonly found in this kidney condition are immune complex deposits in the mesangium associated with Henoch-Schonlein purpura
IgA nephropathy
(Berger disease)

[Most common glomerulopathy worldwide]
Spike and dome appearance of kidney
Membranous glomerulonephritis

[Spike=basement membrane proliferating around domes;
Dome=immune complex deposits]
In this disorder, glomeruli appear normal in conventional light microscopy, but there is fusion of epithelial foot processes in electron microscopy
Minimal change disease
(Lipoid nephrosis)

[Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children]
Kidney disorder with tram-track appearance due to apparent reduplication of the glomerular basement membrane
MPGN (membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis)

[Type II MPGN is also known as dense-deposit disease]
Hematuria, oliguria, azotemia and hypertension are the main symptoms
Nephritic syndrome

[Prototype is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis]
Proteineuria, generalized edema, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria are the main symptoms
Nephrotic syndrome
Coarse, irregular, and granular immunofluorescence in kidney specimen
(visualized as "lumpy-bumpy")
Poststeptococcal glomerulonephritis
(also in Membranous glomerulonephritis and Lupus nephropathy)

[Present in immune complex deposit diseases]
Symptom triad of hematuria, flank pain and palpable mass are indicative of this kidney disorder
Renal cell carcinoma

[Histologically characterized by clear cells containing glycogen and lipids]
Crescent-like formation in a majority of glomeruli are indicative of this condition
RPGN (rapidly progressive [crescentic] glomerulonephritis)

[Rapid renal failure associated with either antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies (Goodpasture syndrome) or immune complex deposits (poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis]
This kidney disorder is related to exposure to β-naphthylamine or cyclophosphamide
Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

[Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder is associated with infection by Schistosoma hematobium, rare in the United States]
Bread-and-butter (fibrinous) pericarditis characterizes this kidney condition
A child presenting with palpable flank mass and hematuria are symtoms/findings of this kidney disorder
Wilms' tumor

[Most common childhood renal malignancy]
A reproductive disorder characterized by osteoblastic metastases with an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase in an older male
Carcinoma of the prostate

[Most common reproductive carcinoma in males; often arises in the peripheral zone of the prostate]
Maternal exposure to DES (diethylstilberstrol) causes this reproductive issue in children
Clear cell carcinoma in the vagina of daughters and possible testicular cancer in sons
This reproductive disorder predisposes to male germ cell tumors even if surgically corrected
(undescended testes)
Toxemia with CNS involvement, including convulsions and coma in a pregnant woman indicate this condition
Most common reproductive cause of hematosalpinx
Ectopic pregnancy

[Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease may also predispose to ectopic pregnancy]
Symtoms/findings of leukorrhea and irregular bleeding in a postmenopausal woman characterize this disease
Endometrial carcinoma

[Risk factors include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, and endometrial hyperplasia]
Leading cause of infertility, with menstrual irregularities, severe dysmenorrhea, and intrapelvic bleeding in a young woman

["Chocolate cysts" or blood-and-debris filled cysts in ovaries may develop]
Discrete, rubbery, movable mass in the inner lower quadrant of the breast of a young female are indicative of this condition

[Most common benign tumor of the female breast]
Blue-domed cysts and dense fibrosis that produce palpable lumps and mammographic densities are associated with this disorder
Fibrocystic change of the breast

[Epithelial cell lining around cysts shows apocrine metaplasia]
Bleeding with passage of grape-like structures, increased hCG, and rapid increase in uterine size characterize this condition
Hydatidiform mole

[Similar presentation without uterine enlargement = choriocarcinoma]
Most common cause of scrotal enlargement

[Clear, serous fluid can be seen upon transillumination of scrotal sac]
Tumor with tendency to affect both breasts
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Nodule of rock hard consistency in the upper outer quadrant of the breast of a postmenopausal woman characterizes this condition
Invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma of the breast

[Histologically characterized by nests of tumor cells in a scirrhous, or scar-like, dense, hard stroma]
Reproductive related: Most common benign tumor in females

[Benign tumor of the smooth muscle of the uterus]
Reproductive germ cell tumor that may contain hair, teeth, cartilage, and/or glands
Mature cystic teratoma
(dermoid cyst)

[Tumor is derived from all three germ cell layers]
Reproductive related: Presents as urinary urgency, frequency, and nocturia in an older male
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
(benign prostatic hyperplasia)

[Commonly arises in the periurethral and transition zones of the prostate causing compression of the urethra]
This condition is characterized by an eczemoid lesion of the nipple, often with underlying ductal carcinoma
Paget disease of the breast
Reproductive related: Psammoma bodies most commonly associated with this disorder
Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary

[Also in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid and meningioma]
Young female with amenorrhea, infertility, obesity, and hirsutism is indicative of this condition
Polycystic ovary (Stein-Leventhal) syndrome

[May be caused by excess secretion of luteinizing hormone]
Insidious onset of hypertension, edema, proteinuria, and headache after the 32nd week of pregnancy is associated with this condition
Endocrine related: Salt-losing hyponatremia leading to hypotension and virilization of female infants characterizes this condition
21-hydroxylase deficiency

[Most common enzymatic defect in congenital hyperplasia]
Epigastric pain radiating to the back with an increase in serum amylase and lipase are the most common symptoms/findings
Acute pancreatitis

[Major association with alcoholism and gallstones]
Endocrine related: Migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau syndrome) characterizes this condition
Carcinoma of the pancreas
Severe retardation, short stature, coarse facies, protruding tongue, and umbilical hernia are the most common symptoms/findings
(Hypothyroidism in children)
Moon facies, hypertension, and accumulation of truncal fat are the most common symptoms/findings
Cushing syndrome

[Caused by the action of cortisol]
Endocrine related: Most commonly caused by iatrogenic corticosteroid therapy
Cushing syndrome
Endocrine related: Marked increase in free water points to this disorder
Diabetes insipidus

[Caused by lack of ADH]
Increased hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) usually indicates this condition
Diabetes mellitus

[HbA1c=serum marker for nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins]
Endocrine related loss of pain in extremities points to this condition
Diabetic neuropathy
Endocrine related retinal microaneurysms and cotton-wool spots are associated with this condition
Diabetic retinopathy
Endocrine related: A female presenting with staring gaze and exophthalmos points to this condition
Graves' disease

[Characterized by anti-TSH receptor antibodies in serum]
Most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine sufficient areas
Hashimoto thyroiditis

[Histologically characterized by dense lymphocytic infiltrate and germinal centers in the thyroid]
Hypoglycemia and CNS impairment, which are reversed upon glucose administration, and increased serum C-peptide indicate this endocrine condition

[Patients surreptitiously administering insulin do not have increased C-peptide levels in serum]
Endocrine related: General apathy, cold intolerance, obesity, and constipation point to this condition
Most common thyroid carcinoma associated with exposure to ionizing radiation
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid

[Histologically characterized by papillae lined by "Orphan Annie" nuclei or empty-looking nuclei]
Endocrine related: Paroxysmal hypertension, tachycardia, sweating, tremor, and byperglycemia point to this condition
Endocrine related: Causes compression of the optic chiasm resulting in bitemporal hemianopsia
Pituitary adenoma

[Often visualized as radiographic enlargement of the sella turcica]
Endocrine related: Symptoms of this condition include hypotension, hyperpigmentation, and decreased heart rate
Primary adrenal cortical insufficiency
(Addison's disease)
Salt-retaining hypertension, hypernatremia, hypokalemic alkalosis, and decreased plasma renin are symptoms of this endocrine-related condition
Primary hyperaldosteronism

[As opposed to increased plasma renin in secondary hyperaldosteronism]
Osteitis fibrosis cystica characterize this endocrine disorder
Primary hyperparathyroidism

[Cysts, fibrinous accumulation, and focal hemorrhage in bone; also called brown tumor of bone]
A premenopausal woman who presents with amenorrhea, galactorrhea, loss of libido, and infertility may have this disorder

[Most common hyperfunctioning pituitary adenoma]
Most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism
Renal failure
Endocrine related: Symptoms include periportal hypotension resulting in necrosis and destruction of the anterior pituitary
Sheehan syndrome
Excessive resorption of free water with hyponatremia and cerebral edema, but no peripheral edema are symptoms of this endocrine disorder
(Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone)
Tremor, tachycardia, heat intolerance, and increase in appetite with decrease in weight characterize this endocrine condition

[Most commonly caused by Graves' disease]
Hypergastrinemia, hyperchlorhydria, and recurrent peptic ulcer disease are symptoms of this endocrine-related disorder
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
This is a skin marker of visceral malignancy
Acanthosis nigricans

[Thickened and hyperpigmented areas commonly found in flexural areas]
Pearly papules with superficial telangiectases characterize this skin condition
Basal cell carcinoma

[Almost never metastasizes]
This is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction in the skin
Contact dermatitis

[Primarily T cell- and macrophage-mediated immunity]
Extremely pruritic vesicular lesions associated with celiac disease are manifestations of this skin disorder
Dermatitis herpetiformis

[May respond to a gluten-free diet]
Abnormal proliferation of connective tissue of skin scars that results in large raised tumor-like lesions characterize this skin condition

[More common in African Americans]
A blue-black papule with irregular borders are characteristic of this skin disorder
Malignant melanoma

[Depth of invasion correlates with prognosis]
This is a tumor arising from actinic keratosis
Squamous cell carcinoma
Antimelanocyte antibodies associated with cell loss in discrete areas of the skin are part of this disorder

[Often associated with other autoimmune diseases like pernicious anemia]
Yellowish tumor-like nodules composed of focal dermal collections of lipid-laden macrophages are part of this skin disorder
This is the major genetic cause of dwarfism

[Most cases are due to new mutations, although may also be autosomal dominant]
HLA-B27 is the marker associated with this autoimmune disorder
Ankylosing spondylitis

[Fusion of vertebrae as articular cartilage is destroyed]
A young boy presenting with clumsiness and difficulty walking with pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles is most likely this musculoskeletal disorder
Duchenne muscular dystrophy

[X-linked; due to dystrophin deficiency; increased serum creatinine kinase]
Small, round, blue, cell tumor of bone in children are findings of this musculoskeletal disorder
Ewing sarcoma

[Reactive periosteal bone layers form an "onion-skin" appearance]
Arthritis associated with monosodium urate crystals in metatarsophalangeal joints (podagra) characterize this disorder

[Crystal deposits from tophi]
Tumor-like formations in bone with café au lait spots and precocious puberty are part of this musculoskeletal disorder
McCune-Albright syndrome

[Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with endocrine dysfunction]
This musculoskeletal condition dramatically improves with anticholinesterase drugs
Myasthenia gravis

[Disease caused by antiacetylcholine receptor antibodies]
This is known as wear-and-tear arthritis

[Eburnation ("polished-ivory" appearance) is caused by erosion of cartilage and articular bone surfaces]
Blue sclerae and multiple childhood fractures are a part of this musculoskeletal disease
Osteogenesis imperfecta

[Blue sclerae caused by a decrease in collagen content making them translucent]
Kyphosis and lordosis in a postmenopausal female characterize this disease

[Age-related changes and estrogen deficiency increase bone loss]
Most common primary malignancy of bone, frequently occuring in the knee of a male under 20 years old

[May see Codman triangle on x-ray as tumor lifts the periosteum; often associates with familial retinoblastoma]
Headache, enlargement of the head, visual disturbances, and deafness are symptoms of this musculoskeletal disorder
Paget's disease of the bone
(osteitis deformans)

[Histologically characterized as a mosaic pattern of bone with irregular cement lines]
This musculoskeletal condition causes ulnar deviation of the fingers
Rheumatoid arthritis

[May also find swan-neck deformity]
Patients present with morning stiffness with symmetric involvement of the proximal interphalangeal joints in this musculoskeletal disorder
Rheumatoid arthritis

[Majority have rheumatoid factor, an autoantibody directed against the Fc region of IgG, in their serum]
Meningitis with increased mononuclear cells, normal or increased protein, and normal glucose in CSF are part of this CNS condition
Acute aseptic (viral) meningitis
Neurofibrillary tangles and senile β-amyloid plaques in elderly patients characterize this CNS disorder
Alzheimer disease

[Associated with mutations on chromosomes 21, 19, 14, and 1]
Common neurodegenerative diseases with dementia include these
Alzheimer disease,
Huntington disease, and
Pick disease
Degeneration of the upper and lower motor neurons of the lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts are characteristic of this CNS disorder
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

[May be associated with mutations of superoxide dismutase]
Most common cause of cerebral embolic infarcts
Cerebral atherosclerosis

[Most common location is the middle cerebral artery]
Changes in memory and behavior followed by rapid dementia with startle myoclonus characterize this CNS condition
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease

[Histologically characterized by spongiform change; transmission via prion protein]
Rupture of the middle meningeal artery because of a skull fracture produces this
Epidural hematoma

[Can be rapidly fatal]
Most common primary intracranial neoplasm
Glioblastoma multiforme

[As opposed to the most common intracranial neoplasm overall which is metastasis to the brain]
Pseudopalisading arrangement of malignant nuclei are part of this CNS disorder
Glioblastoma multiforme
Patients present with involuntary jerky movements or writhing of the extremities in this CNS disorder
Huntington's disease

[Autosomal dominant disease associated with trinucleotide repeat expansions]
Atrophy of the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus are a part of this CNS disorder
Huntington's disease

[Caudate atrophy leads to "bat wing" lateral ventricles]
Most common cause of primary brain parenchymal hemorrhage
One of the most common intracranial tumors in children
This tumor pushes on (rather than infiltrates) adjacent parenchyma in the CNS

[Slow growing and often surgically resectable]
This CNS disorder features the Charcot triad: nystagmus, intention tremor, and scanning speech
Multiple sclerosis

[In a gross specimen, glassy, dirty tan periventricular plaques indicate demyelination in white matter]
This CNS condition is associated with folate deficiency during the initial weeks of gestation
Neural tube defects

[α-fetoprotein level is elevated in maternal serum]
Multiple neurofibromas on the skin, café au lait spots, and Lisch nodules (pigmented hamartomas) on the iris define this CNS condition
Neurofibromatosis (Type 1)
(von Recklinghausen disease)

[Autosomal dominant mutation in the NF-1 gene]
Rigid, expressionless face and a pill-rolling tremor are symptoms of this CNS disorder
Parkinson's disease
Atrophy and gross depigmentation of the dopamine-producing cells of the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus characterize this CNS condition
Parkinson's disease

[Histologically characterized by Lewy bodies which are intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic inclusionns within neurons]
On spinal tap examination, numerous leukocytes, decreased glucose and increased protein are seen in this CNS disorder
Pyogenic (bacterial) meningitis
Most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Rupture of a berry aneurysm

[Most common location of berry aneurysms is in the Circle of Willis]
Intracranial tumor presenting with tinnitus and hearing loss is part of this CNS condition
(acoustic neuroma)

[Involves CN VII and VIII at the cerebellopontine angle]
With this CNS condition, patients present with the "worst headache of my life," vomiting, loss of consciousness, and blood in the CSF
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracranial hemorrhage due to disruption of the bridging veins causes this
Subdural hematoma
Loss of pain and temperature sensation in the upper extremities are part of this CNS disorder
Weakness, paresthesia, and "pins-and-needles" feeling occur with this nutritive disorder
Vitamin B₁₂ deficiency

[Affects the lateral and posterior columns]
Hemorrhage into the mammillary bodies and dorsal medial gray matter around the cerebral aqueducts characterize this CNS disorder
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Confusion, paralysis of the lateral rectus, and ataxia with memory loss and confabulation are symptoms of this CNS condition
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

[Caused by thiamine deficiency, typically in alcoholics]