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33 Cards in this Set

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Identify in writing the goal of systematic recruiting
To organize the recruiter's efforts so that the required contacts, face-to-face meetings (appointments), interviews, and contracts are achieved
Identify in writing the purpose of the Assets Map used in systematic recruiting
The purpose of the Assets Map is to display the locations of all the RSS’S resources and activities available in the RSS area
Identify in writing the purpose of the Enlistment Map used in systematic recruiting
The purpose of the Enlistment Map is to display enlistment results of the current and previous fiscal year.
Identify in writing the purpose of the RSS Profile / Progress Book used in systematic
To provide a profile, or description, of all your RSS resources and historical data on the performance and progress of the RSS as a whole.
Identify in writing the purpose of the List Folders used in systematic recruiting
To contain a list or collection of names compiled from various sources and organized to effectively prospect.
Identify in writing the purpose of the RSS Programs Book used in systematic recruiting
To provide a ready reference for Marine Corps Orders relating to Enlistment Options, bonuses, guarantees, and reenlistments.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Working File used in systematic recruiting
The purpose of the Working File is to systematically distribute your RSS workload by action date.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Command Recruiting File used in systematic
The purpose of the Command Recruiting File is to serve as a file and a source for
potential command recruiters who can generate referrals and enlistments. The
Command Recruiting File also provides an immediate source for the RSS
Reenlistment mission for each fiscal year.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Scheduling and Results Book used in systematic recruiting
To organize a recruiter’s daily and weekly plan on the when, where, and how the recruiter will prospect, interview, process applicants, work poolees, manage time, and service their area.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Pool Board used in systematic recruiting
To provide the status of the RSS pool and displays important information regarding each poolee.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Priority Prospect Card / Reenlistment Card (PPC/RC) Control Box used in systematic recruiting
To drive the initial contact with prospects for enlistment or reenlistment into the Marine Corps.
Identify in writing the purpose of the NCOIC Management Book used in systematic recruiting
To be an action oriented management tool.
Identify in writing the purpose of the NCOIC - Recruiter Training File used in systematic recruiting
To document the training provided to recruiters at the RSS level.
Identify in writing the goals of the High School / Community College Program
To establish rapport and gain exposure for the recruiter in the schools.
Identify in writing the objectives of the High School / Community College Program
a. Establish rapport in each school
b. Gain exposure for the recruiter and the Marine Corps
Identify in writing the steps initiated by the NCOIC and recruiter to collect and organize High School / Community College
Identify all the high schools in the area (your sector).

Review all known schools for changes in population, closings, consolidations, relocation, or new openings.

Organize the information on each school on a new HS/CC Profile Sheet by 1 June of each year.

The NCOIC and recruiter are responsible for evaluating the HS/CC Program information to determine which schools will have the elements of the HS/CC Program worked.

Factors to consider are the access, past productivity, time and effort required to work this asset, and the size of the male senior or college class population.
Identify in writing the assets available that help support the High School / Community College Program
 What talents do you possess that may be of value to the school and of interest to the students?

 What help is available from other sources? Are these sources teachers, coaches, or school board members. For example:

 Marines in local Reserve units

 Marines in Mobilization Training Units (MTU’s)

 Former Marines and retirees (Marine Corps League, etc.)

 Command Group members

 Who returns from recruit training during the school year that recently graduated high school?

 Who in the community can help gain access and influence policy in the schools?

 What promotional materials does the RS / RSS have to offer the schools?
Identify in writing the purpose of the High School / Community College Visit Card
To outline the minimum program actions the recruiter must take with each working school assigned. Each year the recruiter will prepare a HS/CC Visit Card on every school and community college assigned.
Identify in writing how to conduct an initial visit to a High School / Community
Upon arriving at the school for your meeting remember you are a professional so use a business-like introduction. Then make an opening for the meeting. It is important to emphasize and clearly explain the following aspects of the program:
Identify in writing how to maintain contact with a High School / Community College
Regardless of the degree of cooperation and success as a result of the initial visit, it is still necessary to build on that relationship. A progressive program of visits to the school must be planned throughout the year. The following are recommended actions to maintain contact with the school:
Identify in writing the advantages of the Direct Mail Program
a. Targeting - Through careful screening and selection of lists, Direct Mail is efficient in targeting specific markets like high school seniors, high school graduates, college students, school officials, and influencers.

b. Coverage - Direct Mail can cover a variety of large markets more rapidly than the individual recruiter.

c. Personal – Because Marine Corps Direct Mail is addressed with the individual's name (not resident or student) and presents topics pertinent to the individual at critical times in their lives, it is more personal and attractive than general advertisements.

d. In-Depth Message - Direct Mail is ideal for telling a long story in detail. It is not limited by time, like TV or radio, or space, like newspapers, and can address specific programs of topics in depth.
Identify in writing the markets that the Direct Mail Program targets
a. School Market: consists of officials connected with the education system, such as members of the school board, principals, guidance counselors, etc. Efforts are directed toward those officials who can favorably influence the recruiting climate and cooperation in schools.

b. Contact Market: represents the various contacts within your community who may help recruiters in dealing with the general community as well as officials in your schools. These could be school board members, elected officials, former Marines, members of the SMCR, etc.

c. Recruiting Market: consists of young people recruiters are trying to enlist. Essentially, these are high school students, graduates, and former service members in the 18 - 24 year old age group. This is our most valuable market.
Identify in writing how the Direct Mail Program assists recruiter prospecting
a. Reaches high school seniors, high school graduates, and community college students with a specific Marine Corps message.

b. It creates interest in the Marine Corps and a desire for more information.

c. Fulfills requests for additional information when the Marine Corps Fulfilment Center receives a Business Reply Card (BRC) or a toll free call (1-800-MARINES) in response to direct mail.

d. Sends "hot" or priority leads to recruiters via Priority Prospect Cards (PPC) from the Fulfillment Center when "qualified" individuals respond to direct mail.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Fulfillment Center
To screen out and eliminate duplicate leads and ensure only valid leads (PPC’s) are sent to recruiters.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Direct Mail schedule
To reach the targeted markets at the most critical or effective time to generate responses.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Recruiter Supplied Names Program
To allow recruiters to incorporate any names that they obtain into the Direct Mail System.
Identify in writing the purpose of RS Mailouts
To assist the recruiting effort. They are designed to relieve the recruiter of the administrative burden associated with conducting mailouts.
Identify in writing the types of RS Mailouts authorized as limited supplemental
 A mailout in support of a Career Day or job fair.

 An opportunity mailout in support of a particular benefit or program, (NROTC, MGIB) to an applicable group.

 Mailouts in support of the Youth Physical Fitness (YPF) program.

 Congratulatory letters to honor roll students, athletes, scholars, etc. who receive local recognition for their achievement.

 Letters to poolees to generate interest in support of pool functions.

 A mailout in support of an upcoming musician audition prior to a MTA visit.
Identify in writing how a Priority Prospect Card is generated
A Priority Prospect Card (PPC) is generated as a direct result of a request for additional information about the Marine Corps due either to media advertising or the direct mail program.
Identify in writing how a Priority Prospect Card is worked
a. Recruiters receive a two-part PPC from the NCOIC.

 Contact Report Card

 Prospect Applicant Card

b. Note the date due on the Contact Report Card due to RSS NCOIC.

c. Check the Working File and List Folders to see if the person is already being worked. If so, contact the person to identify new interest. Staple the PPC to the Prospect Applicant Card (PAC) and continue working.

d. The most important aspect of PPC’s is to make person-to-person contact . You may receive several PPC’s at once and feel the schedule won’t allow time to work all of them. The decision may be made to defer contacting some of them. This is a mistake! Aggressive and immediate follow-up of PPC’s will lead to contracts!
Identify in writing the goals of the Pool Program
 Get poolees to refer names of qualified prospects to you who can then persuade these prospects to enlist in the Marine Corps & have 20% of your pool working. (“Working is defined as poolees who have received credit for at least one contract.”)

 Maintain and enhance the motivation of poolees while they are in the pool with the objective of minimizing pool attrition.

 Mentally and physically prepare poolees for recruit training with the objective of reducing MCRD attrition.
Identify in writing the purpose of the Pool Card
To outline the minimum program actions a recruiter must take with each poolee after they enlist
Identify in writing how to plan your contacts with the pool
The frequency of contact and type of program depends on the length of time projected in the pool. Poolees projected for a short time require daily contact with a program focused on essentials; others require weekly contact at a minimum and a varied Pool Program.