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36 Cards in this Set

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Occipital Lobe
Primary Visual Cortex...
Visual Association Area
Telencephelon Contains...
Cerebrum Contains...
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Layers of the Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex - grey matter
Cerebral White Matter
Deep Grey Matter of the Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex
Outer Region
2 - 4 mm thick
highest order of brain function
Most complex and least understood
Frontal Lobe Contains
Primary Motor Cortex - Concouse control of voluntary movement
Premotor Cortex - Coordinates movement with sensory info
Prefrontal Cortex - most rostral region, Personality, cognition, concoius thought
Phinous Gage
iron through prefontal cortex of cerebrum, total change in personality
Parietal lobe
Integrates Sensory Info, THE SOMATOSENSORY CORTEX - recieves and intereprets general somatic senses (touch, pressure)
Somatosensory cortex - exibits somatotropy = body mapping,
Parietal Lobe, Basal forebrain nuclei
Temporal Lobe
Auditory Cortex - recieve and interprets auditory stimuli

Olfactory Cortex - "" "" smelling stimuli

This is greatly reduced and reserved for limbic system
Balance, Taste, Integrates Sensory info, Emotion
White matter (deep to cortex)
Myelinated tracts -for communication in different brain regions... Commiseral Fibers, Association Fibers, Projection Fibers,
Commiseral Fibers
Connect cooresponding areas of left and right hemispherses... aka corpus collosum...
Association Fibers
Connects within a single side of cerebral cortex
Projection Fibers
Connect cortex to rest of nervous system...
Deep grey matter of cerebrum
Contains Basal ganglia, and basal forebrain nuclei...
Basal Ganglia
Not actually Ganglia, Unconscious control of movement. repetetive rythmic movement, start and stop, intensity
Issue with Basal Ganglia and substantia Nigra... used deep brain stimulation to treat
Basal Forebrain Nuclei
play role in memory ... first area to show problems in Alzhiemers
Diencephelon Contains
Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Epithalamus,
Relay station to cerebral cortex, all incoming sensory inputs go through thalamus, Amplifies and filters sensations..
Center of Homeostasus, Hunger, thermoragulation, sex... Secretes Hormones,
Biological clock - maintains circadian rythm
contains pineal gland which secretes melatonin (hormone)... convays circadian rythm from hypothalamus to rest of body
Mesencephalon contains...
= midbrain... which contains Corpora Quadrigemina and Substantia Nigra
Corpora Quadrigemina
four rounded portrusions in dorsal midbrain...
Superior Colliculi - visual reflex
Inferior Colliculi - auditory reflex
Substantia Nigra
(highly pigmented by melonin)
Inhibits Basal Ganglia
Degeneration results in parkinson's
Metencephalon Contains...
Pons, Cerebellum
Between midbrain and medula oblongata ... mostly white matter...Tracts connecting cerebrum to cerebellum ...
Major Coordinator of Movement ... smoothed out blueprint.. Damage to it causes poor balance ... contains half of all neurons in the brain ... also plays role in cognition
Family that walks on all fours
Cerebral defect...
Myelencephalon contains...
Medulla Oblongata
Medulla Oblongata
Most caudal region of brain ... relay station between spinal chord and rest of brain ... Autonomic control of visceral organs (heart rate, body temp, respiration) ... damage causes respiratory failure...
Functional Brain Systems...
Scattered throughout the brain but closely related in function
Reticular Formation
Primary Brainstem: midbrain, pons, medula
Arousal Alertness: reticular activating system...Anesthesia and tranqs inhibit RAS... Damage of RAS = COMA
Limbic System Contains
Amygdala: fear
Cingulate Girus: emotion
Hippocampus: long term memories - effected by alzhiemers