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27 Cards in this Set

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smooth pursuit
voluntary conjugate eye movement; follow slow moving object (30 deg/sec); can't do without moving object
conjugate eye movement; reflex following movements elicited when large portions of visual field moves slowly (i.e. train); mediated by brainstem
conjugate eye movement driven by VIII; stabilizes gaze in spite of head movements or tilt
rapid conjugate eye movement designed to move object onto fovea (i.e. reading) - associated with shift in attention
disjunctive eye movement; i.e. convergence (both eyes intort); very slow movements of eyes in third dimension (towards objects either beyond or within fixation plane)
fixation movements
involuntary conjugate eye movements required for vision to ensure that object doesn't stay still on retina (or else it will fade)
extraocular innervation
trochlear -> contra SO; oculomotor -> ipsi IR, MR, IO and conta SR; abducens -> ipsi LR
extraocular motorneurons fire pattern in order to generate saccade
large high frequency pulse in order to overcome inertia/viscous resistance (proportional to eye velocity) followed by small step to overcome elastic restoring forces and hold eye in new position (proportional to deviation size)
abducens nuclei connections
excites contralateral oculomotor nucleus via MLF so that it does the same thing (right LR moves at same rate as left MR when eye moves to right) and inhibits ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus so it does the opposite thing (right MR relaxes so eye can move to right)
paramedian pontine reticular formation
PPRF near the abducens nucleus; under control from superior colliculus and frontal eye fields that decide on location of next saccade; directly excites abducens nucleus in order to produce pulse so eye will move and also excites integrator which calculates what size step is needed for the given pulse and excites abducens nuclei to produce that step to hold the eye in the new position
neural pepositus hypoglossi
location of the neural integrator for horizontal eye movements
express saccades
mediated by superior colliculus; short latency saccades in response to the sudden appearance of a visual or auditory stimulus (orienting reflex, which also may include head movements)
voluntary saccade
mediated by frontal eye fields
vestibular organs
otolith organs (utricle and sacculus) report static head position and linear acceleration; semicircular canals report angular acceleration
Scarpa's ganglion
vestibular portion of VIII has cell bodies in this ganglion
semicircular canal action
konocilia embedded in cupula (gelatinous mass) which spans the width of the ampula (sensory swelling of the canal) and forms a barrier blocking the circulation of the fluid; when the head turns in the plane of the canal, the inertia of the fluid distorts the cupula in the direction OPPOSITE the head movement (fluid moves away from head movement due to inertia); this bends the cilia and produces increased or decreased firing of VIII
otolith organs action
cilia protrude thorugh otoconia (gelatinous layer with calcium carbonate crystals suspended); head tilt or linear acceleration cause cilia (oriented in various orientations) to bend -> increased or decreased VIII firing (tonic in the case of head tilt, transient in the case of linear acceleration)
linear acceleration
detected by otolith organs -> causes transient firing due to crystals bending cilia; not detected by semicircular canal because linear acceleration produces equal forces on both sides of the canal and thus no net signal
angular acceleration
causes increases in firing on the side TOWARDS which the head is rotating and decreases in firing on the other side
VOR driven by
VIII only - not vision nor neck proprioceptor
VOR angles
angle gaze = angle eyes + angle head
VOR mechanism
head moves left -> L VIII fires more than right VIII -> excites R abducens nuclei via right MLF -> right LR contracts; L VIII also inhibits L abducens nuclei via left MLF -> left LR relaxes; R abducens nuclei, stimulated by L VIII, then excites contra (L) oculomotor nuclei via MLF -> left MR contracts (the opposite happens between the L abducens and the R oculomotor -> inhibitin L abducens ends up inhibiting R oculomotor via MLF) -- this is ALL the slow phase, designed to make the eyes move right
physiological nystagmus
eyes move R when head moves L (slow phase) followed by fast phase to reset eyes in the opposite direction (L) -> named for the fast phase (i.e. head moves L, slow phase moves R, fast phase moves L -> "left nystagmus")
spontaneous nystagmus
nystagmus that occurs w/o head movement - us. due to damage to VIII; nystagmus is away from lesion (i.e. fast phase is away)
caloric nystagmus
COWS - cold water produces nystagmus in opposite direction to the ear side (i.e. cold water in right ear causes left nystagmus), hot water produces nystagmus in the same direction as the ear side
vestibulospinal tract
from vestibular nerve to medial motorneurons -> maintains posture
vestibular cerebellum connections
vestibular nerve is the only sensory afferent to project directly to the cerebellum; sends mossy fibers via the ICP to the flooculonodular lobe; Purkinje cells project back to the vestibular nuclei (act as deep cerebellar nuclei for flooculonodular lobe); this system maintains long-term accuracy of VOR (calibration)