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44 Cards in this Set

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Roof of the midbrain
Most anterior, most prominent
Spinal Cord
part of the CNS, communicates with the sense organs and muscles below the level of the head
Dorsal Root Ganglia
clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord
Grey Matter
H shaped matter in the center of the spinal cord, it is densly packed with cell bodies and dendrites
White Matter
Outer part of the spinal cord, composed mostly of myelinated axons
Sympathetic Nervous System
Subpart of Autonomic NS: network of nerves that prepare organs for vigorous activity like fight or flight
Middle of the brain, small and surrounded by forebrain
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Subpart of Autonomic NS: facilitates vegetative, nonemergency responses
Posterior part of the brain: medulla, pons, and cerebellum
Raphe System
Hindbrain: sends axons to much of the forebrain
Intermediate level of the midbrain
Hindbrain: Just above the spinal cord, controls vital reflexes: breathing, heartrate, vomiting, coughing etc.
Hindbrain: medulla, pons, midbrain, and central structures of forebrain
Cranial Nerves
Hindbrain: Control sensations from the head, muscle movements in the head, and much of the parasympathetic output to the organs
Hindbrain: Lie anterior and ventral to the medulla. Controls arousal and control of facial muscles
Hindbrain: large structure, controls movement, perceptions, and learned responses that depend on timing
Reticular Formation
Hindbrain: Descending part controls motor areas of spinal cord, ascending part sends output to much of the cerebral cortex increasing arousal and attention in one area or another
Limbic System
Forebrain: Number of interlinked structures around the brainstem that control motivations for eating, drinking, sex, anxiety, etc. Includes: olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus
Forebrain: Recieves sensory information before going to cerebral cortex
Forebrain: Just ventral of thalamus, conveys messages to pituitary gland altering hormones.
Pituitary Gland
Forebrain: Hormone producing gland attached to the base of the hypothalamus. Synthesizes and releases hormones into bloodstream
Basal Ganglia
Forebrain: group of structures lateral to the thalamus. Important to movement selection, certain aspects of memory and emotional expression
Forebrain: Memory storage
Four fluid filled cavities within the brain. Filled with cerebrospinal fluid which is similar to blood plasma
Autonomic Nervous System
part of the Peripheral NS: controls the heart, intestines, and the other organs
Somatic Nervous System
Part of the Peripheral NS: Controls voluntary muscles and conveys sensory information to the central nervous system
Central Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
Nucleus Basalis
Key in brain's system for arousal, wakefulness, and attention. Deterioration in Parkinsons and Alzheimers
Cerebral Cortex
Grey matter on the outer surface of the cerebral hemispheres
Corpus Callosum
Bundles of axons that communicate with neurons in the opposite hemisphere
Occipital Lobe
Located at the posterior end of the cortex. Responsible for vision
Parietal Lobe
Next to Occipital, responsible for body sensations
Central Sulcus
One of the deepest grooves in the surface of the cortex. Located just inbetween the Frontal and Parietal Lobes
Temporal Lobe
Located near the temples. Responsible for hearing and advanced visual processing
Frontal Lobe
Responsible for planning of movements, recent memory, and some emotion
Prefrontal Cortex
Most front part of the frontal lobe, recieves information about all sensory systems
Precentral Gyrus
Back part of the Frontal Lobe, it controls fine movements. Topography? each location represents different body part
Postcentral Gyrus
Area right behind the central sulcus. It is the primary target for touch sensations and information from muscle-stretch receptors and joint receptors. Topography?: each location represents diff. body part
Cranial nerve that controls sensations from the neck and thorax
Cranial Nerve: controls smell
Processes emotions
Important routes for sensory information