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45 Cards in this Set

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1. What is chronotropic incompetence?
a. Failure to increase the heart rate with exercise
b. Failure to reach 85% of predicted maximal heart rate at peak exercise
2. What is the primary intervention in patients with symptomatic SA node dysfunction?
a. Pacemaker implantation
3. How do the majority of pacemakers gain access to the heart?
a. Subclavian-SVC system
4. How do you calculate normal heart rate for a given age?
a. 118-(.57*age)
5. How do you calculate max heart rate?
a. 220-age
6. What is asystole?
a. Pause of longer than 3 seconds
7. What are the symptoms of bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome?
a. A-fib
b. Atrial flutter
c. PAC
8. What is 1st degree SA exit block?
a. Slow response to a PAC
b. Leads to long interval until next contraction
9. What is 2nd degree SA exit block?
a. Intermittent absent P waves
b. Gaps are still intervals of normal rhythm
10. What is 3rd degree SA exit block?
a. Lack of atrial activity→ no P-waves
b. Subsidiary ectopic atrial pacemaker
11. What is the ECG evidence of 3rd degree SA exit block?
a. Sinus arrest
12. What is SSS?
a. Symptomatic asystolic pause >3s
b. Dizziness/syncope
13. How do you dx SA dysfunction?
a. Holter monitor
b. Event recorder
c. Carotid sinus pressure pauses of more than 5 s
14. How do you tx SA dysfunction?
a. AV sequential pacing
15. What are the main concerns in AV conduction disturbances?
a. Site of abnormality→ is it above or below the bundle of His?
16. What can cause AV conduction abnormalities?
a. Vagotonia
b. Drugs that slow conduction from SA to AV node
c. Acute MI
d. Coronary spasm
17. What illnesses can cause AV conduction disturbances?
a. Rheumatic fever
b. Infectious mono
c. Lyme disease
d. Sarcoidosis
18. What degenerative diseases can lead to AV block?
a. Lev’s disease
b. Lenegre’s disease
19. What are the ssx of Lev’s disease?
a. Calcification of the cardiac skeleton, aortic valve, and mitral valve
20. What are the ssx of Lenegre’s disease?
a. Degeneration of conduction system of heart
21. What is the sign of 1st degree AV block?
a. PR >.2
22. What is the sign of Mobitz I?
a. Normal QRS
b. 3:2, 4:3, 5:4
c. Continuous lengthening of PR until dropped QRS
23. What is the sign of Mobitz II?
a. Widened QRS
b. 2:1, 3:1, 4:1
c. PR normal until QRS dropout
24. What is the location of Mobitz I? Mobitz II?
a. I-- bundle of His
b. II-- beneath bundle of His
25. What is the sign of 3rd degree AV block?
a. Normal QRS
b. Complete dissociation between atria and ventricles
26. What is the location of 3rd degree AV block?
a. Bundle of His
27. What is Adams-Stokes syndrome?
a. 3rd degree AV block accompanied by syncope
b. Failure of subsidiary pacemaker to engage
c. Lose ventricular beats for 15 s
28. How do you treat 1st degree AV block and Mobitz I?
a. Generally not needed
29. When is an AV pacemaker indicated?
a. Mobitz II
b. 3rd degree AV block
c. Adams-Stokes
30. What causes paroxysmal atrial toxicity with block? What are the ssx?
a. Digitalis toxicity
b. Every other p-wave is getting through in A-tach
31. What is AV dissociation?
a. Atria and ventricles under two separate pacemakers
32. What are the types of AV dissociation?
a. 3rd degree AV block w/ ventricular pacing
b. Sinus bradycardia with AV Junctional rhythm
c. Isorhythmic AV dissociation
d. Interference AV dissociation
e. Enhanced Junctional or ventricular pacer that compete w/ sinus rhythm
33. What are the class I guidelines for temporary pacing in AMI?
Sinus node dysfunction with long-term drug treatment

Symptomatic chronic incompetence
34. What are the guidelines for a permanent pacemaker after an AMI?
Persistent 2nd degree AV block in the purkinje system
Complete heart block
Symptomatic AV block at any level
Transient advanced AV block in AV node
35. What is the preferred tx for bradycardia?
a. AV pacing preferred
36. What do cardiomyopathies require in device tx?
a. Biventricular pacing
37. What is the device tx for ANS dysfunction?
a. AV pacing
38. What is the device tx for atrial fibrillation?
a. Dual site atrial pacing
39. What is the code for describing pacemakers?
a. Chamber paced→ O, A, V, D
b. Chamber sensed→ O, A, V, D
c. Response to sensing→ O, T, I, D
d. Programmability→ O, P, M, C, R
e. Antiarrhythmic function→ O, P, S, D
40. What are the complications of pacemakers?
a. Sensing abnormalities
b. Output failure
c. Lead fracture or displacement
41. What is pacemaker syndrome?
a. Pacemaker is in competition with the patient HR
42. What are the ssx of pacemaker syndrome?
a. Fatigue
b. Dizziness
c. Syncope
d. Canon A-waves
43. How do you tx pacemaker syndrome?
a. Atrial pacing w/ synchrony
44. What can cause pacemaker syndrome?
a. Sinus node dysfunction with ventricular pacing
45. How can pacemaker syndrome be prevented?
a. Dual chamber pacing to maintain AV synchrony