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42 Cards in this Set

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Define plexus.
area of the peripheral nervous system where there is branching & interconnecting of nerves, resulting in redistribution of nerve fibres.
What does each spinal nerve have to make up its common root?
dorsal root = sensory root of the nerve
ventral root = motor root of the nerve
What does the common root of a spinal nerve branch into?
posterior primary ramus - small, innervates trunk overlying spinal column
anterior primary ramus - has majority of nerve fibres
does the anterior or posterior primary ramus innervate most activity of a particular segmental nerve?
anterior primary ramus - has the majority of nerve fibres
name 2 areas where anterior primary rami distribution is modified as they go out to limbs.
brachial plexus
lumbrosacral plexus
Which nerve roots are involved in the brachial plexus?
C5 6 7 8 + T1
which roots merge to become trunks?
C5+6 - upper trunk
C7 - middle trunk
C8+T1 - lower trunk
What parts of the brachial plexus pass behind the clavicle?
What does each trunk divide into as it enter the axilla?
anterior + posterior divisions
What do the divisions merge into to form?
Which divisions make up the lateral, medial & posterior cords?
lateral - 2 upper/lateral anterior divisions
medial - anterior lower/medial divisions
posterior - 3 posterior divisions, in the middle of the other 2 cords
What do the cords become?
branches that are peripheral nerves of the upper limb
List the changes in name of the brachial plexus
roots trunks divisions cords branches
What are cords named in relation to?
axillary artery
What is the most vital area of the plexus anatomically and what part lies in this region?
axilla - cords lie here
What are the 2 branches from the roots?
dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
long thoracic nerve (C5,6+7)
Only the upper trunk has branches. What are these 2?
suprascapular nerve
insignificant nerve to subclavius
What branches do divisions have?
None, they only redistribute fibres into cords
What are branches mostly named in relation to?
which cord they arise from
upper middle lower or lateral medial posterior or anterior posterior, which are cords, which are divisions and which are trunks?
trunks - upper, middle, lower
cords - lateral, medial, posterior
divisions - anterior, posterior
What are the 3 branches coming off the lateral cord?
lateral pectoral nerve
lateral head of median nerve
musculocutaneous nerve
What are the 5 branches of the medial cord?
medial pectoral nerve
2 cutaneous nerves - arm + forearm
medial head of median nerve
ulnar nerve
what are the 5 branches of the posterior cord/
upper + lower subscapular nerve
thoracodorsal nerve
axillary nerve
radial nerve
what is the main single branch of the lateral cord?
musculocutaneous nerve
Describe the distribution of the musculocutaneous nerve
arises from lateral cord
enters coracobrachialis
arises deep to biceps, superficial to brachialis & supplies these elbow flexors
becomes lateral cutaneous nerve lateral & proximal to elbow joint
no motor function below this point
Name 4 functions of musculocutaneous nerve
elbow flexor
shoulder flexor
forearm supinator
sensation on lateral forearm
what is the main nerve continuing from the medial cord?
ulnar nerve
describe the passage of the ulnar nerve
branch of medial cord
passes down medial arm towards elbow posteriorly
behind medial epicondyle of humerus
between 2 heads of flexor carpi ulnaris (supplies)
supplies medial half of flexor digitorum profundus
dorsal cutaneous branch to medial 1.5 fingers posteriorly
2 branches at hand - superficial (cutaneous) & deep - between hypothenar eminence to supply intrinsic muscles of hand
What muscles does the ulnar nerve supply?
flexor carpi ulnaris
medial half of flexor digitorum profundus
deep branch - intrinsic muscles of heand except thenar & lateral 2 lumbricals
What areas does the ulnar nerve give sensation?
dorsal cutaneous branch - medial side of hand & medial 1.5 fingers on posterior surface
superficial branch - palmar surface of 1.5 medial digits
what muscle does the thoracodorsal nerve supply?
latissimus dorsi
what is the main nerve continuing from the posterior cord?
radial nerve
Describe the radial nerve's passage
branch of posterior cord
behind humerus shaft in radial groove
in front of triceps - supplies 3 heads
posterior & lower lateral cutaneous branches supply skin above elbow joint
behind elbow then through brachialis & muscles arising from lateral epicondyle to enter forearm
2 branches - superficial cutaneous & deep posterior interosseous nerve
what muscles does the radial nerve supply/
extensor muscles of forearm
what areas does the radial nerve give cutaneous supply?
lower part of arm above elbow joint - posterior & lower lateral cutaneous nerves of arm
lateral aspect of forearm posteriorly
back of hand under fingers 123
What cords does the median nerve arise from?
lateral & medial cords
Describe median nerve passage
follows axillary artery
into cubital fossa - medial to brachial artery
under pronator teres
under flexor digitorum superficialis & on top of profundus in forearm
superficial towards wrist
under flexor retinaculum at wrist & into hand
supplies lateral 2 lumbricals & thenar eminence
What muscles does median nerve supply?
all muscles of flexor origin (except flexor carpi ulnaris & medial half of digitorum profundus)
What section of palm does median or ulnar nerve supply, & which is more important for sensory/motor function?
median - lateral palm
ulnar - medial palm
median - sensory importance
ulnar - motor importance (small muscles of hand)
If a lesion involves a root, are dermatomes or cuteneous nerve maps more important?
dermatomes indicate areas of skin supplied by nerve roots
Learn cutaneous nerve map of upper limb
Learn nerve root supply of upper limb (dermatomes)