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43 Cards in this Set

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Speeds up a chemical reaction in a living cell without being used up in the process.


The exchange of matter and energy between organism and its environment


Loss of electrons


The gain of electrons

Chemical Equation for photosynthesis

CO2 + H2O ----(LIGHT)-----> Carbohydrate +O2

Joseph Priestly

Ran the experiments with the glass jar, the candle, the mouse, and the mint leaves. Said that the mint leaf mended the air and made it possible for the rat and the candle to survive.

Jan Ingenhousz

1779 Discovered that light is required in order for plants to purify the air, also the green parts of plants,(leaves), were needed.

T.W. Englemann

1882 Demonstrated which parts of the visible light spectrum are required in order for plans to release O2

C.B. Van Niel

1930 Propose that the O2 released by plants in the light comes from the H2O

Calvin, Benson, ect

1946-1953 used 14CO2, Chlorella, And paper chromatography to discover how plants convert CO2 to sugar


The Decomposition or separation of molecules by the action of light. Releases O2 back into the atmosphere.

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

A molecule with three phosphate groups attached to it. Energy. A high energy pond connects to ADP. It's called respiration


Carries the electrons from the light energy collection reactions to the sugar synthesis reactions


The reduction process in which plants convert low energy carbon dioxide to high energy carbohydrate by using light energy captured in ATP

Light Reactions

Energy from light is temporarily captured in ATP and NADPH


Functional and structural units of protein complexes involved in photosynthesis that together carry out the primary photochemistry of photosynthesis. Absorption of light and the transfer of energy and electrons.

Chlorophyll A

A specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygen enic photosynthesise. Absorbs most energy from wave length of Violet blue and orange-red light it also reflects green yellow light

Chlorophyll B

Aids in photosynthesis by absorbing light energy and is more soluble than chlorophyll a.


Orange-red pigment found in carrots and many other plant structures. It is a hydrocarbon with several isono murs of which one is important in the diet as a precursor of vitamin a


Yellow or Brown plant pigment that causes the autumn colors of leaves


Class of mainly yellow, Orange, or read fat-soluble pigments. Which gives color to plant parts such as ripe tomatoes and autumn leaves. C40H56

Accessory Pigments

Light absorbing compounds found in photosynthetic organisms that work in conjection with chlorophyll a.

Reaction center

A complex of several proteins, pigments, and other co-factors that together execute the primary energy conversion reactions of photosynthesis.

Antenna complex

An array of protein and chlorophyll molecules imbedded in the thylakoid membrane of plants, which transfer light energy to one chlorophyll a molecule at the reaction center of the photosystem


The use of light energy from photo sentences to ultimately provide the energy to convert ADP to ATP thus replenishing the universal energy currency in living things.


Eat of a number of flattened sacks inside a chloroplast, bounded by pigmented membranes on which the light reactions of photosynthesis take place, and arranged in stacks or Grana

Thylakoid Membrane

A membrane-bound compartment inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. They are the site of the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis.


The inside space of a tubular structure such as an artery or intestine.


The colorless fluid surrounding the grana within the chloroplast.


Plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.

Calvin cycle

A series of biochemical redox reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplast in photosynthetic organisms. It is also known as the light independent reactions.


And organic substance that is involved in photosynthesis. It is a colorless double phosphate Ester. Called ribulose.


A biochemically significant 3 carbon molecule that is a metabolic intermediate in both glycosis and the Calvin cycle.


A chemical compound that occurs as an intermediate in several central metabolic pathways of all organisms.

CAM Photosynthesis

A carbon fixation pathway that evolved in some plants as an adaptation to arid conditions. In a plant using full cam photosynthesise the stomata in the leaves remain shut during the day to reduce evaporation but open at night to collect carbon dioxide.


An enzyme in the carbo locks is responsible for the formulation of the 4 carbon compound.

PEP Carboxylase

An enzyme found in plants and some bacteria that catalyzes to form the 4 carbon compound.

C4 Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis process of C4 plants is divided between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. A 2 step process


A respiratory process in many higher plants by which they take up oxygen in the light and give out some carbon dioxide, contrary to the general pattern of photosynthesis.

Kranz Anatomy

A distinctive leaf pattern typical in c four plants consisting of two photosynthetic cell types. These are the bundle sheets cells that surround the vascular centers and mesophyll cells that in turn surround the bundle sheath cells.

Bundle Sheath

Air or region of compact lee arranged cells surrounding a vascular bundle in a plant. The bundle sheets regulate the movement of Substances between the vascular tissue and the parenchyma and in leaves protect the vascular tissue from exposure to air.


The inner tissue of a leaf containing many chloroplasts.

C3 Photosynthesis

Plants that use only the Calvin cycle for fixing the carbon dioxide from the air.