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162 Cards in this Set

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deoxyribose nucleic acid; how eukaryotic cells carry their genetic information

What is DNA made of?

deoxyribose, phosphate and a nucleotide

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick with the help of franklin


adenine and guanine due to similar structures


cytosine and thymine with similar structures

adenine pairs with?


guanine pairs with?


how was DNA to be shown as helical?

xray cartography by franklin showed an X

How are the bases of DNA joined together?

hydrogen bonds

how many bonds are between A and T

2 hydrogen bonds

how many bonds are between C and g?

3 hydrogen bonds


opposite, running the opposite direction

complementary strand

each strand contains the paired bases to the other strand

essential property of genetic material

the ability to copy itself.

origins of replication

specific nucleotide sequence that initiates the replication process


required to initiate DNA replication by breaking the hydrogen bonds

dna polymerase

enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of a new DNA strand

replication bubble

the localized regions of synthesis which form at the many origins of replication along the DNA molecule

replication fork

at the ends of the bubble where the strands of DNA are separated into a fork


the two replication forks move in opposite directions

Which direction does DNA polymerase syntehsize in?


leading strand

newly synthesized DNA that is continuous from the beginning of replication

lagging strand

newly synthesized DNA that is in fragments

okazaki fragments

fragmented DNA of lagging strand

DNA ligase

connects the okazaki fragments

daughter cells

the contents of a cell are split between two new cells

why does replication occur?

to replace old cells, growth, or reproduction


nuclear division; a complete set of previously duplicated chromosomes is allocated to each of the daughter cells nuclei


a process that divides the entire cell into two new cells

cell cycle

a regular, repeated sequence after and before mitosis


precedes and follows mitosis divided into three phases; G1, S1 and G2


cytokinesis and mitosis together


plant cells that pass through successive cell cycles

apical meristem

immediate derivatives of initials located at the tips of roots and shoots

G0 phase

when the initials arrest the cycle due to environmental factors causing dormancy


the continued DNA replication before a cell undergoes differentiation

what is the purpose of endoreduplication?

to increase the level of gene expression


crucial transition points in the cell cycle. Near the end of G1 and G2

G1 phase

increase in size, synthesis of more enzymes, ribosomes, organelles, membrane systems, and other cytoplasmic molecules and structures

S phase

(synthesis) histones are processed/synthesized

G2 phase

checks the chromosome replication is complete and any DNA damage is repaired


(not in fungi and plants) formation of spindle fibers for separation of chromosomes


cloud surrounding centrioles

what happens in a plant that doesn't happen in animal mitosis?

the vacuole divides, the nucleus goes to the center and a cell plate forms for cytokinesis

how is the nucleus anchored in the plant cell for mitosis?

cytoplasmic strands


cytoplasmic strands that after anchoring the nucleus merge to form a sheet that bisects the plant cell.

preprophase band

dense band of microtubules encircling the nucleus on a plane corresponding to the equatorial plane of the future mitotic spindle appears during phase G2

cell plate

the initial partition between the daughter cells appearing in telophase

how does the cell plate form?

inside to the outside

what is the order of the phases of mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis


first stage of mitosis; chromatin condenses into chromosomes, chromatids align and bind together, and nuclear envelope disappears

sister chromatids

the initial and duplicated chromatin that "pair" together to make a chromosome


the region where the two sister chromatids are held together


after prophase; chromatids are aligned in the center of the cell by microtubules

mitotic spindle

a 3-d structure that is widest in the middle and tapers towards its poles; appears where the nucleus was

spindle fibers

bundles of microtubules


spindle microtubules that become attached by protein complexes to either side of each chromosome

kinetochore microtubules

microtubules attached to the kinetochore

polar microtubules

spindle microtubules that extend from pole to pole and consists of two halves

how are spindle fibers oriented?

minus end at the poles and plus end pointing away from the pole


after metaphase; the separation of the sister chromatids to opposite poles by the microtubules and at the centromeres are disconnected.

daughter chromosomes

separated sister chromatids

how do the sister chromatids get moved to the poles?

the center is dragged along by a motor protein on the spindle fiber and the end of the spindle fiber is shortened behind it.

motor proteins

use ATP to pull the chromosomes along the microtubules to the poles


final stage of mitosis; nuclear envelopes form, the spindle disappears, and the chromosomes elongate

what is the longest stage of mitosis?



barrel shaped system of microtubules; overlapping microtubules; constructs the cell plate using vessicles

are chromosomes different lengths



the combination of DNA and its associated proteins

what is chromatin mostly composed of?



positively charged, basic and attracted to DNA; synthesized in large amounts during S phase; folding and packaging of DNA


the fundamental packing units of chromatin; core of 8 histones with DNA wrapped twice around


ribonucleic acid; half strand of DNA composed with ribose not deoxyribose

where is RNA mostly found


Path of DNA to proteins


what is the template for mRNA



messenger RNA; synthesized from DNA strand through transcription; U replaces T; carries genetics to ribosomes

RNA polymerase

catalyzes the transcription of DNA to mRNA


ribosomal RNA; composes ribosomes with proteins

where does protein synthesis occur?

ribosomes in the cytosol


transfer RNA; molecules that are each specific for a particular amino acid


the synthesis of a polypeptide directed by the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA


the synthesis of an entire DNA molecule

how many different amino acids are there?

20 different amino acids

genetic code

DNA encodes for proteins (amino acids)


a set of three nucleotides that sequence one amino acid


binding site for RNA polymerase and determine where transcription begins


a sequence that stops transcription


a sequence of 3 nucleotides that binds to the codon on an mRNA molecule


a tRNA with an attached amino acid

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

connects the tRNA to its amino

How many subunits does a ribosome have?

2, one larger than the other

mRNA-binding site

binds the ribosome to the mRNA for transcription

A site

aminoacyl site; where the incoming amino binds

P site

(peptidyl) site; where the tRNA bearing the growing polypeptide chain resides

E site

exit site; from which the tRNAs leave the ribosome after they have released their amino acids


initiation, elongation, termination

initiation stage

smaller ribosomal subunit attaches to mRNA near its 5' end and exposing the first codon, then larger subunit attaches and binds MET to A site

elongation stage

the second codon of mRNA is positioned opposite the vacant ribosomal A site, a tRNA binds to the mRNA and its amino acid occupies the A site of the ribosome. A peptide bond is formed between the two. The first tRNA is released via E site and returns to the cytosol

peptidyl transferase

activity of the larger ribosomal subunit forges a peptide bond between the two amino acids


a group of ribosomes translating the same mRNA strand

termination stage

when the ribosome gets to the stop codon and releases the mRNA

stop codon

stops translation at UAG, UAA or UGA

what is so special about a stop codon in relation to the tRNA

there are no tRNA that match the stop codon

release factors

cytoplasmic proteins that bind directly to a stop codon at the A site

polypeptide/protein targeting and sorting

attachment to the ER early on in the translational process. As the proteins are synthesized they are transferred across the membrane

cotranslational import

proteins are synthesized and transferred into or across a membrane

how many cells does mitosis create?

2 diploid cells

how many cells does meiosis create?

4 haploid cells


a gamete cell that unites with another gamete to produce a diploid cell


a cell that can develop into an organism without another cell

how do spores divide?

mitotically to produce organisms that are haploid (gametes are produced through mitosis)

stages of meiosis

prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, telophase 1, prophase 2, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, telophase 2, cytokinesis

prophase 1

chromosomes condense, homologous pairs form; crossing over occurs


pairing of homologous chromosomes


associated pairs of homologous chromosomes made of 4 chromatids

synaptonemal complex

unites the homologs

crossing over

during the time when then synaptonemal complex is existent, portions of the chromatids break apart and rejoin with corresponding segments from their homologous chromatids


the x-like configuration where crossing over occurs

metaphase 1

the spindle appears, attaches to the centromeres and moves the paired (2) chromosomes to the middle (random assortment)

anaphase 1

homologous chromosomes are split apart and move towards the poles

telophase 1

the chromosomes relax, nuclear envelopes before, spindle disappears, nucleolus reforms

prophase II

chromosomes condense, nucleus disappears

metaphase II

spindle forms, sister chromatids line up in the middle

anaphase II

centromeres separate with the daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles

telophase II

nucleus forms and chromosomes relax (cytokinesis occurs afterwards)

genetic recombination

recombination of the genetic material from two parents


any change to the hereditary makeup of an organism

chromosome mutations

a piece may be deleted, duplicated, or inverted; # of chromosomes are altered

point mutation

only one or a few nucleotides are changed spontaneously or induced by mutagens (sometimes mispairings)


agents that affect DNA; radiation


when segments of a chromosome are lost


when a segment of a chromosome is duplicated


small circular molecules of DNA separate form the main chromosome, may reenter at places where they share sequences


genes that move as small segments of DNA

position effects

neighboring genes affect the transposon or vice versa


when two breaks in a chromosomal segment occur and the segment rotates 180 degrees and reattaches


a segment of DNA from one chromosome is exchanged with a segment from another, non homologous one


the addition or subtraction of a chromosome


the duplication of whole sets of chromosomes

how are mutations in haploid organisms vs diploid?

the haploid mutations are immediately exposed to the surrounding environment (no dominant allele)


biological inheritance


the study of heredity

sexual reproduction

regular alternation between meiosis and fertilization


the process of nuclear division in which the chromosome number is reduced from diploid (2n) to haploid (n). Two divisions=four cells with genetic diversity


the process by which two haploid cells (gametes) fuse to form a diploid zygote

homologous chromosomes/homologs

each chromosome has a partner that resembles it in size, shape, and heredity information


one of two or more alternative forms of the same gene


where alleles occupy the same space on homologous chromosomes

dominant allele

the only trait seen when crossing with a recessive trait; it completely covers the other trait

recessive allele

covered by the dominant trait and never shows in the F1 generation


cross between individuals that differ by one trait


genetic constitution or alleles present


two of the same alleles


two different alleles present


physical appearance caused by the genotype

test cross

the crossing of a homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive

principle of segregation

heredity characteristics are determined by discrete factors (genes) that appear in pairs; one inherited from each parent; meiosis separates the genes and passes them on (ALLELES OF ONE GENE)


the crossing of two individuals with two different traits

principle of independent assortment

the two alleles of a gene assort independently of other alleles (RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN GENES)

linked genes

genes located closely together that are usually inherited together

genetic/linkage maps

provide an approximation of the positions of genes on chromosomes