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18 Cards in this Set

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How are plant cells different from animal cells?

-Cell Walls

-Central vascul


What are the Three Periods of a cell life cycle?

-Interphase: DNA replication occurs

-Mitosis: Growth stops and energy is focused on daughter cell division

-Telophase: Daughter cells are divided

Sexual Cell Reproduction


Parent cells ---> DNA replication ---> 2 Daughter Cells ---> 4 Daughter Cells

Asexual Cell Reproduction


Parent Cells--->DNA Replication--->2 Daughter Cells

Alteration of Generations

(Sporophyte, Meiosis, Gametophyte, zygote Diagram)

What is the energy currency in plants?


How is this energy produce?

Through Photosynthatis

Where does this occur?

In the Chloroplast

Describe process

Photosystem II:

-Light enters through the leaves, the energy taken into the chloroplast.

-There it is taken through the Cytrochrome Complex and into the Thylokoid Space

-H2O is separated out, leaving an H+ molecule and an e- molecule.

-the H+ exits the Thylokoid Space and into the STROMA, beginning Photosystem I.

Photosystem I:

-ADP gains an extra P and becomes ATP

-NADP gains an H+ and becomes NADPH

-Both of these new molecules are combined with Co2 to begin the Calvin Cycle which produces sugar.

How is plant energy used in respiration?

Sugar is broken down to fuel the production of ATP, during which time oxygen is used and Co2 is released. This can occur both during the day (for plants that are active at night) or during the night (for plants that are active during the day).

Where does cellular respiration take place?

In the mitocondria and the cytoplasim.

What is the difference between taxonomic and Cladistic classification?

Cladistic emphasizes evolutionary relationships while taxonomy puts more emphasis on appearance.

Name the 3 domains

Eukariot, Bacteria and Archia

Name the 4 Kindgoms

Fungi, plant, animal and Protus

Fungi Classification


-Multi and single cellular


Plant classification


-Self -feeders


Animal Classification




None of these