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30 Cards in this Set

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What is a hyphus? Mycelium?
hyphus - one long string of fungal cells that are united end-to-end

mycelium - multiple hyphae together - appears fuzzy (moldy)
What is the difference between dermatophytosis and tinea versicolor?
both are cutaneous, hyphae fungal diseases

derm (ringworm, tinea) - pruritic papules/vesicles, broken hair and nails, red ring with central clearing - epidermophyton, trichophyton, microsporum

tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) - ypopigmented areras, pruritis, +/- scaling - malassezia furfur
Which fungal disease is caused by arthrospores in the soil, mainly in the Southwest US?
coccidioimycosis - coccidioides immitis

arthrospores inhaled - transform to endospores - immunosuppressed individuals will disseminate to bones, skin, and CNS

If immunocompetent - Valley Fever (desert rheumatism; san joaquin valley fever) - fever, cough, arthralgia
What test is used to check for cryptococcus meningitis?
India ink stain

cryptococcus neoformans

bird droppings - yeast inhaled - asymptomatic or pneumo - disseminates to CNS if immunosuppressed
What fungus is a v-shaped septate hyphae?
aspergillus - monomorphic fungus : mold grow in decaying vegetation

grow in warm cavities like from TB or Wegener's or in deep recesses of the sinuses or any anomalous outpouchings of external auditory canal

cause fungus balls

contaminate the bronchi causing allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

high IgE
What is mucormycosis?
mucor or rhizopus

monomorphi fungus - mold

attacks patients with weak immunity - inhaled

multiply in blood vessel walls - mainly of GI, lungs, and paranasal sinuses - block blood vessels - infarction and necrosis

DKA, burns, leukemia most susceptible

non-septate hyphae with right angled branches
What is the process that malaria infects humans?
spread by mosquitoes

sporozoites are injected into blood - gain entry because they live in the saliva of mosquitoes - within 30 mins of entry, the sporozoites enter the liver and develop into MEROZOITES

merozoites are only life cycle stage of malarial organisms that enter RBCs - the merozoites leave the liver and enter the RBCs where they undergo several different stages of development - eventually yields 8-24 new merozoites from 1 RBC

new merozoites lyse the RBC - causing severe hemolysis and cycle continues
What RBC are attacked in the 4 different plasmodium species?
vivax/ovale (+ hypnozoites) - only immature RBCs

falciparum - RBCs of all ages and at all stages. More RBC infected - occlusion of capillaries with RBC aggregates - hemorrhage and necrosis of many organs including the brain - cerebral malaria - urine is dark due to hemogloinuira

malariae - only mature RBCs are infected
What is the only way you can diagnose pneumocystis carinii (pneumo jiroveci)?
dx: bronchial lavage with silver stain of specimen (NOT XRAY)

in horses, sheep, rodents - transmitted by inhalation

asymptomatic in most - can cause a diffuse, bilateral interstitial pneumo

common in AIDS and premies

spreads to liver, spleen, BM - 50% survive with treatment

sudden onset fever, cough, dyspnea

alveolar cysts - inflammation - frothy exudates - decreased O2 exchange - (late AIDS) disseminates to liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow
What protozoa is commonly passed on from cats?
toxplasma gondii

toxo encephalitis - immunocomp; neuro signs - +multiple ring-enhancing lesions in brain

congenital - MR, heart defects, chorioretinities, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, IC calcifications

acquired from contaminated food or inhalation onto GI mucosa
What form of Leishmania is caused by sandflies? what does it cause?

reservoir - dogs, foxes, rodents

causes Kala-Azar and Black Sickness

bite - to RES to cause Kala-Azar - if untreated, progresses to GI bleed, intermittent fever, weight loss, hyperpigmentation - black sickness

100% mortality w no treatment

Tx: stibogluconate (cutaneous); amp B (mucosal/systemic)
What is the cause of Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis)?
Trypanosoma cruzi

Vector - reduviid bug (kissing bug)

bite - facial edema - focal nodule (2 mos later) - most asymptomatic, but many there is invasion of myocytes and GI plexus - arrhythmias or CHF or toxic megacolon or mega-esophagus with achalasia

tx: nifurtimax if early
What are the causes of East/West African sleeping sickness? Treatment?
East - rhodesiense - tsetse vector, cattle reservoir, more severe, fatal

West - gambiense - vector tsetse fly, reservoir humans, along waterways

enter skin by bite, enter blood, enter lymph nodes, enter brain

Tx: suramin or pentamidine (only curative if given prior to encephalitis stage). Suramin can be used for either East or West, but is DOC for early East. Pentamidine is DOC for early West

If encephalopathic stage - Melarsoprol +/- eflornithine are DOC
M - DOC for late east
E - DOC for late West
What is the cause of amebiasis?
entamoeba histolytica

cysts have 4 nuclei, trophozoite has classic amoeba appearance

infects colon

cysts - divide into 8 throphozoites - cause tear drop or flask-shaped ulcers in colon (bloody diarrhea) - may enter portal vein - enter liver - cause hepatic abscess

fecal oral, anal sex
What causes giardiasis?
giardia lamblia

fecal oral

cysts - 4 nuclei; trophozoite - 2 nuclei, 4 pairs of flagella

infects SI

associated with hikers/campers drinking stream water

non-bloody, FOUL-smelling diarrhea (foul because of malabsorption of fat and protein due to inflammation)

Dx: string test; giardia Ab or stool wet mount
What protozoa can be acquired by swimming in warm water in Southern US?
naegleria fowleri

an amoeba

enters nasal mucosa and passes thru cribriform plate

causes purulent meningoencephalitis

What are the different helminths?
Helminths: Nematodes (round worms), Platyhelminthes (flatworms)

Platyhelminthes (flatworms): Trematodes (flukes), Cestodes (tapeworms)

Trematodes (flukes): Schistosoma (blood fluke), Paragonimus (lung fluke), Clonorchis (liver fluke)
Describe the host, egg features, infection route, and settling area of the flukes
Sch. Mansoni - snail, large lateral spine, infects thru skin from water, settles in veins of colon

Sch japonicum - snail, small lateral spine, infects thru skin from water, veins of small intestine (+/- liver)

Sch hematobium - snail, large terminal spine, thru skin from water, settles in veins of bladder

Clonorchis sinesis - snails and fish, ingested with raw fish, settles in liver and bile ducts

Paragonimus westermani - snail and crab, ingested with raw crab, settles in lung
What is the MOA of schistosoma?
free swimming immature forms in water enter skin - enter blood - ener arterial circulation - enter liver - MATURE into adult flukes - migrate against portal flow to live in preferred mesenteric vessel

itching and dermatitis at entry site - fever, chills, diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, hepatoslplenomegaly, eosinophila - period free of symptoms - bleeding and portal HTN (mansoni/japonicum) or bladder fibrosis (hematobium)
What is the MOA of clonorchis?
ingestion of contaminated fish - cysts excyst in small intestine - swim retrograde up bile ducts - MATURE to adults - mate - eggs go out with stool

leads to cholangitis - chronic infection can lead to cholangiocarcinoma
what is the MOA of paragonimus?
ingestion of contaminated crab - cyst excyst in small intestine - penetrate intestine wall - migrate to and THRU diaphragm - enter lung - MATURE - mate - eggs enter bronchi - eggs coughed up or swallowed/defecated

yields chronic cough with bloody sputum - dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain - recurrent secondary bacterial pneumo (mimics TB)
Which stage of Taenia Solium is worse/
immature forms that are ingested in eggs via fecal oral transmission

eggs hatch and immature forms penetrate intestine wall and migrate

settle in brain, eyes and develop into cysticerci

headache, vomiting, focal neuro deficits, seizures, uveitis, retinitis - CYSTICERCOSIS - death
What are the 3 outcomes for taenia saginata (beef worm)?
humans eat undercooked beef - settle in SI and mature to adult forms:

eggs pass with stool and is eaten by cows to start cycle over

malaise and cramps

worms emerge out butthole
how can Echinococcus granulosus cause fatal anaphylaxis?
dog tapeworm

human ingests dog feces with eggs

eggs develop into cysts in lung (hemoptysis), liver (liver dysfunction), and brain (headache, focal, neuro deficits)

cysts rupture - hundreds of worm released into brain

fatal anaphylaxis

must be surgically removed
What is the #1 helminth (pinworm) in the US?
enterobius vermicularis

occurs only in humans

dx: scotch tape test

perianal pruritis, especially at night

ingest eggs - hatch in small intestine - mature to adults - migrate to colon - mate - at night, female migrates to anus to lay eggs
What is the difference between Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale?
AD - same pathogenesis, properties, and clinical findings as necator (except this one has teeth) - tropical areas

NA - american hookworm (rural SE US) - pruritis at entry site, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, Fe-deficient anemia

walk in bare feet or recline on moist soil, grass - larvae penetrate skin - enter blood - enter lung - ascend - wallowed - go to small intestine - mature - feed on blood of GI capillaries and produce eggs that pass with stool
What tapeworm is common in undercooked pork or BEAR or seal?
trichinella spiralis

causes trichinosis

fever, myalgia, periorbital edema, eosinophilia +/- CNS and cardiac symptoms

ingests cysts - cysts excyst in SI - mature - mate - produce eggs - hatech - larvae penetrate gut wall and enter blood - enter many organs and enter skeletal muscle - develop into cysts
What is a cause of elephantiasis?
Wuchereria bancrofti

causes filariasis (massive lymph node obstruction with limb edema) and elephantiasis (advanced filariasis)

asymptomatic initially - fever, lymphangitis, cellulitis - lymph node welling, edema and fibrosis of legs and genitals

mosquito bite - larvae enter skin - enter and reside in lymph node - mature to produce microfilariae - enter blood
What tapeworm causes the skin to have a "crawling movement" under the skin?
dranunculus medinesis

guinea fire worm - dranunculiasis

crawling movement under skin - multiple burning, pruritic ulcerated and blistered papules
What does ancylostoma caninum/braziliense cause?
cutaneous larva migrans (creeping eruption)

from cats and dogs

very pruritic curvilinear reddened lesions

walk barefoot on grass, soil contaminated with dog and cat feces - larvae penetrate skin - migrate through subq tissue - causes inflammatory response