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54 Cards in this Set

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Helps to form the anterior cranial fossa; forms part of the nasal septum and the lateral walls and roof of the nasal cavity ; contributes to the medial wall of the orbit
Found in middle ear cavity; involved in sound transmission
Ear ossicles
Attachment point for the falx cerebri, a dural membrane
Crista galli
Allows passage of nerve filaments of the olfactory nerves (cranial nerve I)
Cribriform plate
Form part of lateral walls of nasal cavity; increase turbulence of air flow
Superior and middle nasal conchae
Forms forehead; superior part of orbits and anterior cranial fossa; contains sinuses
Forms most of the superior and lateral aspects of the skull
Forms posterior aspect and most of the base of the skull
Forms inferolateral asects of the skull and contributes to the middle cranial fossa; has squamous, mastoid, tympanic,and petrous regions
Keystone of the cranium; contributes to the middle cranial fossa and orbits; main parts are the body, greater wings, lesser wings, and pterygoid processes
Allow the superorbital arteries and nerves to pass.
Superorbital foramina

Allows the spinal cord to issue from the brain stem to enter the vertebral canal
Foramen magnum
Allows passage of the hypoglossal nerve
(cranial nerve XII)
Hypoglossal canal
Articulate with the atlas
(first vertebra)
Occipital condyles
Sites of muscle aatachment
External occipital protuberance and nuchal lines
Attachment site of ligamentum nuchae
External occiptal crest
Helps to form the zygomatic arch, which forms the prominence of the cheek
Zygomatic process
Articular point of the mandibular condyle
Mandibular fossa
Canal leading from the external ear to the eardrum
External auditory (acoustic) meatus
Attchment site for hyoid bone and several neck and several neck muscles
Styloid process
Attachment site for several neck and tongue muscles
Mastoid process
Allows cranial nerve VII
(facial nerve) to pass
Stylomastoid foramen
Allows passage of the internal jugular vein and cranial nerves IX, X, and XI
Jugular foramen
Allows passage of cranial nerves VII and VIII
Internal acoustic meatus
Allows passage of internal carotid artery
Carotid canal
Hypophyseal fossa portion is the seat of the pituitary gland
Sella turcica
Allow passage of cranial nerve II and the opthalmic arteries
Optic canals
Allow passage of cranial nerves III,IV, VI, part of V
(opthalmic division), and opthalmic vein
Superior orbital fissures
Allows passage of the maxillary division of cranial nerve V
Foramen rotundum
Allow passage of the mandibular division of cranial nerve V
Foramen ovale
Allows passage of the middle meningeal artery
Foramen spinosum
The lower jaw
Keystone bones of the face; form the upper jaw and parts of the hard palate, orbits, and nasal cavity walls
Form the cheek and part of the orbit
Construct the bridge of the nose
Form part of the medial orbit wall
Form posterior part of the hard palate and a small part of the nasal cavity and orbit walls
Part of the nasal septum
Form part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
Inferior nasal concha
Insertion points for the temporalis muscles
Coronoid processes
Articulate with the temporal bones in freely movable joints (temporomandibular joints) of the jaw
Mandibular condyles
Allow blood vessels and nerves to pass to the chin and lower lip
Mental foramina
Medial fusion point of the mandibular bones
Mandibular symphysis
Permit the inferior alveolar nerves to pass
Mandibular foramina
Sockets for the teeth
Help from the zygomatic arches
Zygomatic processes
form the anterior hard palate; meet in medial palatine suture
Palatine processes
Form part of lateral aspect of bridge of nose
Frontal processes
Permits blood vessels and nerves to pass through hard palate (fused palatine processes)
Incisive fossa
Houses the lacrimal sac, which helps to drain tears into the nasal cavity
Lacrimal fossa
Permit maxillary branch of cranial nerve V, the zygomatic nerve, and blood vessels to pass
Inferior orbital fissures
What are the SEVEN cranial bones?

hint: STEEP OF

Ear Ossicles
Allows passage of infraorbital nerve to skin of face
Infraorbital foramen
What are the EIGHT facial bones?
Inferior nasal concha