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17 Cards in this Set

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Short Bones

- cube shaped

- wrists (carpals) and ankles (tarsals)
- limited movement

Irregular Bones

- varied

- vertebrae

Sesamoid Bones

- born within a tendon as a small cartilaginous seed

- they ossify when baby begins to bear weight

- patella, base of toe and thumb

Fibrous Articulation

- ends held together by short, strong, fibrous tissue

- immovable

- skull

Cartilaginous Articulation

- can be separated by a disc of tough fibrous tissue

- joined by cartilage or collagen fibres

- eg. between vertebrae

- very little movement

Synovial Articulation

- typically at ends of long bones

- cartilage covers bone end

- no direct bone contact

- ligaments cross joint

- permit maximum movement

- shoulder, hip, knee, elbow

Articular Capsule Ligament

- contains joint contents


- membrane on inner lining of joint capsule

- produces synovial fluid, stimulated by movement

Synovial Fluid

- reduces frictional forces within joints

- very viscose

- 2-3ml within knee joint

- transports nutrients to articular surface (particularly cartilage)

- less produced with age


- connect bone to bone

- fibrous, relatively inelastic

- prone to injury from excessive force

- responsible for joint stability

- outside synovial membrane

Hyaline Cartilage

- reduces friction and cushions impact

- on surface of articulating bones in weight bearing joints

- deterioration causes severe pain and restriction of movement

Ball & Socket Joint

- ball shaped end of bone fits into joint capsule

- more mobile, less stable

- hip and shoulder

Hinge Joint

- bones move along one axis

- mainly flexion and extension

- less moveable

- elbow, knee, interphalangeal

Pivot Joint

- a bone rotates around another bony prominence

- proximal radioulna joint, atlas and axis

- pronation and supination

Gliding Joints

- when two flat surfaces slide over one another

- carpals and tarsals

- very little movement

Saddle Joint

- articulating surfaces are convex and concave, like a saddle

- least common

- found in thumb

Types of Joint

- ball and socket

- hinge

- pivot

- gliding

- saddle