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45 Cards in this Set

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Wolf's Law

The Bone will be remodeled according to it's stresses. More work bone increases, less work , bone decreses

Flat Bones

Ribs and Cranium

Short Bones

Carpals, Tarsals

Irregular Bones

Vertebrae, Facial Bones

Sesamoid Bones

Some Tendons over joints; patella

Wormian Bones

Skull Structures



Bone Marking, Bony Landmarks


Projection of a bone



Smooth, rounded articular projection


Raised area on, or above a condyle


Smooth, nearly flat surface


Distinct ridge; rough


Sharp projection from a bone


Large round projection


Small round projection


Hole allowing nerve or vessels to pass through


Air space in some skull bones


Depression on bone surface


Short channel or passageway; tube like , longer than a hole


Slit like opening

Temporal bone

Has mastoid sinuses, external auditory meatus, mastoid process, styloid process, zygomatic process; side of skull

Frontal bone

Front; paranasal sinuses

Ethmoid bone

Between eyes, paranasal sinuses, most of septum

Sphenoid bone

Paranasal sinuses; looks like butterfly, holds and protect pituitary gland

Occipital bone

Foramen magnum, spinal cord passes through.

Hyoid bone

Just below mandible, muscles attach to it, doesn't articulate with any other bone

Vetebral column

7 cervical

12 thoracic

5 lumbar

5 sacrum

4 coccyx

24 typical, 33 total

Neural arch

Aka vertebral arch

Behind the body, formed by two pedicles and two lamina

Vertebral foramen

Hole through the bony ring formed by both pedicles and both lamina

Transverse processes

Lateral projections from each vertebral arch , attachment points for muscles

Spinous process

Projects posteriorly from each vertebral arch

Bony lumps you feel down your back!

Articulating processes

On top and bottom of each vertebral arch

Intervertebral foramina

Hole formed between two vertebrae.

Spinal nerves exit spinal column through these spaces

Three joint complex

Between any two vertebrae

1 disk

2 facet joints

Bending forwards compresses....

The disk

Bending backward compresses...

The facet joints

What passes through the transverse foramina?

The vertebral artery

The facets in the cervical vertebrae are...

Horizontal rather than vertical

What two cervical vertebrae don't have same characteristics as every other cervical vertebrae?

Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2)

The Atlas (C1)

No central body

Articulate with occipital bone

Larger foramen

Allows head to rock

No spinous process

The Axis (C2)

Allows head to go side to side

Projects into atlas

Dens / odontoid

Where the atlas sits and is able to rotate

Costovertebral facet

Articulation rib with vertebral body

Costotransverse facet

Articulation of rib with transverse process

Demicostovertebral facet

Articulation of rib with 2 vertebral bodies