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12 Cards in this Set

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Sternoclavicular Joint
Saddle joint-

Clavicle articulates with acromion of scapula
Protraction, retraction, elevation, depression
Glenohumeral joint
Ball and socket joint-

Humerus head articulates with glenoid cavity with lip of cartilage and ligaments providing support
Adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, medial rotation, lateral rotation
Humeroulnar joint
Hinge joint-

ulna olecranon process and coronoid process articulates with the humerus at the olecranon and coronoid fossa
flexion, extension
Humeroradial joint
Shallow ball and socket joint-

Radial head articulates with the capitulum
Pronation, supination
Radioulnar joint
Pivot joint-
pronation, supination
Sacroiliac joint:
Synovial joint-

Ilium articulates with the sacrum
Elevation, depression
Hip joint:
Ball and socket joint-

Femur head articulates with the coxa's acetabulum
Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, medial rotation, lateral rotation
Knee joint:
Hinge joint-

Tibia articulates with femur at medial and lateral condyles
Flexion, extension, small degree of rotation in knee-locking
Metacarpophalangeal joints:
Hinge joints-

Metacarpals articulate with phalanges
Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension
Interphalangeal joints
Hinge joints-
Flexion, extension
Tibiofibular joint
Non-moving joint

Tibia articulates with fibula proximally and distally through an interosseous membrane
No movement
Talocrural joint: ankle joint
Saddle joint-

articulation of tibia and fibula with the talus
Plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion